[Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Forty-Three

Appearing Characters: Aramar Thorne, Boros, Elissa Cross, Fateema, Jheel, Liiraluma, Makasa Flintwill, Maraad, Medivh, Menelaous, Naielle, Remnii, Riff, Seria, Tol'vas Moonshadow, Thrud, Uther Menethil, Uuna, Velameestra Windrunner

July 31st

As the adrenaline of the battle winds down, they see the approaching rangari led by both Naielle and Boros atop his elekk. Maraad goes over to Tol’vas and helps him to his feet.

Maraad says: Are you alright, Tol’vas?
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: ...exhausted.

Remnii also checks in on the others.

Vel gets to her feet shakily.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Are you good, Uther?
Uther Menethil says: Nothing worse for the wear. I’ll heal.

He also gets to his feet.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Good.
Medivh says: Good work everyone. That got hairy for a moment, but it’s good to see that everyone got through that without any permanent injuries. And we aren’t alone. Friends of yours?

He looks to the rangari and then over to the other draenei.

Maraad says: High Vindicator Boros.

He gestures to the clear draenei knight atop the elekk--a broad man with wild hair. There is caked, green blood on the tusks of his war elekk and splattered across his armor. Naielle glances around the area to ensure the coast is, in fact, clear, her dark, black-violet skin and dark blue hair blending into the shadows.

Maraad says: And that is Exarch Naielle, the leader of the rangari.

Naielle gives some commands to the other rangari and asks them to spread out and ensure no one escapes. Boros undoes some of the latches on the seat of the elekk and swings himself down to the ground.

Exarch Boros says: When we heard a disturbance in the camp, we knew something was happening. I should have guessed you would be at the heart of it, Maraad.

Maraad salutes.

Maraad says: High Vindicator. Apologies, we did not know what would be occurring--
Liiraluma says: We kind of did though!

Luma looks up from the vector coil, and Boros smirks.

Exarch Boros says: Do not misunderstand.. It was fortuitous timing.
Exarch Naielle says: We have been keeping this place under surveillance for some time after your report reached my ears. We were looking for weak points and watching… then we sensed something unfolding at the center. And here you are. Remnii.

She nods in Remnii’s direction.

Remnii says: It is good to see you both again, Exarchs.

Boros offers a deep bow.

Exarch Boros says: It is an honor to see you returned to us safely.

Remnii bows her head in turn, and Boros steps around the carnage and heads through the now stationary vector coil and approaches Sironas’s body.

Exarch Boros says: Do you mind informing me of what happened here?

Naielle follows him.

Exarch Naielle says: That is… Sarona. She was the mole?
Remnii says: I am sorry to say, yes.
Exarch Naielle says: I suspected there may have been informants within the teams on Azuremyst Isle, but she… she earned her rank for a reason. I was unable to find proof that she or any were responsible for this.

Naielle slings her bow over her shoulder and looks down at the body with a scowl.

Exarch Naielle says: You gave her no mercy. Good. Traitors deserve as much.

She switches to draenic.

Exarch Naielle says [draenic]: May the Light have mercy on your soul, for you received your justice from us.

Naielle quickly rummages over Sironas’s armor and removes her various insignias and other indicators that would mark her as a rangari. She then turns in the direction of the other carnage and goes to investigate, and she and Boros are debriefed on the situation.

The fel lord’s body had started to burn apart, leaving only bones.

Uther Menethil says: I don’t suppose anyone would be willing to explain what this is?

Uther points up at the vector coil.

Liiraluma says: This…!

They motion with the stump of their arm.

Liiraluma says: This is the mechanism that would theoretically keep the Exodar in space and moving. It’s functionally the engine… do you know what engines are?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Goblins have them.
Liiraluma says: Who are the goblins?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Small green humanoids. They work with a lot of technology though theirs is… fickle.
Liiraluma says: Fickle… I see. It is the machine that powers it to move. This vector coil is a key piece of keeping that fortress from Legion hands. Do you follow that?
Uther Menethil says: About as much as could be expected.
Liiraluma says: I do not know enough about your… planet.
Velameestra Windrunner says: It’s functionally the horse drawing the metaphorical wagon.
Liiraluma says: I don’t know what a horse is…
Velameestra Windrunner says: A creature with similar purpose to that.

Vel points to the elekk.

Liiraluma says: Elekks are too big for some carts. But, good enough.
Uther Menethil says: We have been very much lacking in cultural exchange.
Remnii says: I have never actually set foot on one of these while moving. I was inside one in stasis, but I was always on the land. Unfortunately the art of crystal artifice is a bit beyond me. But I was not lying when I said the Exodar was one fourth of a greater whole. I have been aboard the other three.

Luma glances at her.

Remnii says: But they are long gone.

Luma then curses and looks back to the vector coil.

Exarch Boros says: Well, thanks to all of you, we are able to recover it. It is good it did not fall into the bastardous hands of the Legion. There’s no telling what they can do with the naaru’s technology.
Liiraluma says: It’s been in the weather for a decade!
Exarch Boros says: Do you think you and your corp can fix it?
Liiraluma says: The Exodar will fly again or I will die trying.
Exarch Boros says: That is what I like to hear!

Luma scoffs and continues on the coil.

Exarch Boros says: But you have all done not only our people a great service, but one to this world as well. We will ensure this place remains in draenic hands and the influence of the demons comes nowhere near. We will do what we can to ensure any more of Sironas’s adherents are expunged, and they do no more damage.
Liiraluma says: Good!
Remnii says: Thank you all for… risking yourselves yet again for all we have to recover. I wish to someday show you a better, more complete face of the draenei, but that will have to come with time.

Remnii bows to the party.

Velameestra Windrunner says: It’s the least we can do at the end of the day.
Uther Menethil says: All steps towards defeating the Legion once and for all.

Boros gives a devilish grin.

Exarch Boros says: Krona ki cristorr.

Uther nods back.

Uther Menethil says: Krona ki cristorr.

Naielle looks over to Remnii.

Exarch Naielle says: Agent Samaara? I presume she is elsewhere.
Remnii says: She is aiding us in other ways, yes.

Naielle nods and then looks to the rest of the group.

Exarch Naielle says: It may not be safe to linger without protection. The area is irradiated. We have protective equipment back at our camp, but it is some distance. If you would like, we can escort you back, or if you have other means to travel.
Velameestra Windrunner says: We have magics that will offer us a safe respite.
Remnii says: I believe we should rest sooner rather than later.
Liiraluma says: Exarch Naielle, please tell me someone here brough their equipment.
Exarch Naielle says: There is a small team of artificers following behind us. I will send them the green signal that they may approach.
Liiraluma says: Excellent! That means my job here is done.

Luma looks at the group.

Liiraluma says: You all fought bravely. Try not to die. Shame to lose moxy like that!

She points at Uther.

Liiraluma says: It was nice to meet you, I hope next time we can culturally exchange more than blood and guts and horrific face things! Have a good one. I’m going to go--actually no, I’m staying here.

Vel opens up the portal to her magnificent mansion.

Velameestra Windrunner says: If anyone else would like to use the accommodations, you’re welcome to--at least to eat. It should be able to feed everyone.

The group heads into the mansion and Remnii does some magical healing. Some of the other draenei do funnel in to eat as well.

Once everyone had time to decompress, Uther finds Vel. Vel is carrying her armor with her.

Uther Menethil says: Vel do you have a moment?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Uther? Yeah. What is it?
Uther Menethil says: Private perhaps?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Sure, in your room then?

They go into the room. As soon as the door shuts, Uther crushes Vel in a hug. Not the usual comforting, but desperate clinging. Uther begins to sob. Vel gets stiff before returning the hug.

Velameestra Windrunner says: It’s okay.
Uther Menethil says: I’m so sorry. I’m so so sorry.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Why are you apologizing?
Uther Menethil says: I couldn’t protect you.
Velameestra Windrunner says: What do you mean?
Uther Menethil says: You were right there. You were right there and you were dying. And there was nothing I could do. I tried so hard and still I had to watch you almost die.

There’s a pause.

Uther Menethil says: You tried so hard to tell me. And you tried but I didn’t listen. I’m sorry for that. And I’m sorry it took almost losing you to see it.
Velameestra Windrunner says: You didn’t lose me I’m right here. And I’m not going anywhere.

Uther takes a breath and swallows.

Uther Menethil says: No, but you did watch me die.

Vel freezes.

Uther Menethil says: And I am so sorry for putting you through that. I didn’t know. I didn’t know what it felt like.
Velameestra Windrunner says: So that’s…
Uther Menethil says: No it’s not. Vel, I can’t lose you. And not as a prince of Lorederon, or a knight of the Silver Hand. Or anything else I might be. Vel, as a frightened boy half a world away from his home I can’t lose my best friend.
Velameestra Windrunner says: You won’t. I’m right here. And I’m not going to go anywhere.
Uther Menethil says: And you’re not going to lose me either.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Okay. Alright.
Uther Menethil says: To that end. That spell that Remnii used on you. Can you teach me?

Vel freezes again.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Can I… teach you?
Uther Menethil says: Yes, I need to learn how to do that.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I don’t need to tell you that it’s sacrilege.
Uther Menethil says: The Light will forgive me.

Vel looks like she’s going to start to cry.

Velameestra Windrunner says: I… yes… I can teach you how to do that.
Uther Menethil says: Excellent.
Velameestra Windrunner says: How about we rest tonight? And I can show you how to do it tomorrow?
Uther Menethil says: Very good.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Okay.

Uther gives Vel the usual Uther hug. Vel squeezes him back. As she releases she realizes she’s smeared a bit of tear-blood onto his tunic

Velameestra Windrunner says: Oh, shit. Sorry.

She uses [Prestidigitation] to clean up the blood.

Uther Menethil says: I don’t mind.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Alright. If you need anything else I’ll be around.
Uther Menethil says: Me too.
Velameestra Windrunner says: And always will be.

She scoops up her armor that she dropped. She goes to the door, but hesitates.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Goodnight Uther.
Uther Menethil says: Goodnight Vel.

She slips out, closing the door behind her. She sits for a moment before going to find Remnii.

Remnii is in her room, surrounded by pillows, and Vel knocks on the door.

Remnii says: Come in.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Remnii, hi. I hope I’m not bothering you. I was wondering if you know the mending spell by chance?

Vel is a little bit shaky.

Remnii says: I do. What can I help you with?
Velameestra Windrunner says: I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind repairing this?

She shows her the tattered armor. With a grimace but a smile, Remnii nods.

Remnii says: It should not take too long.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I imagine we’re going to take a day or so.
Remnii says: And I imagine debriefing will be important. And taking some time to recover. I try not to push my luck with you and Uther. I know you both are experiencing a lot. I always want to ask but I feel as though I…
Velameestra Windrunner says: I’m processing a couple things, I think. It normally takes me a second.
Remnii says: It’s good you take that time. Jumping head first into things is recipe for danger. More danger, anyway.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I tend to not be particularly impulsive. But I also wanted to thank you. For bringing me back.
Remnii says: Oh.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Which um. If I observed correctly, this is what that means to your people.

Vel steps forward and leans her forehead forward. As Vel’s forehead touch’s Remnii’s she’s surprised. Remnii chuckles, and presses her crest against Vel. Remnii touches her hand to the back of Vel’s head pushing them in for a moment. She lets go in time.

Remnii says: A keen eye as ever.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I interpreted that correctly then.
Remnii says: Yes, it is between friends and family, and everyone else. But thank you Vel for paying attention. I would be, for as long as I fight by your side, it is in turn the least I can do. I am not much of a warrior myself. Thus, those who put their lives on the line are both blessed and very special to me in that sense. So thank you for fighting so hard for people that are not your own.
Velameestra Windrunner says: It’s what friends do. For what it’s worth, though you may not be a warrior you are far from defenseless from what I’ve seen.
Remnii says: That’s come a long way in the last few years. But, I digress.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I’ll leave that with you, don’t feel obligated to rush or anything.
Remnii says: It will not take too long. It gives me something to do besides… nothing at this point.
Velameestra Windrunner says: If you need anything else let me know.
Remnii says: Even this is more than enough, a real step towards a real bed!

Remnii pats her pillow nest and Vel smirks.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Do you need any more pillows or is this a good amount?
Remnii says: I think if I get anymore I won’t need blankets. Maybe one more? Just one.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Have a good night, Remnii.
Remnii says: You too, Vel.

Later a mana wyrm comes to Remnii’s room with an extra pillow in its mouth.

Aramar and Makasa are in the bar, and Vel goes to check on them. Aramar is a bit drunk and says drinks are on him, and Makasa retorts that they’re free.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Everyone enjoying themselves?
Aramar Thorne says: Yeah, I mean fuck yeah! I got to kick Silverlaine’s ass. I got this!

He holds up the compass.

Aramar Thorne says: And no one died! I say that’s a good day.
Velameestra Windrunner says: So when you say you kicked Silverlaine’s ass?
Aramar Thorne says: Oh yeah, I guess you were a little busy…
Makasa Flintwill says: Our lightweight friend here dragged him off of you while he was trying to drive his blade through your chest, and thoroughly distracted him. With no small amount of impressive sword work. Where was that during our training session?
Aramar Thorne says: Uh. I dunno. I just think it was… I dunno. I just knew what I had to do so I did it.
Makasa Flintwill says: You’ve grown very strong, Aramar.

Aramar blushes, and Makasa pats his head. They seem to be closer now than they ever had while traveling with them. There’s a level of a sibling energy to their interaction rather than simply friends.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Well I appreciate it Aramar; you assuring that my heart remains firmly in my chest.
Aramar Thorne says: Despite what Makasa would tell you, I don’t like being responsible for girls hearts being broken.

Makasa laughs.

Makasa Flintwill says: You know, you were not the one who would be responsible for breaking someone’s heart in that instance. But I know what you’re saying, little brother.
Aramar Thorne says: You get the point.
Makasa Flintwill says: That thing got a pretty good upper hand on you, Velameestra.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Yes, a bit of an underestimation of the situation which won’t happen again.
Makasa Flintwill says: You look like shit. Are you going to be able to rest? Or is your condition be pulling an all nighter.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I don’t have a resting place I’m afraid.

Makasa gestures to the seat she was sitting in. Vel takes the seat. Makasa goes through her stuff and puts a small stonework glass in front of Vel.

Makasa Flintwill says: Drink this.

Vel looks at the drink.

Velameestra Windrunner says: I don’t get drunk, you know that?
Makasa Flintwill says: This isn’t to get you drunk. It’s to help with the pain.

Makasa has some bandages, some needles, some herbs, and some other equipment.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Ah. Well probably not worse than the tattoo under my eye then.
Makasa Flintwill says: The creature’s venom likely has not gotten too deep for me to extract, but it won’t be comfortable. But if you’re not getting rest it likely won’t pass through your system quickly. But I should be able to help take the edge off. But it won’t feel good.
Velameestra Windrunner says: You know what, try me.

Mak: I would have you bite on my thumb, but given the circumstance…

Velameestra Windrunner says: Lets not do that.

Over the course of the next few minutes Makasa applies the poltice that she applies that allows her to reduce maximum hit point loss. She uses some herbs to numb the area, and while it doesn’t feel good at all, she’s done within a couple of minutes. It’s not as worse as a vampire bite, so Vel is good.

Makasa Flintwill says: How do you feel now, better?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Much better. Thank you.
Makasa Flintwill says: Good.
Velameestra Windrunner says: It would be my luck I’m not one of the undead immune to that.
Makasa Flintwill says: We all have our strengths and weaknesses. I think that’s a fair tradeoff for all of the exceptionally useful things you offer to this expedition, if I do say so myself.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I suppose being able to provide free drinks are a boon in that regard
Makasa Flintwill says: Had I not already sworn a life debt to the Thorne family, you might have found yourself with one after providing something like that.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I’m not sure I need another life debt.

Makasa chuckles before reclaiming her seat.

Vel goes over to Medivh and holds out her arm.

Velameestra Windrunner says: I saw you panting, and if you need it.
Medivh says: Heh. Appreciated, Vel. I am going to need to owe you a great debt once we get back to Karazan. All of you, really.

Medivh takes her hand and siphons some magic from her.

Velameestra Windrunner says: As long as you leave enough for a dream ritual, you’re good.
Medivh says: Oh, I think it would be wise of me to take that much. Thank you, I appreciate it.

Vel chills for a second making small talk before heading back downstairs.

Later that evening as Vel is in her room, Medivh does walk through the door, and looks around.

Medivh says: Ah. It did work. Look at that.

Vel raises an eyebrow.

Medivh says: Well, you mentioned you were reading for the evening. Sometimes the intricacies of the books that we intake could be more enjoyable if we have someone to share them with afterwards.
Velameestra Windrunner says: If you want to stay you’re welcome to.
Medivh says: Don’t mind if I do.

Medivh sits next to Vel where he “crashes” for the evening with her.

Also later that evening Maraad knocks on Remnii’s door.

Maraad says: Remnii, it’s me.
Remnii says: Come in!

Maraad enters.

Maraad says: I just wanted to check in on you before turning in. I wanted to make sure you were doing alright.

Remnii smiles, putting the finishing touches on Vel’s arm and setting it aside.

Remnii says: I will be.

She gestures for Maraad to sit.

Remnii says: Sometimes I promise myself I’ll be done crying and I won’t burden you with the heavier elements of it… but… I guess I’m not done.

Maraad shakes his head.

Maraad says: You are not burdening me with anything you told me, Remnii. I’m just trying to understand the person you have become. The things you have endured. It is clear to me that the last two decades have been greater than I could have imagined.

Remnii stills her fidgeting.

Remnii says: I worry that when all of this is over… I’m not sure how people saw me before. But, I…

Remnii shakes her head.

Remnii says: I’m worried about slipping up. I’m worried that everything I hope to accomplish… that there won’t be…

She looks beyond Maraad to herself in the mirror.

Remnii says: Sometimes I tell myself I am being melodramatic by worrying about all these things, but… I’m afraid what people will begin to think of me.

She shakes her head.

Remnii says: Your support… it means so much already.

She grabs a pillow and pulls it into her lap.

Maraad says: I cannot speak for everyone, Remnii. I can speak only for myself. But I… I have learned more about you, and seen more about you, in the last two days than I ever did on Draenor. THe person I believed you to be… that person, she is still you, but you have grown, I have grown, we have all grown. All of our people have. Our experiences, our triumphs, our defeats, they have all led us to this place. And I have only grown more respect for you Remnii, for having seen the woman you have become. More respect and more admiration. To fear what others think of you is natural, but you are draenei. We are not perfect. We are allowed to make mistakes and trip, but you always get back up. Even 15 years alone, away from your people, with only your closest sisters, and still you kept moving forward. Those who see your soul as it is, they will understand this. If I can understand it, then all of them will see it in time. You are a light in the darkness, Remnii. And you have shown me, reminded me, that the light cannot be in the darkness until it has entered it. And you have walked through darkness. And I’m sorry you have had to do that.
Remnii says: I am not done. For such high praise… first off, I should stay thank you. To be thought of so highly, it means much. Daunting, but… I thought about these reunions. Nothing is ever the same, you are correct. Yet, to feel so confident and unconfident at the same time is something I have not experienced before. I feel afraid. I worry that that high esteem…

She fumbles.

Remnii says: I…

She stops and rubs her brow.

Remnii says: I don’t… I don’t know what to say but thank you. I think I could keep talking for hours and not say much. I am ready to face this. I helped fell Socrethar, I have stared demons in the face and called other demons my friends… I will see them again. I’ve done so much to survive, and it’s worked. I made it here by the kindness of people when I expected none. People who I will see across the battlefield if I am not careful. I don’t expect most to understand, nor will I push my viewpoints onto… before you think so highly of me, I fear… Maraad will you listen one more time?

Maraad looks at her.

Maraad says: I swore to you yesterday, that I will always be here.
Remnii says: I don’t want you to swear that so lightly. I believe my fears are founded. We all have family--or many of us do--that stayed behind when Argus fell. I am not Velen’s daughter. Not by blood. I am his daughter in many things. I didn’t know this until just recently, but my parentage is powerful and I was stolen away when Velen’s real daughter, Remnii, died in my stead. I was stolen from Archimonde and Shaspira.

Maraad’s eyes widen, and loose tears drip down Remnii’s cheeks.

Remnii says: That is a time bomb. I’m not the only one who knows. There is a demon who has been very intent on meeting me, one who knows everything. I’ve stared my mother in the face as she truly wished to kill me. If I slip up just once, if this slips out of my hands, what I want for our people, what I hope for this world, what I have seen on Draenor, I’m so afraid… if I have one moment of weakness, or one person spills this secret, that everything I can do will fall apart. I care for the draenei more than anything, and I understand what it is to be the Prophet’s daughter, and I want to live up to the expectation, but I am so afraid to be angry, to be scared, because what if that is nature versus nurture? You are the third person that knows that, but I don’t think the secret will stay forever. It can’t. There are too many variables. And so, I want to do what I can, while I have it. I intend to barter that secret with Shaspira to win Yrel back, and I… I don’t know what else I’m going to do. I will not fault you if you revoke your promise--

Maraad shakes his head and puts his hands on her shoulders.

Maraad says: This does not change anything, Remnii. That you were carrying this…

Maraad takes a deep breath. Remnii is shaking.

Maraad says: You. Are. Remnii. This does not change who you are. What your soul is. For the longest time, I saw you as the Prophet’s daughter. For the longest time, this informed everything about who I saw you as, but only now, only after seeing what you have done, and who you have become, and what you have gone through… you are the Prophet’s daughter, you are Remnii, and you are the same woman who has done all these things. Who has put an end to the darkness that has taken over the Silvergale Isles, who is beginning to unravel he secret, who has brought an ancient beast--10,000 years old--back to seek retribution on the demon who robbed her of her family. You uncovered the spy within the rangari who has slain many of our people, and given them justice. You’ve helped to lead these brave heroes of Azeroth here. You did this, and all the while, you were the Prophet’s daughter. It does not matter where you came from. You are still you. And it is alright to be afraid. But this is your life, your secret. You control it. If you fear it will get out, then be the one to reveal it. Once this is over, perhaps you can tell Ishanah? She can help. Perhaps there is something we can do so that others will know. But you are right, many of our people… they have loved ones on the other side of the battlefield. I want to understand as well. I want to feel the pain that you now feel, so I can help you bear it. It is the least I can do. But we all carry darkness, Remnii. If there’s anything I’ve learned over the last 40 years… it is that everyone does. Small or large.

Remnii moves closer to Maraad and places her forehead against his clavicle.

Remnii says: I’ve only told one person, and I’m tired of it being some grand reveal. I don’t want this to be held against the people I love, and our people as a whole. Sometimes I want someone to prove me right. Found my fears. Yell. Scream. Call me a monster for, I don’t know, breathing. But…

Remnii pulls back and puts a hand on Maraad’s cheek.

Remnii says: Even if you hadn’t seen me before, I don’t know how many ways I can say thank you. It’s good to be home. It’s good to see you. I…

Remnii shakes her head and thumbs over Maraad’s cheek. She draws him down and gives him a gentle, lingering kiss on the cheek.

Remnii says: Thank you for being good to me.

Maraad looks down at Remnii.

Maraad says: There is no thanks necessary. The opportunity is a gift.

Remnii can tell that Maraad wants to kiss her. He moved slightly closer, his eyes closing, and Remnii guides him closer with a hand on his neck. His hands go to her waist, and they kiss. The center of gravity shifts, and they lean back on the bed.

When she finally falls asleep for the evening, in the warmth of Maraad’s embrace, she finds a fitful rest. She’s once again wandering in the darkness of the Barrow Deeps. This time there are no faces, only screams. This time it’s more gruesome than the last. There are signs of violence, streaks of draenic, human, and orcish blood. She can hear the screams echoing, voices that sound like all of her loved ones and strangers begging for help. All she finds is the aftermath when she searches for them. There are never any bodies. She’s always too late for that.

That night, Uther goes to sleep after his meditations, and suddenly he hears the sound of wind blowing through meadows, and the smell of freshly cut grass reaches his nose. His eyes open, and he is laying in a field. He sees sunflowers all over, and he hears Elissa’s voice.

Elissa Cross says: Um. Uther? Did it work? Hello?
Uther Menethil says: Elissa! It certainly did! Hello!

He stands up and sees Elissa looking around. She is wearing a simple sundress and she waves.

Elissa Cross says: Uther! It worked! I tried out the sword. Vel put a dream spell in it, so I tried it, and it worked!

The entire dreamscape is a field of endless meadows and pastures that looks exactly like the Tirisfal Glades--grass, sunflowers, and wheat as far as they can see.

Uther Menethil says: I love what you’ve done with the place!
Elissa Cross says: Thanks. I tried to model it after some fo the fields back home. I thought it would be nice.
Uther Menethil says: It is. It even smells like home.
Elissa Cross says: Well, if it really did, you’d probably smell manure, but I figured it’d be best to keep that out.

Uther laughs.

Elissa Cross says: Um, I wanted to let you know that everything is doing well at Timbermaw Hold. We sent word back to the Unseen Path. They’ll probably be able to start arriving before too long. We heard word back--we’ll be meeting back at the Hold with as many people as they could. I told them we found out who was responsible,. And that it would be a lot.
Uther Menethil says: You’ve done well. Paving the way for such news… well, I suppose nothing can truly prepare someone for that.
Elissa Cross says: They said we’d probably have some time as the kaldorei mobilize and get prepared. So if there’s anything else we want to wrap up before the battle… we probably want to get started on that.
Uther Menethil says: I can think of a few things we should handle. Thank you.
Elissa Cross says: But, if you’re alright with it, I didn’t want to just do business. I know it won’t be the same, but… we could, um.

There is the chuff of a horse, and Uther sees Radiant and Daisy in their regular barding.

Elissa Cross says: I thought we could go for a ride back home until we could do so for real!

Uther grins.

Uther Menethil says: I would love that!

Elissa smiles and starts to run towards the horses.

Elissa Cross says: Lets make it a race then!
Uther Menethil says: Lets!

They sprint to their horses and quickly mount up and ride off, laughing as they prance through the dreamscape. After several hours, and some time spent to catch Elissa up on things, the spell starts to wane.

Elissa Cross says: I’ll see you guys when you get back!
Uther Menethil says: We won’t keep you waiting too long.
Elissa Cross says: Okay. Send everyone my love!
Uther Menethil says: I will!

The spell fades.

Meanwhile, Vel has a dream of her own, directing it towards Thrud. She summons Thrud to her usual dreamscape. She has to chill for awhile, but eventually she feels the connection. Across the grove, Vel sees Thrud. She is wearing much heavier clothing. She looks around perplexed, then sees Vel.

Velameestra Windrunner says: I would have warned you but I didn’t know where you were to send.
Thrúd says: This is a very strange dream. I don’t think I have ever seen something like this before.
Velameestra Windrunner says: It’s a spell. I am actually me. This isn’t a figment of your mind in that regard.
Thrúd says: You are not just a…? Well, it is good to see you again, Velameestra.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I wanted to touch base with you, I have potential news pertaining to Northrend.
Thrúd says: I did land here, before too long. I’m currently making my way across the Howling Fjords.
Velameestra Windrunner says: So you have yet to meet up with the Hyldnir?
Thrúd says: Not yet. But I should arrive well before the equinox.
Velameestra Windrunner says: That’s what I wanted to give you a bit of a warning on so you weren’t walking in blind. Have you gotten word Ymiron is back?
Thrúd says: You say that King Ymiron is risen, do you know this as a fact?
Velameestra Windrunner says: I do. My people have been interfacing with the vrykul up in Northrend quite extensively. Our general actually made contact with the Hyldnir.
Thrúd says: She did, did she?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Yes. I don’t have the full context. I am currently split between two continents. But there has been some shifts that I imagine were not the case since last you were there.
Thrúd says: When last I left most of the Hyldnir were slumbering in the catacombs beneath the villages. Only a small handful were still awake.
Velameestra Windrunner says: It seems that the vrykul have been awakening on mass. The Dragonflayers and the Hyldnir both.
Thrúd says: If the Dragonflaying King’s slumber has come to an end, I am not surprised to hear that. Though I suppose that does mean that I need to speed up my return then.
Velameestra Windrunner says: They are active but they are… some of them are among the unliving. That was the main thing I wanted to inform you of before you walked into it blind.
Thrúd says: What has happened to them?
Velameestra Windrunner says: I don’t know the full context I’m afraid. I encountered a few of them. They’re not mindless of any sort. They were laughing and treating with each other.
Thrúd says: What of their bodies? Did they appear to be bloated by seawater?
Velameestra Windrunner says: No, they were frostbitten. Though the kvaldir are also active.
Thrúd says: Well. Freya’s tits. It looks like things might be more colorful than I anticipated upon my arrival.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Yeah, again I understand that’s a lot. But I didn’t want you to just…
Thrúd says: Do you know what of the Hyldnir said of these frostbitten warriors? Do you happen to know that?
Velameestra Windrunner says: I don’t know their direct opinion, no. The ones I encountered in passing were in our current settlement. Both the living and the unliving, so from what I can tell they are still working together. The kvaldir are more of a threat.
Thrúd says: That sounds about right.
Velameestra Windrunner says: What are the kvaldir?
Thrúd says: I only know them from tales I heard from my mother. But they are the unworthy. It’s said that that god Helya takes those who have been deemed unworthy to ride in the Valarjar and drags them down to Helheim, her realm of death deep beneath the see. It’s said that those who are drug into that abyss never return unless they do so aboard the Naglfar. A vessel of flesh and bone helmed by her most ferocious. They find the souls of the worthy and unworthy and rob them from Odyn’s army. Odyn’s another one of our gods. He’s the king of all of them.
Velameestra Windrunner says: But the feud lives on?
Thrúd says: Aye. It’s said that they do. Many vykul believe that the gods are dead, that they’ve left us behind. But the Hyldnir know. They’re still active and out there. Like my father.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I wish I could give you more information directly.

Thrud has sat down in the snow.

Thrúd says: I appreciate all you’ve given me, don’t worry. But if they’ve awoken, well I don’t have much time then. There will undoubtedly be a Hyldsmeet before long. And I need to make sure that I’m there.
Velameestra Windrunner says: What’s the Hyldsmeet?
Thrúd says: The clans of the Hyldnir will meet on the equinox when the sun finally sets and the long night begins. It’s a long festival, and one that happens every year when the clans are awake. Though one that hasn’t happened in a long time. Not since my mother one and was chosen to ascend.
Velameestra Windrunner says: To become one of the gods?
Thrúd says: Wife of the gods. My father, Thorim, specifically. He watches over us from his palace on Stormheim. He watches over all of us. From high in the clouds where he’s home. If I could win it perhaps I could see him again. Perhaps I could snap him out of the sadness and the grief. If I make it quickly I should be able to claim his hammer in time. With that and Thunderfury, there’s no way I could lose.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I wish you a speedy return then.
Thrúd says: With the blessing of the Windseeker.
Velameestra Windrunner says: In that regard, I will not hold you much longer. Just as another precaution. If you see a jagged blade, be wary of it. One with a skull on it.
Thrúd says: That’s cryptic.

Vel then twists the dream to show her Frostmourne.

Velameestra Windrunner says: I don’t know the full context. But this is dangerous. Just... please be careful.

Thrud looks at it warily.

Thrúd says: It’s an impressive blade. You know who wields it? The one who made contact with the Hyldnir?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Yes.
Thrúd says: Good to know.
Velameestra Windrunner says: The nature of the contact I don’t know.
Thrúd says: Well. Did she bring any men with her?
Velameestra Windrunner says: I hope not?
Thrúd says: If she didn’t I assume it was pleasant enough.
Velameestra Windrunner says: We’re ultimately looking for allies. And our relationship with Ymiron is not exactly good. So, if that’s a mutual thing it should be fine.
Thrúd says: There is little love for the Dragonflayer king amongst the Hyldnir. He’s powerful, he’s influential and he has the strength of 100 of the finest warriors. From any clan. But he’s also a bastard. And there aren’t many from the Hyldnir who say his name without a curse.
Velameestra Windrunner says: That has been a mutual consensus. But I wish you safe travels Thrud.
Thrúd says: You are well. I hope that your own tasks have been with as much success as the ones you’ve aided me with.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Could have certainly gone worse.
Thrúd says: Til when we next speak.

And then Vel lets the dream fade.

After Vel awakes she tries to dream Elissa to show her the whales, but finds that her friend seems to be busy.

August 1st

The next morning Remnii awakens in a cold sweat. Maraad wakes up beside her.

Maraad says: Is everything alright, Remnii?
Remnii says: Dreadlord wearing Tyrande’s face has sent…

She lays back and snuggles in.

Remnii says: I was sent another nightmare.

Maraad wraps an arm around her. Remnii opts to enjoy being held for a bit.

Remnii says: Sorry if I woke you.

Maraad shakes his head.

Maraad says: It is getting time for us to get going anyways. I don’t mind having the time to relax here. For now.
Remnii says: Selfishly, I am glad.

She snuggles into his arms for a bit longer.

At breakfast Uther informs everyone that Elissa said hi.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Ah, so that’s why I couldn’t reach her. So what’s the plan then? Go back to Timbermaw Hold?
Maraad says: Well, the first thing we should do is deliver the reagents from those horrible creatures back to Azure Watch. Hopefully they can use it to save the priestess.
Velameestra Windrunner says: That would not be a bad first step.
Makasa Flintwill says: It would not be a bad idea for us to return back to prepare, but I know there are other things that need to be accomplished as well.
Velameestra Windrunner says: There is still the… Zalazane circumstance. If we can spare time for that.
Uther Menethil says: That’ll be a thorn we would enjoy having out of our sides.
Medivh says: Well, if you all have some things to take care of, I may pop back to Wynn’s shelter while we are waiting for everyone to mobilize. All things considered, it may not be wise for me to go and treat with a group of jungle trolls. I am technically a Stormwind native, so it may be wise for me to stay behind.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Ideally it’s a circumstance we can handle rather quickly.
Aramar Thorne says: If you need me to come with you, I will, but otherwise I think I would like to talk to Master Velen about this.

He holds up the compass and Remnii takes a closer look at it.

They head out of the manor and Vel dismisses it. They see some artificers with masks on starting to dismantle the vector coil. Naielle and Boros had headed off to their camp so they could start moving the brunt of it to the site.

Tol’vas opens a portal to Azure Watch with transport via plants and the group passes through it. They see Consul Menelaous, who immediately smiles upon seeing the group. He shouts in draenic.

Menelaous says [draenic]: They’ve returned! Everyone, they’ve returned!

He gestures to the group.

Menelaous says [draenic]: These brave men and women prevented the destruction of the Exodar, and found those responsible for harrying our people for the last decade! These heroes of the Silvergale Isles deserve all of our praise!

The other draenei cheer and clap and shout out draenic phrases of thanks and praise.Many of them start to approach to personally thank them, but Tol’vas slips away to deliver the venom.

Vel notes Tol’vas leave and says a few hurried “you're welcomes” before she opts to go after him, and Seria promptly turns into a bird and flies off as well.

They see Fateema changing some dressings.

Fateema says: Well, if it isn’t the heroes of Silvergale. Quite the celebration.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Quite unexpected.
Fateem says: It worked by the way, the spell slowed the spread of the poison. She is stable though I cannot say for how long. But it will give us time to find a remedy. You did not find something else, did you?

Tol’vas hands her the poison he extracted.

Fateema says: What it is?
Velameestra Windrunner says: It’s venom from the creature that attacked her. At least we’re pretty certain it is, the effects seems to be similar.
Fateema says: I see, there may be hope yet! It will take me a short time to create a safe cure for this, but I should have it before a couple of days are out. And I will make sure she survives the walk again. This is all thanks to you. I do not know what to say.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: There is nothing that needs to be said.
Fateema says: On behalf of all of Azure Watch, and on behalf of her, I can at least say thank you. I’m sure she’ll love to thank you in person, but it may take some time.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Perhaps after everything else is settled.
Fateema says: I’ll make sure she knows you saved her. After making sure she does not try to kill us! But we can handle that. She will need lots of rest, and undoubtedly she will still be in a coma for a few days as her body recovers.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Ideally the hard part is almost over.
Fateema says: It is darkest before the dawn. And I believe I can see the sun coming up.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I suppose we'll leave you to that then.

Tol’vas and Vel leave the tent and Tol’vas opts to find a tree to nap under for a bit. Eventually, the thanks subside, and it seems that everyone is quite chipper as it feels like the end might be in sight. Maybe soon they can stop hiding as much.

Vel goes to the rest of the group.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Tol’vas is in the woods, taking a nap. He’ll rejoin us when we’re ready to go.
Remnii says: Understandable, given what he went through.
Velameestra Windrunner says: The prognosis looks good for the priestess.
Remnii says: I’m glad to hear it.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Fateema seems skilled, so she’s in good hands.
Menelaous says: I sincerely wish there was something else I could give you. If there’s ever anything you need from me, or any math you need done, let me know. Things are going to start getting busy here, but hopefully for less violent reasons. In time, perhaps we can move back to the Exodar and start to heal this place.
Remnii says: I’m sure that in time I will call upon you again.
Menelaous says: I expect and look forward to it!
Remnii says: There is much to be done. So thank you for the warm welcome. But I believe we have more things to do.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I believe our next stop is Timbermaw Hold.
Menelaous says: There is one thing, actually. You are the ambassador, Remnii, yes?
Remnii says: Yes.
Menelaous says: I think I have something that may help you.

He diggings into the satchel on his hip and pulls out a small crystalline sphere with a clip.

Menelaous says: This is a translation device that is frequently used by rangari and diplomats. This may be helpful for you. You’ll need to speak to many people if you’re going to bring an end to these conflicts.

Remnii’s tail wags faintly.

Remnii says: Are you sure you will not need it here? I know our people are still learning the tongues of this world.
Menelaous says: I have a more than passing dialect of Darnassian, and I’ve picked up enough common to converse, as you can see. If I need another, I can get it.
Remnii says: Thank you! I will put this to good use! I have my skills, but languages are not one. Thank you, Menelaous.
Menelaous says: It will not allow you to speak, but you can at least understand.
Remnii says: That is what the Light is for.

They embrace momentarily.

Menelaous says: May the Light be with you, Remnii. Oh, of course it is. And good fortune to all of you.
Remnii says: Be well until next we meet.

Menelaous bows his head and returns to his duties. Remnii stares at the translation device for a long moment. She shows it to Maraad in excitement.

Velameestra Windrunner says: I suppose we should retrieve our wayward druids and be on our way.

They find Tol’vas and Seria. Seria shifts out of her bird form and she instead takes the form of a quel’dorei. Aramar blinks.

Aramar Thorne says: Seria?
Remnii says: The powers you wield never ceases to amaze me!

Aramar chuckles.

Aramar Thorne says: Wow. You look good! Well, you always look good, but you get what I mean.
Uther Menethil says: Elissa is going to adore this.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I suppose we’ll see if Riff recognizes you.

She smirks, because Riff has truesight.

Velameestra Windrunner says: But, are we teleporting, or are we stepping through another tree?
Medivh says: I can probably get us back.
Velameestra Windrunner says: If you are going back to Wynn’s, wouldn’t you need to get yourself there?
Medivh says: Ah! Yes. Good point. Carry us along then.

Vel casts [Teleport] and the group appears in the middle of Timbermaw Hold. There were two small furbolgs wrestling, who immediately tumble over each other--startled. But then one starts to laugh at the other one.

About 30 or so feet away, in a beam of sun, is a big, round, white and black striped circle of fluff. It’s Ash’alah, soaking in the sun. One of her eyes opens as she senses their presence. Elissa had started to wake, and when they find her she was with another young draenei who looks to be around 18 to 20. He has choppy brown hair and is wearing simple, draenic clothes. The most noticeable trait is a single earring in his right ear--silver with a blue crystal in it.

Remnii recognizes it, as it was identical to Dornaa’s.

Elissa gives them a tired wave.

Elissa Cross says: Hey guys!

Remnii’s hand shoots to Maraad’s pauldron.

Remnii says: Do you see that?!
Maraad says: ...Do I see what?
Choppy-Haired Draenei says: Are these your friends? I don’t see the other one. The blue one? You said she was blue?
Elissa Cross says: Yeah. Where’s Seria?

She then looks at the new elf.

Elissa Cross says: Wait a second… is that you Seria?

Seria nods.

Elissa Cross says: Oh my gosh! Look at you! You look so cute!

She runs over and pokes her ear, which is much longer.

Elissa Cross says: I didn’t know you could do that. That’s so cool. Can you turn into anything? Wait. We’ll talk later. This is Jheel, by the way. He’s been working with the kids. He saw it, so he might be able to explain it more.
Jheel says: So you’re Riff’s mom, then, yeah? It’s good to meet you. There was a… um, little bit of an incident involving your son. Everyone is fine! Everyone is okay, but he is in time out right now. He, well.... The other children said… I stepped away for just a moment, I’m really sorry, but I stepped away to get some water… there was a fight that broke out. When I got back… Riff bit one of the other children?

Tol’vas just laughs.

Jheel says: There are a few human children that were born to the crew under Daelin Proudmoore. He got into a bit of a fight… they said some very hurtful things about your people, and he defended them and you. They aren’t allowed to be play trollhunter and other hurtful games, but they did, he told them not to, but he bit them. The child seems to be catatonic… he’s fine, but he’s stable… are your people normally venomous? I don’t know much about medicine, but the priestesses said he was poisoned. He was fine, and it would pass through the child’s system and there would be no lasting damage, but, um… Please make sure knows he shouldn’t bite the other children especially if he’s venomous… miss... Ma’am… He’s in time out. He’s not allowed to play for the rest of the day, but obviously the rest of his discipline will be up to you. I was just letting you know. He’s doing some chores to make amends and, um… we were going to have him apologize once he awakens. I think that would be smart, but that’s up to you.

Jheel seems a bit intimidated by Seria, but he offers a smile and looks at the other draenei.

Jheel says: Hello mister Maraad, and miss Remnii, it’s nice to meet you!
Remnii says: Actually, once you feel settled, I would like to speak with you about something.
Jheel says: Sure. I just need to check in with the others, but if you would like to speak, of course. Let me just check in on the kids.
Remnii says: Please. Do what you need to and I will come back later.
Jheel says: Of course!

Jheel heads off, and Seria goes to find her son. Riff seems to be pouting while he is sorting dishes. He is currently in his troll form, and muttering to himself grumpily. He glances over, and then double-takes, and his ears twitch happily as he sees the group.

But then he stops being happy as he remembers he’s grounded. But he finishes up the dishes in his hands, and then runs over to Seria and hugs her.

Riff says: Ya guys are back! I’m glad. This place stinks!

Seria hugs him back.

Seria says: What’s this I hear about ya fightin’?
Riff says: He started. He was being mean and sssaying mean t’ings about you and trolls. They wanted to play that stupid game again. I didn’t hurt him. Not ssseriously. So they grounded me and said I had to sort these dishes. It’s fine, but it’s just boring.

An older draenei looks over.

Older Draenei says: Riff, darling, you need to keep doing what you’re doing or you’re going to be grounded longer. You need to channel your anger in a constructive way, my boy.

He approaches and puts a hand on Riff’s shoulder, who jerks his shoulder away. The old draenei looks sad for a moment.

Older Draenei says: Maybe you should take a break.

He gives Seria a sagely look, and then turns away.

Riff says: It doesn’t matter anyways. I don’t want to play with them anymore. ‘Dere games were stupid. And boring. It’s more fun to do other things.

Seria opts to take Riff to talk to him in private, and she sighs.

Seria says: So tell me what happened.

Riff humphs.

Riff says: I told ya what happened, mada. They wanted to play trollhunters again even though they aren’t supposed to. I told them they weren’t supposed to do that, they said they wanted to anyways because Jheel left. I told them it was a stupid game and they should play somethin’ else. They said I was stupid, so I sorta… bit him. He had it comin’! But dey don’t know what they talkin’ about. They sayin’ things their madas and fadas say. Not things they know. They don’t think for themselves! Just because sssomebody looks different don’t mean they’re a monster. Right?
Seria says: That’s right. And I’m proud of ya for standin’ up for yerself. But… what do you think they’re gonna think because you bit them?
Riff says: They… probably think… they probably think I’m not very nice. But, why should I care about that? They don’t matter. They’re just a bunch of kids. What was I supposed to do? They were wrong.
Seria says: And they don’t know any better, and were listenin’ to their parents. What do you think they will think now that they met a troll?
Riff says: ‘Dis is stupid.

Seria knows he knows the answer.

Riff says: I just… I just… I just thought that… I thought maybe if they was scared, they’d listen. But maybe I wasn’t thinkin’. I’m sorry I made things harder for you.

Seria gives him a small smile and then hugs him.

Seria says: You’re not makin’ it hard for me. I promise. Ya gotta choose yer fights.
Riff says: I don’t think I know how to do that yet. But I’ll try. Thissss… mada do you ever feel like you wanna go back into your egg? It was a lot easier back then.
Seria says: So you’re sayin’ you just want me to carry ya around again?
Riff says: That’s not what I meant! I don’t need ya to carry me around, mada.

Seria chuckles, and Riff seems to calm down a bit.

Later on, when the other kid does wake up, Riff does apologize. The child does not say anything, and Riff opts to stay away from the other kids--and do things for Seria instead.

The group has a brief meeting with the Exarchs.

Remnii says: The name we had heard was Tichondrius. I know the name of every demon will not be known to us, but this one strikes me as significant.
Velen says: The nathrezim go out of their way to obscure. They are creatures of deceit and shadow. Choosing to live in darkness and spread chaos and confusion in their wake… but Tichondrius is a name that is familiar.

Medivh nods.

Medivh says: I believe I’ve heard it as well. Concerningly. There aren’t a great number of nathrezim named that are known. While Tichondrius is certainly not his true name… Tichondrius is one that has come to my attention. The nathrezim have a number of interesting rules, and those rules are governed by a council of sorts. Tichondrius is a name whispered in the annals of forbidden texts not written on this world. Like many, his name resists repetition, resists catalogue and chronicling. It’s not easy to keep information about dreadlords for public or private use, and yet… still this name reached me. I have reason to believe he was rather influential. His was one of the only names that has come up, and only in some of the most eclectic and ancient sources. His trail is intentionally frigid.

Velen nods.

Velen says: What I know of the nathrezim corroborates this. I know of this council of these dreadlords. They have hounded my people as much as any of the Burning Legion. Amongst their number, Tichondrius has been responsible for the deaths of thousands of worlds across the great dark. Either directly or through his machinations. The Light cannot pierce into the darkest corners of the world, and I believe he resides in those places. When he returns, it may be wise to bring this to Master Stormrage. Though he is young in comparison to my people, and though his experience has been clouded with his imprisonment, he knows a great deal. The Legion’s gaze has fallen upon Azeroth once before. It’s possible this name has crossed him once before. In any sense, we should anticipate this monster is not an ordinary dreadlord, but a master of their kind--especially if he was able to lay the high priestess low.
Remnii says: Well. Keep your wits about you, because he is who we will be facing if we are to bring this to an end.
Medivh says: As far as the nightmares... I fear that word of Sironas’s failure will reach his ears. All of us could be in danger of falling victim to the after-dark predations of our adversary. Not to mention, she is the high priestess--any number of her followers could strike against us. It may be wise to ensure protection, especially those of us who are known and spent time within their prisons.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I can arrange for a shelter… it should prevent spells from entering. Though it would be… cozy.
Medivh says: Other magics that can prevent psychic damage could help, or shielding the mind. I can handle myself, and any attention drawn to me is a win.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I also should be fine. I have my own protections.
Medivh says: I should have figured!
Remnii says: I can use my magics sparingly, especially while we wait.
Velen says: Once you return from your business, we should hopefully be ready to make a plan and bring an end to this darkness--and lift the kaldorei from the demon’s clutches.

Remnii nods.

Velen says: Take heart. You have earned a great victory, all of you. Take what rest you can.
Remnii says: Thank you for your wisdom, both of you.

Medivh waves the compliment away.

Medivh says: I feel like my wisdom pales in comparison, but thank you Remnii, I appreciate the words no less.
Remnii says: It is by that shared strength that we will bring this to heel.

The group disbands, but Tol’vas takes Uther aside.

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Hey. Can we talk.
Uther Menethil says: Sure.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: That troll assassin. Why did you let her go.
Uther Menethil says: Because I gave her my word that I would.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: And why would a person like her deserve your word?
Uther Menethil says: Tol’vas, we asked her for information. She was honest. Should I have had her killed?
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I think it would have been for the best. She attempted to kill us multiple times. If she succeeded in killing someone you actually knew, would that have made the difference for you?
Uther Menethil says: The past few days have been enlightening. I can’t say for certain. But I do know I don’t want to live in a world where nobody keeps their word. I will not live in a world devoid of compassion.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Do you plan on joining the war when you get back?
Uther Menethil says: I plan on doing what I can to help my people.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Then compassion without restraint will get you killed. Or the people you care about. I’m not saying you should never show mercy, but you need to be very careful when you do.
Uther Menethil says: I’ll take that to heart. One thing I will never do is lie.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I can respect that. I’m just worried what war will do to you.
Uther Menethil says: Much the same it does to everyone else I suppose.

Tol’vas gives a sad smile.

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: It hurts people who care a lot more. You’re eventually going to lose somebody. And I sincerely hope when that comes to pass, you won’t lose yourself.
Uther Menethil says: I’m fortunate to have so many people to prevent that. And if I lose all of them? Then what’s myself after that?
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I suppose that depends on how you feel about their memory.
Uther Menethil says: I’ll say this, Tol’vas. It seems the Legion is not an enemy that can be reasoned with. Regrettable, but this is… less a war than it is a fight for survival. But. After that thread is dealt with, I’m going to do everything I can to see to it that war happens as infrequently as possible.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: A worthy goal.
Uther Menethil says: And a lofty one.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Uther… what about the orcs?
Uther Menethil says: From talking with Remnii… I see them as victims. And I know that I am very much the minority in that camp.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: They can’t go home. Now what?
Uther Menethil says: They’ll need a place to stay.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: If the orcs are half as powerful as I saw Broxigar… I wish you the best of luck in forcing them out.
Uther Menethil says: I will hopefully not have to force them anywhere.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: They took over the home of my wayward brethren, correct?
Uther Menethil says: That they did.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Elves will not allow it to keep happening. You’ll be forced to pick a side. Or stand by and watch.
Uther Menethil says: I know where my loyalties lie. My first loyalty is to life. And I’m going to do everything I can to find the diplomatic solution.

Tol’vas claps Uther on the shoulder.

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I wish you luck with that. Broxigar wasn’t much of a talker, by all accounts.
Uther Menethil says: Well, from what I’ve been able to tell from what Remnii said… if I could wrestle one, maybe they’ll be willing to listen.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I’ve seen you do more impressive things.
Uther Menethil says: It hasn’t been easy, and it certainly won’t get any easier. I’ve been grateful that you’ve stuck with us Tol’vas.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: You’re helping me reclaim my home. Despite the damage I’ve done to yours.
Uther Menethil says: My father lives. I suppose he’s a bit harrier, but… as I said. My first loyalty is to life. And you didn’t act with malice. Frankly, even if you had. I believe even the malicious deserve the opportunity for redemption. Whether or not they take it, that’s a different story.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I suppose it’s pointless to say not everyone can be redeemed, but it’s good you can try.
Uther Menethil says: Someone has to.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I suppose there’s a reason they call it a bleeding heart, though. Have a good evening, Uther.
Uther Menethil says: You as well, Tol’vas.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Hopefully we’re not accosted by nightmares.

Tol’vas opts to head off for the day, but Vel catches him not far away.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Tol’vas. I wanted to speak with you.

Jheel catches Remnii after he settled the kids down for lunch.

Remnii says: Ah, yes, Jheel. I did wish to speak to you. This may see… strange, but your earring. Could you tell me about it?
Jheel says: Ah… this… um. Sorry, I didn’t realize this is what you wanted to talk about. I was… young when Tempest Keep came to Draenor. I barely remember it. My parents… they didn’t make it onboard. Um… so… well, they gave me this. Before. They told me that someday it would lead me back to them. I held onto that for a long time, but I know my parents are… they’re gone. I understand that. So instead, I hold onto this to keep their memory close to me.

Remnii nods.

Remnii says: Thank you for sharing, first off.
Jheel says: Of course.
Remnii says: I’m glad you have that to keep them close. I have seen… the other piece of that.
Jheel says: You did? Where!?
Remnii says: When I was on Draenor, as I also did not make it to the Exodar, which I’m sure you know by now. In my time with my companions on the other side, we came across a silken cocoon spun by very large spiders…
Jheel says: I’ve seen a few large spiders in the woods…
Remnii says: I saw a tiny one once, and they said they stay tiny! But there was a young girl by the name of Dornaa there. She had been displaced from her parents, but she was younger… she has the other one. You have the same hair. I believe… you may have a sister. She is safe. Hidden on Draenor.

Jheel’s jaw flaps.

Jheel says: I knew they were… they told me they had something to tell me once we got on board. I remember that. They survived? You didn’t see them…
Remnii says: I did not see them, no. But we did see Dornaa to safety.
Jheel says: So they survived long enough for my sister… she’s alive?

Remnii smiles and nods, and Jheel promptly hugs her.

Remnii says: She is with people I love and trust. It will be some time before I am able to introduce you. But I had to tell you.
Jheel says: Thank you! I don’t know what to say, but thank you. I… began to volunteer watching over the other children, because I know what it’s like to lose your family, and perhaps a part of me knew… thank you. I can wait. It is enough to just know she’s out there. What’s she like? What’s her favorite color? I can make her a gift. I don’t even know if I’ll be a good older brother!

Remnii holds her hand up and tells him about the very intrepid, shamanism-inclined Dornaa.

Back with Vel and Tol'vas, Tol'vas tilts his head.

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: You just popped out from a bush?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Sorry, that was unintentional.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: It’s okay. I could hear you.
Velameestra Windrunner says: You mentioned something to Illidan that I wanted to follow up on. That the worgen was your fault.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Did I not explain that?
Velameestra Windrunner says: You did not. Do you want to find somewhere to talk about it?
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Here’s a good a place as any.
Velameestra Windrunner says: But no, you didn’t tell us. That was the first we heard.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: So. I know I explained the pack form had a huge drawback.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Yes, you explained that and your circle was trying to control it.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: The idea was making the Scythe. The scythe was one of Goldrinn’s fangs. I believe it was attuned a calming nature, and we thought to use the two together.
Velameestra Windrunner says: We?
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I had been carrying the fang since the War of the Ancients. In a sense I was the first Nehlan’do.
Velameestra Windrunner says: And how did that contribute to the curse being your fault?
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I gave him the fang to do it. Shortly before we attempted to create the scythe, Shan’do, Malfurian, I met with him. He wanted to destroy the fang. Destroy the fang and sever any druid’s ability to take pack form again.
Velameestra Windrunner says: So cut it off at its root?
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: More or less, but then Goldrinn would never be able to reform. I got scared. I was angry. And I owe Goldrinn much. We did our ritual, we made the Scythe, and the creation of the Scythe created the curse.
Velameestra Windrunner says: And then it ran rampant, more or less?
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I vaguely remember enough before we were locked into the Dream.
Velameestra Windrunner says: And now you’re mostly in control of it?
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I am? It seems that our other intrepid wolf is also gaining control of himself?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Alpha Prime?
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Arthas.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Yes, Arthas seemed to be doing better.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I’m also concerned for Alpha Prime and how much control he has over himself. He was pulling us out of the Dream and that’s a very conscience act
Velameestra Windrunner says: A fair concern to have, especially without a motive.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: The motive is simple, he wants to turn everyone into a worgen
Velameestra Windrunner says: Excuse me? So. His goal is a massive worgen pack?
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Yes, one large enough to take over Kalimdor. So army is more apt.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Right, and he’s in the Eastern Kingdoms right now?
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Yes.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Wonderful. So I suppose my question with all of that is what’s your plan? I recognize that’s a very broad question. But I know that finding a way to control the curse is a motivator.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Controlling the curse does two things for us. One, it stops more people from being viciously murder. Which is ideal.
Velameestra Windrunner says: A net positive, yes.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: The second would be he wouldn’t have full control over them anymore.
Velameestra Windrunner says: What about the people that can’t control it?
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: THat’s where the scythe comes in. I was hoping I’d find Malfurion and we’d be able to go to the Eastern Kingdom and handle that, but numerous problems got in the way. I’ve been out of the game for awhile.
Velameestra Windrunner says: So the scythe can control all worgen?
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: It can, but I don’t know the full scale of what it can do. It was put into use immediately, then I turned into a monster, then I was put to sleep for thousands of years. But I do know I was able to use it to help Arthas. And I do know that I could call the Worgen if I wanted to, the ones still sleeping.
Velameestra Windrunner says: So you don’t need to answer this question now, but do you have a plan if the scythe doesn’t work?
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I need to understand the curse better to come up with another plan. Right now I know it’s tied to the scythe. While I hope it wouldn’t require the destruction of the scythe… if that’s what’s required…
Velameestra Windrunner says: So if what is required is the destruction of the scythe, you’d destroy the fang and everything?
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I… would.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Alright. I wanted to know. You’re an exceptional person. It’s apparent that most people in this group are exceptional people. Expecting everyone to be able to control this curse is a fool's errand. But it’s comforting that you’ve put thought into what you might do if control is impossible. For as dire as it sounds I do mean that as a compliment. I think if you’re able to meet our friend Tess, I think that would be good. She returned to Gilneas. She is one of the royal family of Gilneas.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: So she’s a problem?
Velameestra Windrunner says: That’s where those notes I gave you came from. Studies on her affliction. Which if you’re returning with us Gilneas is a stop we’ll be making regardless.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I believe I’ll be able to get us inside Gilneas.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Excellent. That will resolve passing through their wall at least.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Yeah, my Circle, where the scythe was made. That’s Gilneas now.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I suppose that explains where the worgen came from?
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: No, it shouldn’t. They were all locked in the dream. And someone freed them.
Velameestra Windrunner says: And you mentioned you and ALpha Prime were farther south?
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: And someone else pulled us out.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Mysteries upon mysteries.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: How long have the worgen been a problem?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Over two decades now
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Given they’re nature, someone was pulling into places they shouldn’t have been.
Velameestra Windrunner says: That tends to be what happens.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: And one of Elune’s priestesses had the scythe. She went to the Eastern Kingdoms and no one’s heard from her since. And that was a little over two decades ago.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Well. Wonderful. I’m sure that’s completely unrelated.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I thought they would have been.
Velameestra Windrunner says: That was sarcasm. Sorry, my sense of humor. I suppose that’s another thing to look into. But I have kept you from your evening long enough. Thank you for the explanation.

Tol’vas nods and heads to his corner to sleep. He’s asleep before he hits the ground.

As Vel heads off, throughout the course of the day, she catches Riff looking at her a few times. He’s looking behind her. After a third time, he comes up to her.

Riff says: Vel did you do something?
Velameestra Windrunner says: What do you mean?

Riff points behind her, and Vel does not see anything.

Riff says: There’s something following you.
Velameestra Windrunner says: What’s following me? I don’t see anything.
Riff says: Ah, I don’t know. I can’t see it clearly. It looks like a cloud. It’s right here… oh! It moved. I don’t think it liked that.

He appears to follow it around and waves his hand through it. Vel tries to put her hand through it, and feels a chill for a moment. She takes out her Lantern and sees nothing.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Has this been following me all day?
Riff says: Since you got back, yeah. I didn’t think much of it, there’s always things floating around. You especially. But this one seems to be following you.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Strange. We teleported. There wasn’t room for anything else.
Riff says: I think I scared it.
Velameestra Windrunner says: What’s it doing?
Riff says: Well the cloud's just on the ground now.

Vel crouches down at the thing she can’t see. Riff watches intently.

Velameestra Windrunner says: If you are sentient, are you able to reveal yourself?
Riff says: That’s it… Now it’s just wandering around.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Well, not a scrying sensor at least. Unfortunately I’m not capable of seeing... not exactly on this plane. I suppose Riff, let me know… actually… hold on.

Vel casts [Sending].

Velameestra Windrunner says [sending]: If you can hear me, can you tell me who or what you are, or why you are following me?

A voice reaches to Vel’s mind. She can’t understand but it’s familiar in way. It seems garbled. But she makes out one word.

Young Voice says [sending]: Hello? Helloooo?

It’s the same voice she heard when she was on the cusp of death.

Velameestra Windrunner says: I’m going to try one more thing.

She opens her spellbook and casts [Commune with Dead]. Remnii notices what she’s doing and comes to investigate.

The magic starts to swirl around, and as her magic seeks around, it can’t anchor to something. But then something jolts her forward. As her bag shoves forward, the doll she had recovered spills on the ground, and the magic latches onto it. A cloud of misty energy coalesces over the doll, and then she sees a small, hazy figure appear in the mist.

It’s a very young draenei--maybe four or five years old.

Young Draenei says [draenic]: Oh. There you are! I can see you now! My name is Uuna! What’s your name?