[Horde] Chapter Four: Session Thirteen

Appearing Characters: Arthak Saurfang, Azgadaan, Azuka Stormbreaker, Halno, Khadgar, Lantresor, Levia Blackflight, Nyxxa, Raliq, Rexxar, Sadras, Sal'salabim, Shaarubo, Vaerux

Outland Day 13

The group gets their bearings in the new locale, now finding themselves in the expanse of the Terokkar Forest with the mushroom caps of Zangarmarsh behind them. There are broken skeletons of draenic society, stone and glass being reclaimed by the creeping wilderness. Now it’s like the entire zone is frozen in time. There are glowing crystals impaled into the bark of the petrified trees, but the trees still seem to be living even so. The whirling nebulae of the skies overhead are choked out by motes of crystalline light and dust which seems to be suspended in the air, swaying only with the wind or with the passage of creatures.

There is still wildlife, but it seems like the rest of the world is frozen while the living denizens move.

Sadras says: Well it looks we’ve come out of the Zangarmarsh. We’re maybe about 100 miles from the thickest part of Shattrath. If we head west through the ruins, we’ll make our way into Nagrand as long as we stay to the parts of the city that haven’t collapsed. Alternatively, we could head south and see what we can find. The ruins of the draenei tombs should be there somewhere, and beyond there the former lands of the arakkoa if you want to see what’s going on there, Halno. The tombs are said to be cursed. I’ve never seen it myself, but I’ve heard the stories.
Azgadaan says: And that was before the planet got like this, right?

Sadras nods. She explains that Auchindoun was an important site to the draenei, but it was destroyed in the war against the draenei. Through the process of the seize a powerful holdout of priests fought to the last there, and whatever conflict emerged caused the entire area to be destroyed. Arthak also provides that, while he doesn’t know exactly what happened, he can be certain that the Shadow Council was responsible for the destruction of the area. In addition, he also notes that one of the three naaru that was used to open the Dark Portal was likely extracted from Auchindoun.

There also may very well be Shadow Council still active in the Bone Wastes.

Arthak Saurfang says: It may be for the best if we stay away from any Council operations in Outland. At least for now.
Azgadaan says: Sounds good to me.
Nyxxa says: No arguments here.

Halno nods.

Halno says: Same.
Sadras says: There was an old stronghold called Stonebreaker Hold. I don’t know too much about it, but we could head there, and we should be able to see the Bone Wastes from it. There are ways to navigate the mountains and get to Nagrand from south of Shattrath as well. Just let me know what you want to do, and we’ll navigate. If we get high enough, we might be able to tell something about what happened south of there, or maybe ask someone.
Nyxxa says: Wouldn’t hurt to get a status report in case anyone back on Azeroth is interested.
Sadras says: We could head there first and see what we could find out?

The group agrees to head south to look for Stonebreaker Hold and then move forward from there once they learn more. Nyxxa starts helping Sadras navigate the area. While she had never been there, she understood enough about wilderness and general civilization that she could point out optimal routes along the lakes and through the countryside. Rivers that once met the Zangar Sea had now become waterfalls that spill into Zangarmarsh.

Nyxxa and Sadras were pretty confident they weren’t going to get lost.

About halfway through the day, as the group settles down for a brief rest to stretch, Arthak goes to take a smoke break. He catches some movement through some of the low crystalline branches, and he looks skyward. He sees the hawk, Karand, again, this time perching on a low branch.

It peers down at him, and Arthak peers up at it.

Sadras notices him staring and approaches.

Sadras says: Is everything alright?
Arthak Saurfang says: By any chance, do you see a hawk up there?

Sadras looks up and squints.

Sadras says: Oh yeah. Is that where you were looking at?
Arthak Saurfang says: Yup.
Sadras says: Hey Nyxxa, come here?

She gestures for Nyxxa to come over, and Nyxxa limps over.

Nyxxa says: What’s up?
Sadras says: Check this out, there’s a hawk up here just looking down at us.

Nyxxa looks up and she sees it as well.

Nyxxa says: Oh, cool.

The hawk peers down at the trio, but then they suddenly hear something: the unmistakable sound of a wolf’s howl. Summerpaw’s ears go up, and she also howls as she looks northeast. Arthak attempts to keep his attention on the hawk, and it takes off and heads in the direction of the howl before disappearing into the trees.

Arthak Saurfang says: Maybe we should investigate that.

Summerpaw is already standing up and already looks like she wants to investigate.

Sadras says: It sounded in pain.
Arthak Saurfang says: Then lets definitely go and investigate that.

Halno waves a hand.

Halno says: You do that.
Sadras says: It didn’t sound far.

Sadras hops on top of Summerpaw, and Azgadaan polymorphs himself as a small group heads to investigate. Nyxxa manages to find a trail, and the group works to triangulate the wolf with some other howls. They eventually arrive in a clearing, and they see a dire wolf that is a bit bigger than Summerpaw. It has long grey fur. Its paw seems to be trapped in a giant, metal contraption that is some sort of hunting trap that consists of a steel jaw with three sets of teeth. It is clamped on its rear leg, and the fire wolf is presently chomping at the bloody mess of its leg and the trap itself.

The wolf initially growled at the group, but Sadras calms it, and Arthak notes the hunting trap was made somewhat shoddily out of spare parts and has no real makers marks. The mechanism seems to be broken.

Arthak Saurfang says: Might be Shattered Hand…
Sadras says: I can try to speak with it, but it’ll be more than a few minutes to do so. But, I have an idea.

Sadras gets low to the ground and her eyes start to glow with a faint magic, and wind blows through her hair. She starts to mimic the sounds of a dire wolf as she casts a spell. The defensive position of the dire wolf starts to relax, and its ears flatten, and it starts to whimper.

Sadras says: Good. He seems to trust us now.
Arthak Saurfang says: I can probably get it off.

Sadras starts to speak slowly, trying to comfort the wolf as Arthak goes in to try and remove the trap. The beast watches cautiously, but it doesn’t seem to be struggling, and Summerpaw also approaches to lick his head to help calm him.

Sadras gives Arthak a nod and casts rejuvenation on the beast to expedite the healing process as Arthak works with his smithing tools to dismantle the trap. With a fair bit of care and knowledge, Arthak is able to successfully release the wolf’s leg. The wound looks pretty bad, but at the very least, they did not exacerbate the injury.

Sadras and Nyxxa are then able to bandage the wound, and within the better part of a half hour, they are able to get the wolf to a good place.

Sadras says: It would be wise to ensure this wound doesn’t get infected or anything.

The dire wolf starts to growl and looks off into the distance, toward the northwest. It starts to move.

Sadras says: Wait, you shouldn’t move like that right now.

Sadras finishes casting speak with animals, and she briefly speaks with it.

Sadras says: I see… I don’t think that’s a good idea, but you are a free spirit, and you can do what you wish.

Sadras looks back to the group.

Sadras says: He said that his master is residing in the ruins of the den in the north. I think he means the city. He wants to go. He has been gone too long, and he is worried. His “master” meaning friend.
Nyxxa says: Would he be willing to let us help him?
Arthak Saurfang says: Provide an escort?

Sadras asks the dire wolf, and the beast looks to the group, and there is a slight bow of its head.

Sadras says: As long as we’re willing to go now, yes. He says that he wishes to get far away from the denizens of the mountain stream. He says they were the ones that set these traps and now hunt him.
Azgadaan says: Are they orcs or something else?
Sadras says: Let me see if I can find out.

She asks a few questions.

Sadras says: He says they do not look like us, so likely not demons or orcs. Potentially a tribe of broken?

Azgadaan uses alter self to go through a few different forms, and the wolf growls as Azgadaan takes the form of a broken draenei.

Sadras says: He said that they looked like that.
Azgadaan says: Good to know.

Azgadaan shifts back to his normal form.

The wolf is receptive to the group getting their allies--the rest of their “pack”--and they opt to double-back to get them before heading forward. Sadras explains the rest of the wolf’s own pack is with his master.

Nyxxa says: Well, lets get a move on then, especially if there are broken in the area. They won’t take kindly to us.
Sadras says: From the look of that trap, they won’t take kindly to anyone.

Sadras also gets the wolf’s name, and he provides that it is Huelo. The dire wolf is nursing his leg as he travels, but he seems to be walking alright. Summerpaw is sticking to his side.

Levia Blackflight says: Oh there’s two now. Making friends, aren’t you?
Sadras says: Levia, could you make sure his wound doesn’t get infected.
Levia Blackflight says: I think I can, yeah. He’s not going to bite me, is he?
Sadras says: Of course not. He’s a kind wolf.

Levia gives her an eyebrow raise, but opts to believe her, and uses lesser restoration to make sure the wound doesn’t get infected.

The group travels with the wolf, and it continues to try and push forward. Sadras tries to get the wolf to slow down a little bit, but it wants to go for at least another hour, and Huelo then relents to crash for the evening. They pass through some ancient battlegrounds, but they note campfire smoke in the air.

Nyxxa scouts through the trees, and she notes a cowled figure at a small campfire. There is a small tent-like shelter that looks somewhat familiar: it's more sturdy than a tent, but still easily collapsible, but it’s more reminiscent of the shelter that Virdius had on Gramgun’kur, but more temporary. There is a long weapon across the lap of the figure, and there is a circular object with a violet flame that is burning with an artificial sense. It’s giving off a soft violet light.

Nyxxa regroups with the rest of the warband and reports what she saw. He seemed to be alone.

Nyxxa says: We could reach out to see who that is? He is alone and is only a stone’s throw away.
Arthak Saurfang says: I’m fine with that.
Nyxxa says: Just let him know we are camping nearby and mean him no harm.
Azgadaan says: Works for me. I’m tired.
Arthak Saurfang says: I can go.
Nyxxa says: I can go with you, if everyone else wants to get started on setting up.
Sadras says: Sure. We can get things started.
Azgadaan says: Good luck you two.

Azgadaan uses an enhance ability on the pair of them, and the duo heads off.

As they get a singular step closer than Nyxxa was before, there is a loud sound as something unburies itself from the ground nearby. It’s a long cylinder with a crystalline light at the top. It starts to flash and make noise. The figure swivels around and points the weapon in their direction. It’s definitely an ethereal.

However, as soon as he points the weapon, the weapon starts to lower, and his voice emanates as it adjusts. There is something familiar about the man. Arthak notes the markings on the weapon, and recognizes them as one of the Netherwind Agents.

Netherwind Ethereal says: Correct me if I’m wrong, but you are familiar. Both of you. You are Arthak Saurfang. Is that correct?
Arthak Saurfang says: Correct. You’re Netherwind, right?
Netherwind Ethereal says: Correct! What a strange place to encounter each other again. I fought alongside your people some time ago.
Arthak Saurfang says: For that, you and your comrades have my gratitude.
Netherwind Ethereal says: No gratitude needed. You paid us for a service, and that service was rendered. Come in!

The ethereal presses a button on his arm, and the alarm is deactivated.

Netherwind Ethereal says: Come come! You may not get as much enjoyment from this campfire as a typical one, but you can enjoy it. Were you the ones approaching? I thought it was a forest creature.
Arthak Saurfang says: Our party is set up a small distance away. We thought it best to make greetings.
Netherwind Ethereal says: I see! This place is secure. It is great to see you, and I hope the place we helped protect is still in good health after the strange occurrences.
Arthak Saurfang says: It still stands.
Netherwind Ethereal says: Very good! But, do not mind, I am simply replenishing my energy until I continue. I must report back to my current employer. But, I am happy to help. I do not have much supplies that fleshlings could benefit from, but if there is anything I could grant you, I would be happy to do so.
Arthak Saurfang says: Are you working for the Protectorate?
Netherwind Ethereal says: Not currently, but I am not at liberty to speak more. The Netherwind Company do not work directly for the Protectorate. We work for any number of individuals. This particular mission is just reconnaissance and scouting, and I am returning to report findings.
Arthak Saurfang says: Very well.
Nyxxa says: Has there been anything unusual or dangerous in the area?
Netherwind Ethereal says: Well, there is much that is dangerous, and much that is unusual. It has become a site of fascination for many of my kind, and I would not be surprised if you find more of my people outside the ruins my employers are working. I’m not surprised the Protectorate has operations here.
Arthak Saurfang says: If you’re of a mind, you could--in the morning--if we’re moving in the same direction, we could travel together until you need to separate.
Netherwind Ethereal says: There would be no harm in that. I will delay my departure. Once you and the rest of your fleshling companions replenish your energy with sleep. It is safer to travel in groups. Not all who dwell in this old skeleton of a city do so with the best of interests.
Nyxxa says: Indeed.
Netherwind Ethereal says: But yes, I will delay my departure. I will find you and the rest of your companions once I pack up and bring my things in order. I will be ready before you all are.
Arthak Saurfang says: Very well. We’re providing an escort of ourselves. We’re not moving at our fastest, but we’re still moving.

The ethereal nods.

Netherwind Ethereal says: I am moving on foot. Even if I may be more fleet than someone like you, I can adjust. Thank you for your consideration.
Arthak Saurfang says: Alright. We’ll see you in the morning.
Netherwind Ethereal says: Or for whatever counts as a morning in this place.

The duo returns to camp and informs the rest of the warband about what had been discovered and arranged. Azgadaan asks Levia if she could divine the ethereal’s intentions, and she agrees to prepare something the next day.

Outland Day 14

In the morning, Levia uses augury to check on the ethereal, and she gets no negative nor positive result.

Levia Blackflight says: I think he’s just a traveler. As far as I can tell. That or he’s cunning enough to deceive whatever magic is telling me this.
Azgadaan says: Thank you.

Some sort of celestial body looms in the sky ahead, and the air is very hot and humid--more than it had been. Arthak makes companionable small talk with the Netherwind agent as they travel. The ethereal talks fondly about the battle he had fought in under Arthak’s pay, as it was quite invigorating, though he was happy he didn’t get dispersed.

Arthak does find out that the draenic ruins appear to have become some sort of shanty town, and the ethereal had seen a fair amount of people there. As they get closer, they see people occasionally. They are mostly orcs.

As they emerge from the trees, they see the ruined city proper. The bright celestial body is shining a melancholic orange-goldish hue over the ruins, and they can see the smoke of bonfires and cooking fires. Some of the trees are growing between the shattered rooftops and broken down architecture.

The Netherwind agent bows his head.

Netherwind Ethereal says: This is where we part ways. My employer is not far. It was a pleasure to share the road with companionable company.
Arthak Saurfang says: Likewise. Though, out of curiosity, are more of your company traveling in Outland? There may be the potential for employment in the future.
Netherwind Ethereal says: It is possible, but do not make the mistake of assuming any ethereal is a member of my company. Some may see your presence as a contest.
Arthak Saurfang says: I was hoping to see if there was a way to get in contact with your company directly given Viridius is not here.

The agent thinks for a moment.

Netherwind Ethereal says: There are a number of others that normally handle the, um… more boring parts of the transactions. There are Netherwind Traders. One by the name of Zhareem and another by the name of Lathrai. They may be able to get you in contact. They are currently also employed by my current employer, and are handling our contracts. If you seek them out, they are within this place, you will not have much trouble. Our people do not make an effort to hide when we are working, so, if you seek them out they may be able to give you more information than I can. They are the ones that Viridius would have spoken to. Before you leave, that may be a good first place to look.
Arthak Saurfang says: Thank you.
Netherwind Ethereal says: Of course of course! I wish you the best on your travels.

The agent bows his head and takes his leave. In the distance, they can see some prefab shelters that appear to be the same sort that he had.

Huelo, meanwhile, continues to press forward, and the warband travels for the better part of the day. After most of the day has passed, the group sees broken spires and shattered sections of this once-glorious city. Now much of it has been overgrown, and the group finds themselves in what had once been a park of some sort. Huelo stops, his ears perk up, and he howls.

As Arthak looks out for any more omens, he once again sees the hawk perched on the broken remnants of what was once likely a statue. It is staring down at him, and Karand then takes off again and flies in the direction Huelo is moving.

Halno occasionally hears hints of conversation in ravenspeech, and at one point he does see two arakkoa watching them, but they disappear as soon as they note Halno had looked at them.

Azgadaan gets an acrid smell that reminds him of the swamp, and he can see architecture reminiscent of the sporelings, and he actually sees three sporelings with bright purple bioluminescence gathered around a large mushroom that pulses out humid air.

Then Huelo stops and howls again, and a few other howls return not far ahead, and Huelo takes off running. The group follows without too much difficulty as the dire wolf heads toward the edge of a stone wall. Two other wolves come out of an unnatural cave formation that had been formed by the crumbling buildings--one jet black and a chocolate brown, smaller one--and they all start to nuzzle against each other.

A few other rocks--or rather a clefthoof--starts to move as it was disturbed by the howls. The hawk then flies down into the same recess. At this point, Arthak is following the hawk, and the rest of the party follows after Arthak.

There is the strong scent of beasts as they enter the ravine-like series of tunnels. Arthak sees a familiar figure who is knelt down. On one of his arms is Karand. He’s a mok’nathal, but a familiar one. He is nearly 9 feet tall. It’s Rexxar, who glances over to Arthak as he enters.

Behind him, a pile of feathers opens its eyes, and a dread raven reveals itself. There is also a boar nestled in a muddle of mud, and there is a wary clicking sound from the jet black dread raven.

Rexxar says: So, this is what had you all running.

He is speaking more to the hawk than anyone else.

Arthak Saurfang says: Scout-Captain Rexxar.

Rexxar looks to Arthak.

Rexxar says: You’ll have to forgive me, I don’t think I know who you are.
Arthak Saurfang says: Arthak Saurfang. We met briefly once.

Rexxar scoffs.

Rexxar says: That’s right. I do remember you, even if I only saw you briefly. Back before this world shook and trembled. You were some of the only ones smart enough not to listen to Garrosh if I’m not mistaken.
Arthak Saurfang says: We had other places to be.

Rexxar straightens.

Rexxar says: Well, your arrival here can be no coincidence. I heard Huelo. Mind telling me what happened?
Arthak Saurfang says: We found him. Well, Karand led us to him. He was caught in a trap. We got him out. We’ve been traveling with him to get him back to, it turns out, you.
Rexxar says: My thanks. How far out was he?
Arthak Saurfang says: A decent ways east. At least a day or so’s travel.
Rexxar says: That stubborn fool. I told him to stay away, but he’s not one to listen. The broken there poached some of his children, but there was little we could do. He’s still convinced there might be one survivor, despite my insistence. He’s grieving, and I understand that. More reason for us to leave. But you have my thanks for ensuring those krokul didn’t take him as well.
Arthak Saurfang says: It was our honor.

Rexxar nods.

Rexxar says: There’s little of that around here, nowadays. So. What brings you to Outland? I thought there was a war for you to fight, and you seem to be a busy man. I imagine you’ve been getting into all sorts of fun after this conquest to another world.
Arthak Saurfang says: Busy, yes, but there’s things that need doing here.
Rexxar says: Is that so? This place has changed greatly since you left. As I’m sure you’ve discovered.
Arthak Saurfang says: More than a few times already.

Rexxar furrows his brow and moves Karand onto his shoulder.

Rexxar says: I’m not surprised to hear that there’s more business that the Horde wants to take care of here. Things are rarely free from the scheming and politics, even as the war leaves this world. It grows tiresome.
Arthak Saurfang says: As someone who is often in the thick of it, agreed.

Rexxar chuffs.

Rexxar says: Then why do you thrust yourself into it?
Arthak Saurfang says: Because some things need to get done, and that’s the way to get them done.
Rexxar says: I thought like you once. That’s why I left to lend my axes to the Horde as well, but it’s always fighting. If there’s not one war to fight, then it's another. Why do you think I surround myself with beasts? They don’t lie or deceive, they are what they say they are. They don’t war, they survive. The orcs used to do the same, as did my people. But now… there’s always things that must be done. But.

Rexxar sighs.

Rexxar says: Your will is your own. My complaining will do little to change your mind. You have my gratitude for saving my friend. If there’s anything I can do for you, I’d be glad to do so. I have little in the way of actual supplies, but I have plenty of food, and if you’re planning on traveling in this broken world, I’ve already traveled the length of it. At the very least, I can tell you what you face.

Rexxar glances at the rest of the group, and he takes note of the demons in the midst, but he doesn’t seem to mind too much.

Arthak Saurfang says: Your… the hawk with you.
Rexxar says: Karand is his name, as you know. He seems to recognize you.
Arthak Saurfang says: He was once a companion to my cousin.
Rexxar says: I see. The one he speaks of rather fondly. I found him here. Not here, but in this world, not long ago. It is hard to tell the cycles and seasons here, but I wager it was a few months at most. He has traveled with me for a time, but he left some weeks back. I have a feeling he knew you would arrive. Perhaps he sought to find you. Is that right, Karand?

He looks to the bird. Sadras looks amazed.

Rexxar says: Seems that he sought to follow you and ensure you were safe. Circumstance brought you back to the same place I was. Did you mean to lead them to me, for some reason?

Rexxar chuffs at whatever the bird chirps back in response.

Arthak Saurfang says: Did he?
Rexxar says: Though I can speak to the beasts I surround myself with, one can only understand what they desire and seek as much as they can anyone. He chose to do what he chose to do, that is the most he would tell me. But I can tell you that he seeks to continue following you, even should our paths diverge.
Arthak Saurfang says: ...Oh.

Karand takes off from Rexxar’s shoulder and lands on Sadras’s arm right next to Arthak. He looks at Arthak, and then to Sadras.

Sadras says: If you want to come with us, you can.

There is a breeze of wind that blows the group, and Karand moves up to Sadras’s shoulder.

Sadras says: I guess he wants to come with us.
Arthak Saurfang says:Guess so.
Sadras says: He said he wants to help me watch over you.

Sadras looks down bashfully, and Karand then hops over to Arthak’s shoulder. Rexxar looks to Sadras.

Rexxar says: You have an affinity for beasts as well. You’re a Frostwolf, aren’t you?
Sadras says: Was a Frostwolf.

Rexxar looks at Sadras, and then to Arthak.

Rexxar says: I see.

Nyxxa then noticed that Mischief had relinquished herself from the pocket dimension, and her eyes are focused on the nesting bird nearby. Nyxxa immediately scoops her up before she can pounce, and Mischief sinks her claws into Nyxxa’s arm.

Nyxxa says: No. We are guests in this pack, and we will respect it.

Rexxar chuffs.

Rexxar says: Seems you have a menagerie around yourself. Karand will be in good hands. For the most part.
Nyxxa says: I’ll make sure she behaves around birds…

Nyxxa looks down to the cat.

Nyxxa says: I’ll let you know when there are birds you are allowed to chase. These are family.

She lets the cat scramble onto her shoulder.

Rexxar says: You said you had business on this world. Where are you headed?
Arthak Saurfang says: We’re heading towards Nagrand currently.
Rexxar says: That so? It’s one of the more untouched places, compared to the rest of what remains of our home. The plains are vast, and there are motes of earth that now float above them. Where are you going in Nagrand? I would hesitate against you heading too far west. You will find nothing but demons.
Arthak Saurfang says: We’re looking for a Frostwolf party that was sent here not too long ago. Well… before the world broke.
Rexxar says: I see. I don’t know about this group, but if they are somewhere within, you will find it once you exit the ruins of this city. Navigate the cliffs that bar the Terokkar Forest, and you will descend into the plains. But I cannot say I know what you’ll find. The place is less changed in some places, but there is much that is still unfamiliar. The orcs that once roamed the plains, the Warsong and the Burning Blade, their presence is now just echoes. It is peaceful. I am like to return there as well. Where I roam and where I lay my head is home, and a place like Nagrand is a good place to do so. For now.

There is a hint of a smirk from Lantresor, given he was also originally from there.

Rexxar says: I can tell you that the tremors that broke the earth, some of them came from the west. I believe it is what the demons were.

He looks at Azgadaan and Nyxxa.

Rexxar says: You don’t know what they were doing, do you?
Nyxxa says: I’m actually looking for someone that was in Nagrand and investigating the demon activity.
Rexxar says: A man that looks like you?

Nyxxa’s face lights up.

Nyxxa says: That’s probably him, yeah.
Rexxar says: Well you’re not the first one to look for him. He was here perhaps… not long after I arrived. Just a few weeks prior. He was asking about the same thing. I didn’t speak with him, but I saw him. Others like you came afterwards. They were smaller and they didn’t wield the same strange eye covering.
Nyxxa says: Was one taller than the others? Wings?
Rexxar says: I did not see one that fit that description. But I didn’t speak with them.
Nyxxa says: That sounds like her cohorts… so they were looking for him.
Rexxar says: They will have trouble catching him on that great beast he came with.
Nyxxa says: Have you seen something relatively new to this world? Four legs, wings…

She tries to describe a dragon.

Rexxar says: The man was accompanied with one. They look like a cross between a cross between a shark and a one-headed rylak.
Nyxxa says: What color?

Rexxar thinks for a second.

Rexxar says: It was green. Or maybe blue.
Nyxxa says: As long as it’s not black, it should be okay.
Rexxar says: It was not.
Nyxxa says: Well that’s good to know. Thank you. Have you seen others like that?
Rexxar says: I have seen creatures hiding in the hidden places of the world. I assume that they were either creatures of this strange realm, or perhaps a mutation, but they seem to gather around crystal formations.
Nyxxa says: Azeroth natives if I’m to understand correctly, but we’re investigating.
Rexxar says: Azeroth is the world the Horde hopes to conquer?

Nyxxa nods.

Rexxar says: I see.
Nyxxa says: They weren’t brought here by choice, but it seems they escaped from their captor.

Rexxar thinks for a moment.

Rexxar says: You say they were captured?
Nyxxa says: Yes.

Nyxxa briefly explains the Sinestra situation and her experiments.

Rexxar says: That bodes ill. But I’m uncertain what I can do about it. If this Sinestra is as powerful as you say, and if she’s bewitched the Dragonmaw clan, or part of them… there are members of the Dragonmaw clan that still reside in Outland. I don’t know where they are, and I’ve perhaps seen similar beasts. They haunt portions of the Blades Edge mountains. You may find them if you head in that direction.

Nyxxa looks to the group.

Nyxxa says: Ultimately, one of our goals here, if possible, is to try and hamper her operation and find allies that would be willing to help. She’s a threat not only to this world, but to mine as well.

Rexxar considers.

Rexxar says: Seems the Horde has brought all sorts of dangers and threats. As the years have gone by, this world has been ravaged by more death and destruction, and this Sinestra is another symptom of that problem.
Nyxxa says: But thank you for that information about that man. It’s useful. That aside, on a less dire note… would they mind if I introduced myself?

She gestures to the animals.

Rexxar smirks.

Rexxar says: I don’t think they would mind at all, no.

He looks to the dread raven behind him.

Rexxar says: This is Nisha. After what happened to her home, there are few of her kind that still linger. But I was lucky enough to raise her as a child well before this world shattered. The kaliri is named Spirit. My friend lazing about in the mud is named Puffer.

He gestures to the boar.

Rexxar says: The clefthoof is named Budgy. You met Huelo and his mate and his surviving child. And this…

He raises his arm and reveals a small white rat.

Rexxar says: Is Keepers.

Rexxar smiles fondly as he introduces the animals, and Nyxxa eagerly says hello to all of them nearby. Keepers wiggles his nose at her before retreating back into Rexxar’s leathers.

Rexxar says: They are pleased to meet you as well, and grateful that Huelo has been returned to his pack.
Nyxxa says: I admire your lifestyle, sir.
Rexxar says: You are a strange demon. There are few amongst your kind that show such interest in beasts.
Nyxxa says: I wasn’t always a demon, and what I used to be really likes animals. Nature. The woods. I guess that stayed.

She holds her hand out for an animal to sniff, and Nisha approaches and makes a crooning noise as she places her beak on Nyxxa’s hand. But then the boar nudges Nyxxa in her bad leg and nearly knocks her over. There is now mud caked in her fur. He starts to sniff around in Nyxxa’s pouch, and Mischief starts to hiss.

Nyxxa says: You don’t mind if I…?
Rexxar says: Puffer can pack away anything. Nothing you give him will ruin his meals more than he already has.

Nyxxa gives Puffer some food but also gives Mischief some as well. Rexxar furrows his brow.

Rexxar says: There may be someone else that can help you on your search for this man. There is a demon here. He spoke briefly with the man you seek, the one astride this dragon. They were not amicable, but they spoke. What of, I cannot tell you. I didn’t eavesdrop, I just heard the shouting. He is a sad creature that lives in the place they imbibe alcohol and other drinks. There is a man who runs the place and exchanges it for goods and currency. It is a broken ruin he has claimed.
Nyxxa says: What kind of demon?
Rexxar says: I don’t know. He is large and hairless, his body covered in metal and contraptions that deceive my knowledge. He reeks of alcohol and disappointment. You can find him at this place more often than not. If I’m not mistaken, the others came to the same conclusion. Perhaps I should watch. It should be an amusing conversation, at least.
Nyxxa says: When did the other agents here?
Rexxar says: Some days after the man you seek left. Few days perhaps. A week.
Nyxxa says: Thank you.
Rexxar says: It is the least I could do considering you saved my friend and alerted me to something I have to consider.

Nyxxa nods.

Nyxxa says: Nonetheless, thank you.

Rexxar nods.

Rexxar says: I’ll be here with my friends for another day or two before I head off. You are all… an interesting lot.
Arthak Saurfang says: Yes. We’ve been told that before.
Rexxar says: Then I suppose my intuition is as keen as ever. I don’t know what you seek to accomplish in Nagrand, but I hope the wilds do not overcome you. And that you survive.
Arthak Saurfang says: We hope the same.

Nyxxa nods.

Azgadaan says: Do you know any other sites of demonic activity? Outside Nagrand?
Rexxar says: They have set up strange places. Facilities of some variety all over this world. Weapons and places to create them. Titans that crush the ground. Beyond the great fortresses in the Hellfire Peninsula, and the blackened temple, they have places at the far reaches of many regions across the Frostwind Desert and Stonetalon Mountains.

He looks to Arthak.

Rexxar says: I know little personally of the Blackrock clan, but I know your foundry. It has changed. The great forge your people has built, it too serves a different purpose. They seek to tame the land, but not through an open hand. Through a closed fist.

He looks back to Azgadaan.

Rexxar says: I can’t say I appreciate what your kin have done to this place, but you seem to be none the wiser. I have not explored the remnants of Farahlon, but I would not be surprised if they had a presence there as well. I cannot say I know much of their activity in the Spires of Arak, however. It is dangerous to travel there, so my knowledge is limited.
Arthak Saurfang says: Good to know.
Rexxar says: But the greatest concentration of their strength lies within the Hellfire Peninsula and Shadowmoon Valley. Both of them teem with demons.
Arthak Saurfang says: Yes. Some of us have experienced some of that already.

Rexxar turns back to his beasts. Sadras talks to him a bit about his wolves and his other beasts. He also winds up going out to meet Summerpaw.

As the group moves into setting up a camp nearby, Nyxxa gets a sending from Khadgar.

Khadgar says [sending]: It’s been a moment, Nyxxa! I hope that everything is going well. Sorry I haven’t been able to check in as regularly as I would wish to.
Nyxxa says [sending]: Things have been going, but better now. I’m glad you reached me now, there’s something I was meaning to report back. Could be nothing, could be serious, but we ran into something.
Khadgar says [sending]: Is that so? What’s happened?
Nyxxa says [sending]: It seems that Outland is turning into more of a ban’dinoriel reunion. Caria is back, and she’s out for blood.
Khadgar says [sending]: I see. Yes, that could be a problem.
Nyxxa says [sending]: She was after people from my organization, and she intends to seek them out.

Nyxxa uses see invisibility, but she sees no scrying censors.

Nyxxa says [sending]: I think if Loramus was on his own, he could handle it, but given I pushed him out of his comfort zone, I’m concerned, and I gave one of the elves something Caria would be able to recognize.
Khadgar says [sending]: I see. So you’re worried they’re in danger.
Nyxxa says [sending]: I don’t know for certain, but I would hope that information gets to them in case of the worst. I’m afraid of what Caria is going to do, and I don’t know what to expect. She has taken to the fel real bad.
Khadgar says [sending]: Then fear is undoubtedly a weapon she seeks to wield against you. All we can do is prepare the best we can. I can reach out to them best as I’m able to. They just left Honor Hold, but I don’t believe it will be indefinitely. If Caria and her goons do try something, they’ll be prepared.
Nyxxa says [sending]: My thanks. Another question… you remember Samaara, correct?
Khadgar says [sending]: Of course.
Nyxxa says [sending]: Have you run into others like her yet?
Khadgar says [sending]: There are others, yes. We’ve become aware of the presence of such beings in a few locations. We are still considering our options. Some seem to be enslaved by the orcs and demons, while others seem to be free. Resistance fighters or people trying to find an existence on this dying place.
Nyxxa says [sending]: I don’t know a lot at this moment, but from what I’ve learned, something big may be heading in your direction given you are basically a stone’s throw from the Citadel. They will be trying something, and we or may not be invested in some way. I thought it would be good to tell you. If I learn more, I can tell you as I can.
Khadgar says [sending]: I’ll ensure our scouts keep watch. We have a few outposts and strongholds. With luck, we can reach out to some of these people. Perhaps we can find allies in our shared goals. We’ll keep a close eye on this Citadel, and if anything happens, we’ll seize opportunities.
Nyxxa says [sending]: Good to know.
Khadgar says [sending]: That does remind me. You said you may be investigating the area dubbed the Netherstorm, right? Speaking of these outposts… another archmage who came with us, a member of the Kirin Tor, brought a small group there to observe the area. The place is called Kirin'Var village. The place has gone dark, and we’ve heard nothing from them. There were a number of talented mages… if any are alive, they could use help. If you are in the area and able to stop by…
Nyxxa says [sending]: We have reason to head over there. I know there is a mining operation that we got asked to interfere with that may have something to do with the disappearance, or might not.
Khadgar says [sending]: Use caution. The man is named Vargoth. He’s eccentric, but powerful. Approach with caution. He can be trigger happy, but if he is still alive… then he could use your assistance.
Nyxxa says [sending]: Can I drop your name if needed?
Khadgar says [sending]: Please do, if it comes to that. Be careful. That place is unpredictable at best, and whatever magics are going wild out there… I can’t say it would be safe to assume that the place is not magically unstable.
Nyxxa says [sending]: I’ll keep caution in mind. I’m almost curious about how Loramus’s arrival at Honor’s Hold went, but I won’t pry.
Khadgar says [sending]: It was an adventure. But Magistrix Elburn rallied no small amount of support for him, and interest in your peculiar means.
Nyxxa says [sending]: That’s good. It’s out of my hands, but that’s good. And it’s good to hear from you.
Khadgar says [sending]: As ever. Say safe, and sleep well. I should get some rest as well.

Meanwhile, Arthak approaches Rexxar in private. Rexxar acknowledges Arthak’s presence, as well as Karand’s, who is perched on Arthak’s shoulder.

Arthak Saurfang says: I think you should come with us.

Rexxar was skinning some sort of game, and he stops.

Rexxar says: Is that so?
Arthak Saurfang says: It is.
Rexxar says: Why is that?
Arthak Saurfang says: Because this one.

He gestures to Karand.

Arthak Saurfang says: Led me to you.

Rexxar looks to the hawk, and then back to Arthak.

Rexxar says: You presume to understand the intentions of a beast?
Arthak Saurfang says: I don’t presume anything, but I try.

Rexxar laughs.

Arthak Saurfang says: I think there’s more to this than just the intentions of a beast.
Rexxar says: My apologies for laughing. I was just reminded of an old memory I had forgotten. When I was a boy. After I had left my clan and my father in disgrace, when I was still wandering this world looking for what to do, before I went to the Horde to try and become something I wasn’t. I met a man, once. An old orc who carried the same blade that your companion carries. He called himself Samuro. The words he told me on that day didn’t make sense, not at the time. But they were a lot like what you just said.
Arthak Saurfang says: He was my grandfather.

Rexxar nods.

Rexxar says: I got that sense. There are… reflections of him in the way you breathe. In your stance. In your eyes. I will consider your words. But first, you’re going to tell me what you’re really doing here, Saurfang. Seeking Frostwolves is only the tip of this iceberg, I wager.
Arthak Saurfang says: I can do that. By any chance, do you have anything that would prevent our conversation from being listened to with magic?
Rexxar says: If you believe that you may be detected by something unseen, you have nothing to fear. My beasts would know.
Arthak Saurfang says: Okay. We’re here to do many things. The list keeps growing, but my chief priority now is Go’el of the Frostwolves.
Rexxar says: I see. I know Go’el. We’ve spoken in the past. Our fathers once fought side-by-side against the ogres. So he is the Frostwolf you see.
Arthak Saurfang says: Yes. I sent him here. For the Doomhammer.

Rexxar furrows his brow.

Rexxar says: I am not an expert on this, but I thought the warchief wielded this?
Arthak Saurfang says: The warchief made an excellent forgery.

Rexxar chuffs.

Rexxar says: More lies and deception. I shouldn’t be surprised. So you believe the real Doomhammer lies within the corpse of our world?
Arthak Saurfang says: I do.
Rexxar says: Do you have any idea where?

Arthak is aware the exact location of where it was made is up for debate, but most people believe that it was the same place that made Blackhand into a living legend, and that is the deepest part of the Blackrock Foundry. However, many of the volcanic mountains in the area are interconnected.

Arthak Saurfang says: Where it was created. The Blades Edge Mountains.

Rexxar considers.

Rexxar says: If you are going to reclaim it… you’re going to need everything at your disposal to find it, let alone prove yourself worthy to it. Even I know the legends of that hammer, even if I know less than you. So you believe that you need me to guide you?
Arthak Saurfang says: I think my grandfather is telling me that, yes. Him and Karand.

He reaches up to scritch Karand, who accepts them with dignity and pose.

Rexxar says: After what happened in this place, I swore to myself I would never get involved in wars again, but I don’t know if that’s possible anymore. Not truly. It’s been years since that happened, and look at what this place has become. I suppose we will see what Samuro wished. We will see if your intuition is as keen as his was. I will go with you for now. If you seek this chamber, there are ways we can try to reach there, and you will need as much guidance as you can to avoid the dangers of this world. I will go with you. After all, I suppose I already sought to venture into Nagrand again. But I am not going to be riding in that thing of yours. My beasts and I will make our own way.
Arthak Saurfang says: You have my thanks.

Rexxar sighs.

Rexxar says: Don’t thank me yet. I’ve never been known to be an amicable traveling partner alongside other people. This is the most I’ve talked in months.

He looks incredulous for a moment.

Arthak Saurfang says: I do that to people.
Rexxar says: My pack will be ready when yours is. Inform your companions, I don’t wish to do so myself.
Arthak Saurfang says: I understand.

Arthak nods and gets up, however, Rexxar stops him.

Rexxar says: One more thing, Arthak. If this proves to be some sort of farce, if this is all a lie and all your talk of breaking from the cycle of lies and wars is all bluster…

He picks up the creature he was skinning and continues to skin it, allowing that action to speak for itself.

Arthak Saurfang says: I’ll hold you to that.

There’s a hint of a grin across Rexxar’s face.

Nyxxa opted to gather Azgadaan and Halno along with a few NPCs to talk about the new mission from Khadgar.

Nyxxa says: An archmage and some of his companions have gone missing in the Netherstorm. I was asked to look into it, and rescue him if that’s required. Us meeting with Go’el takes priority, but if possible, and if he is willing, I would like to get him involved. However, given that’s a rescue mission, we should get to that as soon as we can. Thoughts?
Levia Blackflight says: I don’t know the individual, but when we head up to that area, we can split off if needed? I don’t think we should leave all business separate given what the Protectorate may want us to do.
Nyxxa says: We could leave certain people there to ensure certain people don’t need to be complicit, but if we get to the area.
Levia Blackflight says: Could be worth it. If there’s some magical something going around, I’d say you two are best equipped.

She looks to Halno and Azgadaan.

Nyxxa says: Plus an opportunity to make more mage contacts.
Halno says: I do appreciate mage contacts.
Levia Blackflight says: Not to mention, if we don’t meet up with Kalec and Tyri… they scouted an area of nether drakes up there as well.
Nyxxa says: Yeah, but I want to get Go’el involved in that if he’s willing. Given the talks we had in the past… he might want to make a good impression.
Sadras says: Possibly. I know Farahlon was to the east of Gorgrond when things were all together… ideally if we are able to get the Doomhammer, we could maybe fly over there? If we could do that with one of Azgadaan’s vessels or some other magic. So that’s an option. I don’t know what will happen as far as the hammer is concerned, but we could look into it after that.
Nyxxa says: While we’re in Nagrand I would like to find agent Shadowsong. It seems some of Caria’s agents may be after him. But we can figure things out in Nagrand.

Sadras nods.

Sadras says: Once we speak with Go’el and find out what’s going on, perhaps we’ll know what to do from there.
Nyxxa says: I’m remiss to ask anything of him right now, but I know this would be useful to him and his people. But we are getting pulled in a lot of directions.
Sadras says: We’ll do what we can. We’ll do our best, I guess.

At that moment, Arthak returns.

Arthak Saurfang says: Rexxar will be traveling with us. We spoke.
Sadras says: Really?

Nyxxa cheers.

Arthak Saurfang says: At least for as long as he chooses to, but for now, he chooses to.
Sadras says: That’s amazing! I could learn so much from him.

Nyxxa nods.

As the group settles in, Nyxxa goes to investigate the strange “inn” that Rexxar had sighted the mo’arg at. It’s not that far from where they are camping.

She finds an old, rundown ruin. It’s the most dilapidated place she had seen in her life, and it seems to be build out of what may have at one point been a tavern. There is some wood and stone stacked up to try and solidify it. It’s not bustling, but there seems to be music sung in orcish.

She peers in through the window, and it looks like a bar fight happened, but there’s no evidence of a bar fight. A table has a broken leg and is supported by only a rock, and it looks like a dive bar that got wasted. There are about a dozen people in the building.

She can see a krokul, and his tendrils look like they were carved off and capped with bone. He seems to be the man in charge, a man named Shaarubo. There are a few other people in the area, including an orc who is singing the song while drumming on some sort of stage that is actually just broken ground. There are three arakkoa in a corner and drinking out of small cups. There are a few other orcs and krokul as well.

Slumped over in a corner, snoring, is an ogre with a giant empty stein, and in the far corner is a mo’arg demon. Her tongue almost gets a film on it as she can almost taste a greasy aura from looking at him. He has a very portly stomach, and most of his mechanical arms are unscrewed and laying about. His face mask and eye piece are also off, and he is drinking with his solitary fleshy arm. He has a sweat and oil stained cloth nearby. He looks pathetic.

Nyxxa returns to the group and asks if anyone wants to come with her.

Arthak Saurfang says: I’m… probably good.
Levia Blackflight says: Come on Arthak, it’ll be fun. I’m in.
Nyxxa says: I figured you would be. It seems like your sort of place.
Levia Blackflight says: I feel like I should be offended, but you’re absolutely right.
Nyxxa says: There are arakkoa there, Halno.
Halno says: Sounds like I’m going.
Nyxxa says: What about you, Azzy?
Azgadaan says: Sure.

Azgadaan opts to use alter self to look like a satyr, and Sadras drags Arthak along. He looks back at Azuka and Lantresor sadly as he leaves, as they opted to remain behind.

They enter the bar, and all the sound stops for a brief second as they acknowledge the new group.

Nyxxa says: Hello!

Everyone then goes back to what they were doing.

Arthak opts to go to the bar directly as the orc singer is currently singing the tale of Orgrim Doomhammer and the tale surrounding him and Blackhand. Arthak was halfway through asking for water.

Arthak Saurfang says: ...I’ll take an ale.
Shaarubo says: Good. We don’t have water. Not good water, at least.

The krokul passes him some sort of liquid in a chipped draenic cup. Arthak sips it very slowly while smoking a cigarette.

Nyxxa also approaches the barkeep.

Nyxxa says: I’d like a drink of whatever that demon over there is having.

She points at the mo’arg.

Shaarubo says: Same thing that everyone drink. This is no place to be picky.

He pours the same thing for Nyxxa and Nyxxa puts a small pile of silver pieces on the “counter”. The krokul grabs one, bites it with his sharpened teeth, and then shrugs.

Shaarubo says: Eh. World’s End Tavern not the place to be picky.

He pockets the silver and places three bottles in front of Nyxxa.

Shaarubo says: You want food?
Nyxxa says: Whatever. We’re passing through. Plus exchange rate. I think that’s a thing?
Shaarubo says: I make food.

He shouts to the bar.

Shaarubo says: Don’t break anything!

He goes through a hole behind the building that may have once led to a kitchen, but now it’s just outside, and there is firelight.

Sadras says: This place is… wild.
Nyxxa says: I haven’t been to a bar since Argus.

Nyxxa grabs one of the bottles and heads over to the mo’arg with Azgadaan, and sets it on his table. She has a wide smile. The mo’arg was murmuring to himself in eredun, and a large, glassy eye looks in her direction--his other eye is missing. He clumsily grabs a small device he affixes to his one good eye.

He blinks.

Drunk Mo'arg says [eredun]: Oh. No no no. Not again. Not again!
Nyxxa says [eredun]: No no no, here!

She presents the alcohol to the demon.

The mo’arg was almost trying to back into the corner, scrambling for his things. However, he looks down at the bottle, and then to Nyxxa, and then back to the bottle again.

Drunk Mo'arg says [eredun]: What uh… why are you doing this?
Nyxxa says [eredun]: Seems you’ve been through a bit lately, and I wanted to start making up for it.

The mo’arg takes the small glass piece over his eye and hastily breathes on it before wiping it off on a greasy cloth and affixing it. He probably made it even dirtier than it was before.

Azgadaan says [eredun]: Let me… help you with that.

Azgadaan uses prestidigitation on the glass, and the grease vanishes.

Drunk Mo'arg says [eredun]: I don’t… I don’t understand…

He hiccups.

Drunk Mo'arg says [eredun]: But okay…

He reaches out and grabs the bottle.

Drunk Mo'arg says [eredun]: This not poison?
Nyxxa says [eredun]: I can take a sip first! It’s straight from the bar.

Both Azgadaan and Nyxxa know that most mo’arg are immune to poison anyway, as are many other demons.

Drunk Mo'arg says [eredun]: Alright…

He hiccups again.

Drunk Mo'arg says [eredun]: We’ll see about that.

He reaches for a small vial which he uncorks. He sprinkles a bright green powder into the alcohol and knocks it back with his one good arm.

Drunk Mo'arg says [eredun]: Alright. I do not know why you are being so nice to Sal… but you… you are. What do you want?
Nyxxa says [eredun]: Well, through my investigations, I heard you had a bit of a tiff with someone that kind of looks a bit like me.

She gestures to her tattoos, and Sal looks at them.

Sal'salabim says [eredun]: What is it to you?
Nyxxa says [eredun]: Well, you probably heard this already, but I’m looking for him. And you’re probably not going to believe me, but my intentions are good, as opposed to some others that I know were also through here.
Sal'salabim says [eredun]: How do you know him?
Nyxxa says [eredun]: Uh… I don’t. I was told by someone to look for him and… catch up. But honestly, between you and me, I reformed one too many times in the nether and I frankly don’t remember anything. So I was hoping I was able to get in touch with him so he can fill me in on some details.

The mo’arg looks between Nyxxa and Azgadaan.

Sal'salabim says [eredun]: You want to prove… you do something for me first. Then maybe we talk about Altruis.
Nyxxa says [eredun]: What have you got in mind?

Sal glances over to the snoring ogre.

Sal'salabim says [eredun]: Raliq. He and I… played a game of chance and he cheated. He took something important. I need it back, but… I cannot take it back with strength. You are satyrs, yes? You are sneaky like. You get it back, perhaps we talk of Altruis.
Nyxxa says [eredun]: What is it?
Azgadaan says [eredun]: That may help.

The mo’arg looks around suspiciously and leans in.

Sal'salabim says [eredun]: It is a small coin. I… got mixed up. Was deep in cups and lost track, and I may have wagered it on accident. Small rezzi coin. Has a mark on it. Small on side. Notched coin. Bring it back, and we speak.
Azgadaan says [eredun]: Does the big man know what he has, or does he just think it’s rezzi?
Sal'salabim says [eredun]: Ogres are stupid! They don’t know anything. He likely think it just shiny trinket.
Nyxxa says [eredun]: I could either steal it, or try to convince him that we are looking for rezzi and we know he had some. Go for the exchange rate.
Sal'salabim says [eredun]: Steal it. Barter it. Kill him and take it, sleep with him, I do not care. But I need it back.
Azgadaan says [eredun]: Sounds easy enough unless he already spent it. How long ago was this?
Sal'salabim says [eredun]: Two nights ago.
Azgadaan says [eredun]: Hmmm. I have an idea. First we’ll figure out if he still has it, but getting it from him sounds easy enough.

Nyxxa and Azgadaan discuss for a bit, and then Nyxxa saunters over to the ogre. She is immediately met with the stench of body odor. Even while sitting, the ogre is nearly the size of Nyxxa, and he is taking up the better part of the corner. He is dozing, and his hand is on a large snuff box.

Azgadaan uses prestidigitation on the ogre while he is sleeping to get rid of the stench.

The ogre laughs in his sleep.

Raliq says: Hehehe. That tickles… huh?

He jerks awake and snorts, puts one big finger over a nostril, and shoots something out of his nose and onto the group. The ogre looks at the pair of satyrs.

Raliq says: Oh. Hello.
Azgadaan says: Hello my big friend! Me and my compatriot here were wondering if you would be willing give us your rezzi in exchange for some other valuable items.
Raliq says: Ohhh, I do like pretty things! But what’s a rezzi?

Azgadaan fishes around in his bags and pulls out a rezzi coin.

Azgadaan says: Looks like this, friend. You have any?
Raliq says: Ohhh! Yeah, I have lots of that! Just a second, let me check my trusty box.

He looks over to the box his hand was on, which was likely more of a chest that he had looted at one point. He pops it open, and there is a strong aroma of things. There is a collection of scraps of cloth, what appears to be a large bone, all sorts of coins and valuable trinkets and baubles. Some of it is rezzi, some of it is gold, and there is even some Azerothian gold in there somehow. There is also a pipe that is likely used to smoke something.

Azgadaan says: You got a magnificent collection, friend! Mind if I take a look? No touching of course.

The ogre looks at Azgadaan, and then at the box, and pulls it closer.

Raliq says: But this is Raliq’s stash.
Nyxxa says: We just want to admire it!
Raliq says: Okay… but no touching, or Raliq smash you, and add your shinies to his stash!

He cautiously moves back from the box, but is still holding onto the side of it. Azgadaan looks closer, but without sifting through the trinkets, he is uncertain if he can see the coin they are looking for.

Nyxxa says: Hm. If you could take out all that type of coin, I can see how much I would need to pay you in return!
Raliq says: Uhhh okay!

The ogre reaches into the chest and starts to pull out the rezzi coins. He holds the first one up.

Raliq says: I remember this one! I got this one off a dead imp on the side of the road.

He puts it down and fishes out another one, which he looks at closely.

Raliq says: Ohhh! I remember this one! This one I got off a wyrmtongue who said I was taking up too much room! So I smashed him and took his stuff!

He reaches in and grabs a third one. Nyxxa is waiting patiently.

Nyxxa says: Wow, that’s super interesting!

As he continues to pull each individual coin out, the pair of them hear the story about him smashing a wyrmtongue about three dozen times. He apparently has smashed a lot of wyrmtongues. One coin apparently he found stuck to the bottom of his foot one day. Another one he found in a big pile of “doo doo” on the side of the road.

He continues for about twenty minutes.

Raliq says: Oh, this one right here! This one I found from him!

He points at the mo’arg.

Raliq says: Haha! He bet all of his shinies against me, and I beat him in a game of chance!
Nyxxa says: That’s a nice one! I’d be able to pay for that one alone, honestly!

The ogre looks at Nyxxa.

Raliq says: Why this one?
Nyxxa says: It’s a very nice looking one.
Raliq says: But I got a bunch of them from him! Wait a minute… were his a special kind of shiny?
Azgadaan says: Not really. From what I can tell, they’re about average. Bring out the other ones.

The ogre thinks for a moment.

Raliq says: Alright, I do that. Lets see…

He starts to shuffle through the rest of the coins.

Raliq says: Oh this one wasn’t from that. This one I found when I punched that one guy… oh here we go!

He pulls out about ten coins.

Raliq says: I think that was all of them!

Azgadaan examines the coins more closely, and he sees one of the coins has a chip on the edge--likely the specific one that Sal had referenced.

Azgadaan says: Did you notice that one was broken?

He points at the coin.

Raliq says: Huh? I don’t see nothin’.

He pulls the coin out and holds it up to his eyes. He closes one eye, and then the other.

Raliq says: It looks… it looks kind of shiny though. I think these were shinier!

Azgadaan pulls a rezzi out of his bag and casts prestidigitation on it to make the coin even shinier. The ogre looks at it.

Raliq says: I mean, that one is pretty shiny too, but I still think this one is shinier.
Azgadaan says: Well this one I got from a beautiful queen of the Burning Legion. Would you like this one, in exchange for that one?
Raliq says: I dunno… Raliq is… Raliq is sus-poshus about the two of you. You seem to be really interested in this coin here, and queen money is probably good money, but I don’t know why you want this so much.
Azgadaan says: Tell me Raliq, do you like games?
Raliq says: Oh yeah, I love games! That’s how I got these ones in the first place! Weren’t you listening? You’re so dumb.

Azgadaan chuckles.

Azgadaan says: Some people do call me that. Anyway. How about we play a game? Whoever can throw a rock the furthest, how about that?
Raliq says: That sounds easy! What does Raliq get if he wins?

Azgadaan pulls out 100 coins.

Raliq says: Those are all from the queen?? Okay. You have yourself a deal small, horny man.

Nyxxa gets a snicker in her head from Vaerux.

Raliq says: You get these coins I got from Sal-the-Bad-at-Games if you beat me, but when I beat you you give me all of your queen money!
Azgadaan says: You got a deal, buddy. Lets find a spot we can throw rocks so we don’t make all these nice people around us mad.
Raliq says: That makes sense. But first, we shake on it!

He spits on his giant hand and holds it out to Azgadaan, who promptly starts to mutter under his breath.

Azgadaan says: It’ll come off later, it’ll come off later…

Azgadaan spits in his hand, and he shakes the ogre’s giant, disgusting, saliva-covered hand.

Raliq says: Alright, we go outside!

Raliq heaves himself to his feet, and they head outside. There are plenty of stones around.

Raliq says: These ones will work!

He goes over and finds two rather large stones that are between 2-3 feet around.

Raliq says: We throw these ones! Small horny man, no way he throw them as good as Raliq does!

Raliq laughs.

Azgadaan says: Raliq, just to give you fair warning, I’m actually a fairly big, hairy man when I’m outdoors.
Raliq says: Hah! I dunno about big, but you are definitely hairy! Raliq go first! Raliq show hairy man that hairy man doesn’t know rock throwing like Raliq does!

Raliq grunts and he picks up the rock and hurls the rock as far as he can. He gets a fairly good distance, about 15-20 feet away. He claps his hands together.

Raliq says: See? Now you try, small horny man!

He points to Azgadaan and one of the other nearby rocks.

Azgadaan smiles and snaps his fingers, polymorphing himself into a giant ape. He picks up the rock and he gives it his best pitch. He throws it so far that it goes over 100 feet away and slams into the side of a building. In the distance, there is some sort of squawking sound and a puff of feathers, as he had managed to hit an unfortunate bird that was flying by.

Raliq’s jaw drops, and then he looks up at Azgadaan.

Raliq says: Wow… you was a big hairy man.

Nyxxa is laughing hysterically.

Raliq says: That no fair! You cheated! But.. you can still have the coins.

He backpedals on the accusation as the sheer size of Azgadaan settles in, along with the realization that he could probably beat the ogre into a pulp if he wanted to.

Nyxxa throws two coins to Raliq for the trouble. He completely fails to catch them, and they fall to the ground.

Raliq says: Oh…

He bends over to pick them up.

Nyxxa says: Thank you for your time, Raliq.

She pats Azgadaan, who then picks Nyxxa up and puts her on his back. She chuckles, and pockets the coins that Raliq had handed over. Raliq ambles off, mumbling in ogrish about a giant hairy man.

Nyxxa says: We should get yourself transformed back there.

She pats Azgadaan on the head, and he drops the concentration on polymorph, and then uses alter self once more to transform himself back into his satyr disguise. They head back into the tavern.

Sal had reattached his arm, and he cackles as he approaches them--apparently having been watching.

Sal'salabim says [eredun]: That was fun! You really showed that bastard about what it was to cross me! And… and you. Mostly you.

He hiccups.

Sal'salabim says [eredun]: But also me!
Azgadaan says [eredun]: I don’t think he knew you were involved, I thought that was the point. So he didn’t come to smash you.

Nyxxa hands all the coins over to Sal.

Nyxxa says [eredun]: Just make sure not to lose it this time.

As Sal takes the coins back, he pockets all of them except for the special one. He then comes closer to Nyxxa and grabs her by the arm with his mechanical one. He pulls her very close to him and holds the coin up to her eye.

Sal'salabim says [eredun]: Do you see anything?

She didn’t notice before, but this close up, she can see the sign of the Illidari in the center of the coin. It faintly glows, likely only visible to Nyxxa’s special vision.

Nyxxa says [eredun]: Oh. Yeah, I see it.

Sal’s vice-grip on her shoulder tightens.

Sal'salabim says [eredun]: And what does it mean?

Azgadaan sees a few tools come out of his mechanical wrist, as if the mo’arg was preparing to defend himself if he needed to.

Nyxxa says [eredun]: It’s the sign of the Illidari.

Sal’s grip loosens a bit.

Sal'salabim says [eredun]: Okay.

Sal takes the coin and places it into Nyxxa’s hand.

Sal'salabim says [eredun]: Take this.
Nyxxa says [eredun]: Are you sure?

Sal nods.

Sal'salabim says [eredun]: There is a beacon in it. Altruis holds the other. Squeeze it once every mile, and it will send out a pulse the other can sense, and he will find you.
Nyxxa says [eredun]: Oh. Thank you. Do you want me to return this to you?

Sal seems unsure.

Sal'salabim says [eredun]: Ask him.

Nyxxa nods.

Nyxxa says [eredun]: Thank you, friend. Truly.

Nyxxa smiles.

Sal'salabim says [eredun]: Speak none of this.

Nyxxa nods.

Sal'salabim says [eredun]: He came and asked about the forge camps. I worked on them. On the western edge of Nagrand. Of what they were doing. I was discovered, so I left. Too hot for now. He looks into them. That is why he asked and why he came to me, and gave me this… if anything were to happen.
Nyxxa says [eredun]: I understand.
Sal'salabim says [eredun]: I did not tell him that others seek him, but I told them nothing.
Nyxxa says [eredun]: Thank you. I can deliver that message to him.

Sal nods.

Sal'salabim says [eredun]: I have done… good?
Nyxxa says [eredun]: You’ve helped me out a lot. Thank you.
Sal'salabim says [eredun]: I must lay low.
Nyxxa says [eredun]: Take care of yourself.

Nyxxa smiles genuinely, and Sal nods.

Nyxxa says [eredun]: You can keep the booze.

Sal blinks, surprised, but nods.

Nyxxa says [eredun]: Just go easy on it, alright? If you need to lay low and take care of yourself, that means your health too.

Reluctantly, Sal agrees.

Sal'salabim says [eredun]: Die well.
Nyxxa says [eredun]: Die well.

Sal also looks at Azgadaan-satyr, nods, and then leaves. Nyxxa looks appreciatively up at Azgadaan.

Nyxxa says: Thanks for that.
Azgadaan says: That was an experience… I think I might still have spit on my hand.

He starts spamming prestidigitation on his hand.

Nyxxa says: That was good though.
Azgadaan says: I doubt he’ll be entering any more random throwing contests soon.
Nyxxa says: You taught him an important lesson. But lets rejoin with the regroup.
Azgadaan says: Sounds good.

Nyxxa pockets the coin somewhere secure.

Meanwhile, Halno had started to approach the arakkoa that were sitting in a corner, and all three of them stop talking, their eyes on the strange man. One of them casts a spell, and in orcish, one speaks.

Outspoken Arakkoa says: What do you want, dead one? We want no business with you.
Halno says [ravenspeech]: I have been looking for any of the veils who would be willing to speak.

All the arakkoa’s feathers bristle, and they quietly chitter amongst themselves.

Outspoken Arakkoa says [ravenspeech]: You buy us drink.

He gestures for Halno to join them around the table, and Halno grabs one of the bottles Nyxxa bought with a mage hand as he approaches to sit down.