[Horde] Chapter Four: Session Thirty-One

Appearing Characters: Arthak Saurfang, Azgadaan, Azuka Stormbreaker, Demos, Dieworth, Go'el, Halno, Levia Blackflight, Morran, No'Rash, Nyxxa, Ravandwyr Somberwind, Serena Frostweaver

Appearing Creatures: Devourer (Gorger), Mageslayer, Mana Invader, Mana Seeker

Outland Day 39

Arthak, eventually, relents to hit the food button on the wall of his room. There is a timer that starts ticking down, and then a small noise as a dumbwaiter raises. Arthak squints and opens the contraption.

A small, red, eredar child in shorts is in the contraption.

Youthful Azgadaan Servant says: Hello! You wanted some food? Here you go.

He hands Arthak a small tray.

Arthak Saurfang says: ...okay. Thank you. ...Okay.

Arthak slowly shuts the dumbwaiter, and the tiny child holds the door open.

Youthful Azgadaan Servant says: I brought you a snack. The real me wants everyone to come to the dining hall in an hour so we can eat together.
Arthak Saurfang says: ...Okay. I’m going to shut this now.
Youthful Azgadaan Servant says: Happy to meet you again!

The dumbwaiter closes and Arthak looks at the food that was provided--which looks like cigars, but they’re actually just cheese wrapped with meat.

After dinner, Arthak approaches the real Azgadaan.

Arthak Saurfang says: I met the… tiny you in the wall.
Azgadaan says: Oh, the dumbwaiter! Yes. I think that was me from when I was around six.
Arthak Saurfang says: Well. An interesting choice. You clearly had fun making this place.
Azgadaan says: You haven’t even seen a good 60 percent of it. And seeing you ran off before, welcome to my home!
Arthak Saurfang says: ...Impressive. Um… Azgadaan.
Azgadaan says: I’ve been meaning to apologize for before. I thought it might break some of you slightly, and that’s sort of why I did it!
Arthak Saurfang says: No need to apologize. That’s what I actually wanted to talk about. It’s something I wanted to understand more.
Azgadaan says: Ask away.
Arthak Saurfang says: So… I guess it’s a difference between you and I. It’s a difference, not good or bad. You enjoy... disrespecting our adversaries. In large ways, small ways. You find humor in it. I cannot say that Gul’dan doesn’t deserve that… whatever that was. It’s something different between you and I. Even Gul’dan… I don’t disrespect him. So I… wished to understand that more. Why you enjoy making fun of our enemies.
Azgadaan says: I enjoy making fun of them--especially in safe places like this--because at some point or another, they have hurt my friends, and if I cannot do so in reality, I will do so relentlessly here.
Arthak Saurfang says: So it’s an outlet for revenge you can’t act upon now.
Azgadaan says: In a way, yes.
Arthak Saurfang says: Why mockery? If you wished vengeance, why not have a Gul’dan that we could freely butcher anytime we want. Unless you have made that…
Azgadaan says: Oh, you absolutely can, there’s at least ten downstairs!
Arthak Saurfang says: ...Right. Good to know.
Azgadaan says: But that’s only if you want to. I’m trying to make this place an outlet for anyone, so if you don’t subscribe to my humor, that’s fine, but some people might want to beat the tar out of him.
Arthak Saurfang says: And that is… more than justified. The reason I wanted to understand why you mock and disrespect our enemies is I was hoping to understand why I… don’t.
Azgadaan says: I thought it would be funny because it’s completely out of character for that monster. To act like anything is out of his control, or that he’s actually subservient… plus, it’s how he actually acts toward the Legion! He certainly bends over backwards for them.
Arthak Saurfang says: I think I’m… beginning to understand.
Azgadaan says: If it disturbs you, I’ll limit it to downstairs.
Arthak Saurfang says: No. Well, yes, but there’s no need to. The shock will wear off quickly. Do you know why Gul’dan has become the person he is?
Azgadaan says: No. Do you? I unfortunately haven’t looked into that history.
Arthak Saurfang says: Well. Orcs who are not born as physically able as the rest of us aren’t shown kindness in most clans. In the Blackrock, many aren’t allowed to reach adulthood. This is the story as he tells it… but his village, his home, was wiped out by draenei. He was the only survivor. Now, of course, this is Gul’dan, so who knows if that’s really true, but his infirmity… I know that story. It doesn’t justify or excuse what he’s become, but I guess it just means I can’t take joy or pleasure in his humiliation. At some point, he was as unwanted and alone as any of us. I have sympathy for that. And respect. He went from as low as an orc can be to the most powerful one in the entire Horde. He did it through horrible deeds, treachery, dishonor, but he did it.
Azgadaan says: I see your point. But he’s still hurting people.
Arthak Saurfang says: I know. I’m not saying this because I think you should not humiliate him. He does deserve it. I guess… so do I. I’m just explaining why I can’t do that. That’s all. I just wish to understand. Feel free to keep your Gul’dans and enjoy them...that was a strange sentence…
Azgadaan says: It really is a strange sentence. It might not always be Gul’dan down there, but he is a key part of the ring toss game.
Arthak Saurfang says: Well. Use him well then. I guess.
Azgadaan says: Are you doing okay, like actually? Arthak? It’s been a tough time.

Arthak looks tired, but he always looks tired.

Arthak Saurfang says: I’m managing. Sadras and I… I don’t know if you’ve been told, but we are not… together now.
Azgadaan says: I was appraised a bit ago. I’m sorry to see you two part ways.

Azgadaan goes in for a hug, and he wraps his arms around a functional plank of wood as Arthak pats him on the back.

Arthak Saurfang says: I didn’t know if you knew. I haven’t talked about it much. It’s for the best, so I’m dealing, but with the Doomhammer and everything else, there’s a lot I’m trying to understand, I guess. But thank you for asking.
Azgadaan says: If you need to talk about anything, don’t hesitate.
Arthak Saurfang says: I won’t.
Azgadaan says: I’m here for you, and if you need an outlet for literally anything--I can make almost anything pop up in here. I even have a small room with some designs for some new war machines if you want to look at them sometime! There’s a tinkering room. A smithy. Just if you want to work on things.
Arthak Saurfang says: Thank you, Azgadaan.
Azgadaan says: Happy to be of assistance.
Arthak Saurfang says: And also thank you for the Heart. I know… choosing not to take advantages is not something you’re comfortable with doing, but you did, because it mattered. And what’s more, you embraced it. I will not forget that.
Azgadaan says: it was a little fun! But after the second hour of moving rocks… well, magic is so useful!
Arthak Saurfang says: I know.
Azgadaan says: It was a fun adventure. If I did use magic for everything, I wouldn’t have had those spells at the end for that golem! We still have some pieces from it, and if you want to take your pick, feel free. It seems you’ve been gathering a lot of pieces for something.
Arthak Saurfang says: One day, sooner than it was before, our path is going to be very different. Better. I want my sword back for that day. My true sword.
Azgadaan says: Are you talking about that sword you came back from that mountain with? Sorry, you had it for such a short time, I forgot the name…
Arthak Saurfang says: Yes.
Azgadaan says: You’re planning on making the sword anew?
Arthak Saurfang says: Yes. I made it after my grandfather passed. It held his ashes. Some of them.
Azgadaan says: I can see why that sword is important to you.
Arthak Saurfang says: If I’m worthy of it, I will remake it.
Azgadaan says: Well, if you have a preferred forge--be it at home where the clan is, or back at the Heart, I could make it there. I did pick a stone up from that chamber, so there’s that.
Arthak Saurfang says: You can?
Azgadaan says: We could go back tomorrow if you’d really like, but I doubt it.
Arthak Saurfang says: I’m not ready for it yet, but come that day, I would be honored to remake it there. Thank you, again.
Azgadaan says: If I bring you there, I’ll be there too, so if you want some help, I can help.
Arthak Saurfang says: I will need help. It will not be a normal weapon. Perhaps you, Nyxxa, Azuka, and myself can work together on it.
Azgadaan says: Sounds like fun.
Arthak Saurfang says: It does.
Azgadaan says: And it doesn’t sound like a dreary place to be--especially if we’ll have this to relax in every night.

He gestures to his mansion.

Azgadaan says: Instead of sleeping in a forge, though I guess for you and Azuka it’ll be extremely hot…
Arthak Saurfang says: I’m used to it. Not like you, but more than Azuka. The forge is like a second home.
Azgadaan says: I was more referring to being inside a volcano, but yes.
Arthak Saurfang says: Thank you for talking, Azgadaan. And just… thank you.
Azgadaan says: Anytime, my friend.

Arthak gives Azgadaan a nod and heads back up to his room.

While Arthak and Azgadaan were talking, No’Rash, meanwhile, approaches Halno.

No'Rash says: Halno, yes?
Halno says: Yes. Something I can assist you with?
No'Rash says: Yes. My short time with the demon Rakeesh revealed members of this warband possess dark magics. I’m sure it’s no secret what the fel has done to me. As much as I despise this curse, I cannot deny it has given me a certain… strength. But as much as it emboldens me, it also hinders me. There will be a time I can no longer control it, and it will consume me. You know to what I am referring, yes?

Halno looks up from his book.

Halno says: I assume you’re referring to becoming a… complete fel orc?

No’Rash nods his head.

No'Rash says: I don’t know how much time I still have. I’ve lasted this long, but I can feel it consuming me as time goes on. When that time does come… I have to be sure I can be in the right place at the right time. A place where I can maximize the potential for the violence I will cause. I don’t know… when we face these great enemies, Mannoroth or this dragon, Sinestra. I don’t know if the fel curse will be enough, but if something could enhance the powers within me--if even for a short time, perhaps I could make the most of that moment. I don’t know if it is within your area of expertise or ability to look into this, but it is certainly not mine. I’m a warrior not… a magic user. But if you did know anything, or are able to discover some way I might maximize what I could do when the time comes, I would be grateful.
Halno says: Interesting. I thought this was going in a “can you fix me” direction, not “can you make me worse”

No’Rash sighs.

No'Rash says: I believe I am beyond that point. I’ve lived with this a long time, but I am old. My concern is not longevity or living through this conflict. My concern is protecting those I care about, and I think the only way I can do that is by defeating the foes that threaten them. The orcs were, and still are, your people. Even given your state. I have to imagine you can relate to my feelings on some level.

Halno taps his fingers on the spine of his book.

Halno says: Amusing. We don’t know each other at all. This is… certainly an amusing offer, question, or request… regrettably, you have come to the incorrect magic user of the group. The fel has never interested me much. I can research into it, but it’s not a subject I care for even remotely.
No'Rash says: Who might I seek out then?
Halno says: Try the eredar. Azgadaan.
No'Rash says: I considered it, but you seemed like more the caster. Despite the cadaver you embody, we are still orcs, for a time. So I thought to approach you first. I did not mean to waste your time. If you cannot grant my first request, then perhaps this. Should the time come when I lose control, I don’t want to hurt someone again. Not someone I care about. This could happen at any time. I would ask that you be ready when it does, and do what is necessary to keep the group safe.
Halno says: This is… more inline with what I can do. I have to ask why you’re bringing this… hm.

No’Rash brings his hand up to the eye that is now covered by Drek’thar’s blindfold.

No'Rash says: Based on my history with some of the members of this group, I’m afraid they will not do what they must when the time comes.

Halno starts to cackle.

Halno says: I think you sorely misunderstood this group. While I would be happy to put you down, chances are you would probably eviscerate me if you hit me once. Combat is not a great specialty of mine despite my 84 years of life… you should talk to Arthak. That is certainly his department. While I appreciate the sentiment about me being one of your people, the blunt truth is, I’m also part of the reason you are what you are now.

No’Rash’s eyes widen.

No'Rash says: How is that?
Halno says: In a not-so-vague sense… when Gul’dan came to the Shadowmoon, we welcomed him in and treated him like one of ours, and when he offered power, I grabbed it. When I truly realized what was going on, I simply chose to leave instead of doing anything about it.
No'Rash says: As did I with my people. Nonetheless… I want you to be ready for when the time comes. I will let the others know, but now you do.

No’Rash turns around and moves to leave.

No'Rash says: Regardless… I do not blame you for what I must deal with. If anything, I’ve taken what I deserve.

Halno mutters to himself after No’Rash is gone.

Halno says: Arthak’s company is so… depressing.

No’Rash heads back to his assigned room and opts to not even touch the bed, sitting with his club at his side. A small Azgadaan child runs up to check on him and see if he needs anything.

Youthful Azgadaan Servant says: Need anything else? Some extra pillows seeing you’re laying almost vertically against the wall?

No’Rash reaches out and flicks the servant dismissively in the forehead. The child starts to cry and runs off to get help.

The real Azgadaan had spent some time with Levia trying to learn beacon of hope, and he successfully is able to master it. They also spend some time smashing stuff in the rage room. Levia muses that it may be worth finding someone that knows Light magic to figure things out, because she doesn’t know much about her own magic.

Levia Blackflight says: Shame that Remnii girl isn’t here anymore. I heard she used it a lot.
Azgadaan says: Yeah… it is. Wish she was around. But, now that you showed me this, I can use it as we need.

Outland Day 40

The next day, the group awakens and trickles down to grab breakfast. They can hear a strange sound echoing through the manor--it’s almost like a rustling noise. Whenever it happens, the manor trembles a bit. It will happen for a minute, and then stop, and then happen again.

Azgadaan commands a few servants to go help armor everyone up just in case it’s something concerning.

Nyxxa says: Is there a way to check up on what’s going on outside?
Azgadaan says: Yeah, it’s called going outside.
Nyxxa says: Do you want me to?
Azgadaan says: Once everyone’s here, I can make you invisible and you can pop out--

Suddenly, there is a flash of light, and the manor starts to crumble and everyone spills outside. The turbulent skies of the Netherstorm are above, and there is a massive creature right in front of them--along with the better part of a dozen similar creatures. Their flesh is a pale dark blue, and there is a magical essence trailing from their jaws. The one right before them blinks its six eyes, startled.

It steps forward, and the body of an imp is crushed beneath its claws--the fel itself drawn from the corpse.

Azgadaan says: Did you just eat my fucking house?!

Go’el and Azuka fan off to deal with some of the others as Azgadaan takes a very quick stock of the creatures. He had never seen them before--but he believes they might be creatures from the In-Between. However, that’s all he can gather before they suddenly charge forward to attack.

Arthak looks toward the closest creature and pulls the Doomhammer out--but his eyes meet the creature’s eyes, starting to get drawn into its gaze, but then he breaks free. He realizes that these creatures’ eyes draw them into some sort of confusion, which Arthak shouts out to his fellows as he uses giant’s might.

He whips the Doomhammer around and slams it into the side of one of the creatures with two strong strikes before he gets into a second’s face. For a second, Go’el manages to distract one of the mana-beasts, drawing its attention away.

Azgadaan charges for the beast that Arthak had injured, and he feels a strange sensation, but shrugs it off. He uses [Branding Smite] and slams into it with his maul--shoving it closer to Arthak before he strikes into it again. Some sort of ichor starts to seep from the crushing wounds in its body.

Another one runs for Nyxxa, its elongated claws extended to the satyr. One claw manages to catch her on the side, but she ducks out of the way beneath its jaws.

The severely wounded mana-beast lashes out at Azgadaan, clawing into him and shoving him backwards and into Nyxxa--sending them both sprawling over each other onto the ground. It then starts to flee, burrowing into the ground.

Nyxxa gets back to her hooves and slices into the nearest mana-beast, but her second hit doesn’t land solidly. She tries to flurry of blows, and her third attack glances harmlessly off its armored plating--but her final attack connects successfully and its left stunned.

Nyxxa says: Should I pursue?

She is looking at the tunnel.

Azgadaan says: I’ll go after that one!

No’Rosh activates his crimson rite--lightning crackling through his tree trunk club. He brings it down on the carapace of the creature and then brings the trunk around again, leaving another massive crack in the beast’s skull. He then swings around with his left hand and shoves its face into the ground.

Halno uses [Summon Undead] and a spectral arakkoa appears next to Arthak. He tries to attack the mana-beast, but their eyes meet, and the spirit seems to be dazed as confusion takes hold. Levia also tries to look in order to cast a spell, but the confusion overtakes her as well.

Levia Blackflight says: I see you back there!

She swings her sword at Halno, and the blade clangs harmlessly off an arcane [Shield].

Levia Blackflight says: What the? Goddammit!

She grabs her head as another mana-beast launches itself at Arthak, one of its claws finding purchase beneath his armor as it starts to try and scrape and snap with its maw.

Nyxxa manages to finish off the creature No’Rash had brought low, and then scurries over to the mana-beast Go’el had briefly distracted with a slash of her glaives--leaving it stunned.

One of the mana-beasts engaged with Azuka and Go’el breaks free and slashes into Nyxxa before Azuka manages to catch up to it and drive her blade into its head.

Arthak keeps his gaze averted as he attacks the engaged mana-beast with reckless attacks. He strikes twice successfully, and then manages to gets a hold on its spines. It struggles, trying to escape the grapple. Arthak hits it again and again, bringing the creature low as he mutters something about swords versus hammers.

Go'el says: You know, it’s really not so bad once you get the hang of it!

Go’el buries his axe into the head of another creature.

Arthak Saurfang says: It’s really not the same.

No’Rash’s eyes go wide.

No'Rash says: The Doomhammer…

He shakes off the shock to refocus on the battle at hand.

Azgadaan gets back to his feet and runs to the tunnel the mana-beast had retreated into.

Azgadaan says: Have a bad day.

He casts [Mind Sear], and there is a pulse of magic along with a screeching sound of anguish as the creature’s skull erupts and smears the tunnel with blue ichor.

Azgadaan says: Don’t eat my fucking home.

Levia opts to avert her gaze this time and blindly blasts a [Fire Bolt] at the last mana-beast--which screeches as it connects. Halno follows up with a [Fire Bolt] as well.

No’Rash runs to back up Nyxxa and grabs the last mana-beast by its head. He swings his club around and pulverizes the creature’s skull.

Nyxxa says: Nice hit! I like your tree!

No’Rash leans on the club.

No'Rash says: Thanks. Are you okay?

Nyxxa nods.

Nyxxa says: Everyone else okay? Azgadaan, that hit wasn’t too bad, was it?
Azgadaan says: Oh, I’m fine. He is not.

Go’el and Azuka had also finished up their half of the fight, and No’Rash looks at Azuka.

No'Rash says: Good hit, young one. A precise strike.

Azuka looks up, and then averts her gaze.

Azuka Stormbreaker says: Thank you, elder.

No’Rash taps her shoulder with his fist affectionately before approaching Arthak, his eyes fixated on the Doomhammer.

No'Rash says: I… can’t believe it. It’s been… not since the mok’gora have I laid eyes on it. And now… but how?
Arthak Saurfang says: Erhm… long story…
Go'el says: Very long.
No'Rash says: One that can wait. But we should make sure we are out of danger.
Arthak Saurfang says: Agreed. And I should put this away. I wasn’t expecting to use it.

He puts the Doomhammer back in its bag.

Levia Blackflight says: At least there were no witnesses.

She crouches down to poke at the sapped corpse of the imp.

Go'el says: It would not hurt to take a moment to look around and finish our preparations to leave.
Nyxxa says: I’d also like to speak with you.
Go'el says: Of course.

Azgadaan looks closer at the corpses and notes they are a type of astral creature called Devourers, which exist in the In-Between. They are attracted to magically abundant areas--especially where rifts into the In-Between can open. It was likely they had slipped through the nether storms and had started to prey upon creatures in the area. These particular types were colloquially known as Gorgers.

Azgadaan spends some time harvesting from the Gorgers with some help from No’Rash.

No'Rash says: So. Where is our destination? I was told something about… dragons?
Nyxxa says: That’s what I wanted to talk to Go’el about. There’s something I would like to check out… but there needs to be some private discussions… most of the group has been apprised of the situation, but I would like…
Arthak Saurfang says: I can leave.
Go'el says: I don’t know if knowing what we’re going to do is something you need to be kept from. Knowing what may take place can’t hurt. We don’t know what we’re going to find here.
Nyxxa says: If we run into this village, we’ll run into it anyway trying to find what we need to do.
No'Rash says: Very well. I’ll follow your lead, but I don’t like surprises.
Halno says: You’ll get used to it.
Nyxxa says: Sometimes the surprises come for us.
Go'el says: Nyxxa, why don’t you tell everyone what you know of this village.
Nyxxa says: I know that members of the Alliance Expedition--

Arthak immediately turns to leave and excuses himself from any knowledge concerning the subject..

'Nyxxa says: The Alliance Expedition has been looking to investigate areas of Outland to understand the threat of the Legion. The group that went to investigate the Netherstorm… they haven’t been heard from in weeks, and attempts to scry on them have failed. I’ve been asked to look into it.

She looks over at No’Rash.

Nyxxa says: Seeing these are Alliance forces and not Legion forces… they may be hostile, but I would do everything we can not to kill. I just need to check to see if they’re okay. The reason we need to consider the Alliance’s safety is that they are the ones on this world that can oppose the Legion directly. If there’s no way to circumvent the issue with attacking Mannoroth… we’re going to need to rely on them to handle it.

No’Rash nods his head.

Nyxxa says: We can talk more on this later. When we have conversations like this, they do not leave this circle of people.
No'Rash says: Understood.
Nyxxa says: That covers one thing, but there’s still something I want to speak with you about, Go’el.
Go'el says: Of course. Did your contact tell you where this village was?
Nyxxa says: On the south end.
Go'el says: Well, we have a direction then. The most likely candidates to help us find our way there are yourself. We can try to coordinate what we see, but it’s already hard enough to see too far. We won’t know what to expect until we get there.
Nyxxa says: Yes, so we should stay together.
Go'el says: Once we have a scope of the situation, we can determine the best course of action for those that don’t want to get involved.

Nyxxa looks down to Azuka, who had remained behind to listen.

Nyxxa says: If anyone has anymore questions?

No’Rash looks back to Arthak, and then back to the group, then back to Arthak again.

Nyxxa says: There are things he’d prefer not to know, and we’ve all collectively chosen to respect that.
Go'el says: He’s gotten himself into a position where knowledge can be dangerous. I look forward to him being part of these conversations someday, but… he’s made himself more of an enemy. His face, his clan, is known to the Alliance, so he needs to be more careful than most. The only one that may need to be more careful than him may be Azgadaan.

No’Rash nods.

Go'el says: For the time being, we can find this village, and then reassess.
No'Rash says: I can see what I can do to help. Some signs of the world before may remain.
Go'el says: Very well. I’ll count on you to help Nyxxa out.

No’Rash nods.

Go'el says: I’ll let the two of you finish harvesting. Once we’ve patched up, I’ll get us in the sky.

Go’el and Nyxxa go off a small distance to speak in private.

Go'el says: What did you have to speak of?
Nyxxa says: I was planning on asking for your help approaching No’Rash, but that seems to be handled. If you trust him--
Go'el says: I do. Though he’s dealing with a great number of hardships--hardships he’s been struggling with for many years--I trust him with my life. As did my father, and my father before him. There are few that seek an end to this madness more than him.
Nyxxa says: Alright. It depends on how willing he is to be brought into the other secrets, but that doesn’t need to be addressed now. You recall I spoke of my contact?
Go'el says: Yes. The one that told you of this place.
Nyxxa says: Yes, and on behalf of Sadras and myself, I reached out for help regarding Arthak’s condition.
Go'el says: Did he have anything?
Nyxxa says: He told me as much as he could. Last night I brought the idea up to Arthak about speaking with him directly, but Arthak was hesitant.
Go'el says: I can see why.
Nyxxa says: It would seem he wants to seek other means. He finds it hard to believe that someone he was hunting to kill would be willing to help him.
Go'el says: I… I imagine he would be concerned it was some sort of trick.
Nyxxa says: Yes. Amongst other reasons. Likely my ally feels the same way. He doesn’t… trust Arthak, but he trusts me, so he was willing to give this a shot. But with that in mind, there was something I wanted to bring up to you.
Go'el says: Go on.
Nyxxa says: I recall before you left to Draenor, before the portal closed, you made the request that you wanted to introduce yourself to Azeroth. I know this isn’t quite the method you meant, but…
Go'el says: Heh. Clever. So you presume to have me meet this individual instead.
Nyxxa says: Though all I’ve been doing is acting as a messenger, I have not spoken on behalf of the orcs, nor do I intend to. I think it would be wise to explain what is going on to someone who will listen.

Go’el considers, a hand stroking his beard.

Go'el says: Tell me more about this man.
Nyxxa says: He’s a man who understands the big picture. That knows the Legion is behind this, and that the story can’t be as simple as it seems to be. Once he was able to discern my own intentions, he was very kind to me, and has continued to be. Sadras and the others--aside from Arthak--also met him.
Go'el says: He was the man the Tyrygosa spoke of. One of them.
Nyxxa says: Yes. He has continued to take great risk to contact me, and he said he would go alone to meet with Arthak. I believe him, as he would get into a lot of trouble if he was found out by his allies.

Go’el nods.

Go'el says: Very well. I understand why Arthak would be hesitant. But… I believe there is a lot to be gained from this meeting. If you trust this spellweaver, then I would meet him.
Nyxxa says: I don’t want to speak on anyone’s behalf.
Go'el says: But I will. This world… is not big enough for us any longer. Regardless of what happens to this place, it will never be the same. Some may choose to call it their home, but if we’re going to survive, we need to live. And if we cannot live here, then we will need to live on Azeroth. One day the war will have to end, and when the killing ends… perhaps someday understanding can start. It will take a lot to get there, but if I can urge us there even a bit by meeting with this wizard, I will do my part. Let me speak where Arthak can’t.
Nyxxa says: Thank you, Go’el. For other reasons… he might decide not to do this, but…

She pulls a piece of paper out that Arthak had given her.

Nyxxa says: Though Arthak turned down the help, he did give me this… I have a feeling if he bites on this, it will keep him very busy.

Go’el nods.

Go'el says: I imagine it would. I can’t say what a man like him would have on his plate.
Nyxxa says: If I can reach out to Altruis too… my Illidari contact we met before we arrived in Garadar.
Go'el says: If he does choose to make this meeting, I would be a part of it as well. You can inform him of as much. I understand Arthak has concerns. I will be prepared if this is a ploy. But I trust you, and I can count on the fact that if this was a deception, you would be as fooled as me.
Nyxxa says: I’ve been discerning his intentions from the beginning, and I told Arthak as much… but I deserve to get tricked at this point.
Go'el says: I’ll make sure we get out safely.
Nyxxa says: I’ll let you know what he says when he reaches out to me. Thank you for taking this risk.

Go’el nods.

Go'el says: The Frostwolves have spent too long protecting our own, while Arthak has been risking his life and limb every day. If this is something I can do, then I will do it.
Nyxxa says: It’s something you can do because of those actions. I look forward to you meeting him. I think you’ll like each other.
Go'el says: I can certainly hope so. Thank you for bringing this idea to me.
Nyxxa says: Of... course.

Nyxxa gets a tad bashful, and Go’el gives her shoulder a gentle squeeze.

The group then regathers and Go’el uses [Wind Walk] on the group, and they take off and start to travel across the Netherstorm. They pass over large landmasses, and they see the unmistakable sheen of Legion presences. There are clearly siege weapons, and Azgadaan notes the glints of fel canons, fel reavers, and similar infernal machines. He also sees insignias of Jaraxxus, and a very familiar sight: two wrathguard, one of which Azgadaan recognizes as the wrathguard he had banished back to the Nether when he had tried to collect him in the past, as well as a personal guard of Jaraxxus’s. They are escorting one of Jaraxxus’s subordinates, an eredar named Demos. He was an instructor at the academy, and he was currently speaking with a shivarra and mo’arg.

They continue on, and they see a bright, violet light shoot into the sky. It makes a loud whirling sound as a tornado of energy hovers in the sky. It stays there for about an hour, then disappears. Shortly after, they see it again.

There is a building many miles in the distance, on top of a mountain, and it looks to be several stories tall. The tornado is going directly into the center of it, and there are pipes harvesting raw nether energy into the structure. They see a Legion shipyard that they dive under as they continue further to the south, and they note a very small outpost that seems to be of a different sort of architectural style of the other areas. It seems to be elven in make.

They seem to be on the right track, but they continue past the elven outpost as it doesn’t match the descriptions that Khadgar had given Nyxxa of the village.

They manage to land near a village beyond, and they note the entire place is in ruins. It was clearly destroyed, and there are occasionally violet lights in the streets, but it’s unclear what had attacked it.

No'Rash says: How do we approach?

A bolt of violet lightning streaks through the air.

Azgadaan says: Cautiously, yet confidently.
Nyxxa says: Do we want to do this now?
Azgadaan says: I’m up for it if you are.
No'Rash says: The danger, if it exists, will still be there tomorrow.
Nyxxa says: It’s mainly we’ve been traveling all day…

Another streak of lightning cuts through the sky.

Arthak Saurfang says: Nyxxa. You know what you’re doing here. Should I hang back… or…
Nyxxa says: I don’t think there are any survivors. It would be good for us to investigate.
Arthak Saurfang says: I think they’ll recognize me. At least Quel’delar, if there are any.
Azgadaan says: There is one way to disguise you…
Levia Blackflight says: Does it involve turning him into an animal?
Azgadaan says: ...Yes.
Go'el says: It may be wise to have all hands on deck. If there are elves here, I doubt they would be in any condition to strike out.
Nyxxa says: They’d be foolish to.
Arthak Saurfang says: It’s your judgement.
Nyxxa says: Alright. Lets head out then.

They head down the mountain. It takes them about a half hour, and they feel the presence of the magic in the area is potent. It’s similar to what the ruins of the Falthrien Academy were, and they can hear whispers, and note a figure passing through one of the broken buildings. The formless, featureless entity looks at the group with emotionless eyes. It says something, and then runs away and passes through a stone wall. There’s a presence.

Halno is feeling quite good. The area is desecrated.

Halno says: Nyxxa.
Nyxxa says: Hm?
Halno says: I got some bad news.
Nyxxa says: Yes Halno?
Halno says: I realllyyyyyyy like it here.

He taps his scepter, and Nyxxa looks clearly uncomfortable, but uses [See Invisibility]. She sees a lot of entities. They are fleeing and whispering.

Arthak Saurfang says: Halno, what do you mean?
Halno says: This place isn’t for the living anymore. This entire place is desecrated to the Shadowlands and back.
Arthak Saurfang says: So… necrolyte magic.
Halno says: I’m hard-pressed to say necrolyte. You would have had to pack a punch to do this.
Nyxxa says: Should we start investigating?
Halno says: Probably.
Nyxxa says: I would appreciate finding out what caused this.

They start to creep in, and they can see a vague energy field around the tower at the center of the town.

Nyxxa says: If anyone’s alive, they should be there, and I say we prioritize rescue…

Arthak falls back to be beside Halno, and the group continues to creep forward. Nyxxa sees some figures watching them, and talking in background talk. Azgadaan picks up some snippets.

“I’m tired.”
“The mages need to stop their experiments.”
“It burns.”

Azgadaan translates for the group.

Arthak Saurfang says: Halno. Best guess?
Halno says: Someone is trying to use the Nether as a fuel source. Amped up some magic that they shouldn’t have. And fucked up.

They have a feeling that casting magic may have a chance to have strange effects. Nyxxa passes through a translucent woman. She seems more solidified than many of those here.

Hat-Seeking Mage says [common]: I must have not seen the wind coming. It has to be around here somewhere. I can’t go see Master without my lucky hat....

She wanders off, half-stepping, half-floating away.

Hat-Seeking Mage says [common]: How could I be so careless?

Nyxxa instinctively looks for a hat, and she sees no hats.

Nyxxa says: I see one… one more corporeal than the others. Should I follow?
Azgadaan says: What direction?
Nyxxa says: Wandering. Looking for a hat.

Nyxxa is visibly uncomfortable.,

No'Rash says: Until then, we must move on.

Nyxxa keeps moving forward, periodically looking back at the woman. She sees her dipping in and out of alleyways and buildings that are nothing but shattered ruins. Then she suddenly stops and she looks in another direction.

Hat-Seeking Mage says [common]: What? What was that!? NO!?

The ghost disappears, her cloak blown by an invisible wind. Nyxxa looks in that direction, and she sees no spirits.

Nyxxa says: Whatever happened here, happened over there.
Azgadaan says: Lets go check it out.
Nyxxa says: It looks like they’re all avoiding it… everyone get your weapons out if you don’t have them out already.

They start to creep towards what seems to be a town square, and Nyxxa hears a voice behind her.

Hat-Seeking Mage says [common]: I can’t believe I was so careless. It has to be around here somewhere...

It’s the same woman. Now in a different spot. Lightning strikes the ground, and dirt and cobblestone splashes into the air. One of the buildings to the northwest is completely destroyed, and the cobblestone has been thrown apart and blasted. There is a cracked fountain that has been obliterated, and the water dried.

There are no bodies.

They creep towards the building. There is nothing left, and it seems to be completely empty. Nyxxa and No’Rash keep an eye out as people start to investigate the area. Halno seems suddenly much more interested than he was initially.

As Arthak is looking about, he can tell that something happened, and the epicenter was this building. Halno notes there are scorch marks on the earth--ones both he and Azgadaan had found. Arthak then sees footprints. They are heavy bootprints that seem to be dragging.

Something else heavy was also drug from here.

No’Rash notes a symbol that the rest of the group had seen before during their time on Azeroth. Though it is damaged, Azgadaan recognizes the symbol as the symbol of the Holy Light emblazoned on a building.

Azgadaan says: A human religious site dedicated to the Light.

They then hear a voice in common.

Desperate Voice says [common]: Hello? Is anyone there? I sense the presence of the living! I promise I mean you no harm! There is a life in grave danger!

The voice echoes and fades, clearly unnatural.

Nyxxa says [common]: Where are you?

Moments later, a spirit emerges from a building. The ghost has very-aware eyes. He’s an older gentleman who appears to be well-dressed with a pair of cracked spectacles on his face.

Ghostly Custodian says [common]: Oh. Oh dear.
Nyxxa says [common]: Are you Vargoth?
Ghostly Custodian says [common]: Oh! No! Heaven’s no, I’m a custodian. Please, follow me. A young man will die if you don’t help!

He shoots through a wall heading towards the tower.

Azgadaan says [common]: Can you take a path we can follow! You’re going through walls!

There is no acknowledgement, so Azgadaan and No’Rash start to smash the wall after Nyxxa leaps up it. They follow after the ghost, and Arthak is clearly paranoid with the presence of elves and undead on the island.

Some spirits seem to be following them as they move on, and the custodian continues to urge them forward. They can see a dozen or so spirits closing in on a living individual. He’s an elven Kirin Tor mage that is currently unconscious across the middle of a stairway. There are long creatures that look like mana wyrms, but on closer inspection they are more like lampreys.

There is a spectral figure wielding a staff with a sword on one end that is trying to fight off the encroaching spirits. He is seemingly losing. The custodian tries to help with a spectral feather duster.

Nyxxa says: Levia, if you can, stabilize him.
Levia Blackflight says: I’m on it!
Azgadaan says: Levia, I’ll teleport us!

The spirits and various entities look at the group that had just arrived and start to drift closer. Halno casts [Animate Objects], and a spell circle appears above two large objects--spectral puppet strings appearing over them as a shattered cart and a slab of rock start to move. The cart immediately slams into the entity that had drifted close to it, and the rock falls on another mana seeker--but it phases through it.

Another one of the strange lamprey creatures emerges from where the cart had been sitting and it opts to slither towards Halno. It leaps into the air and opens its mouth as it starts to tear into Halno’s robes.

Nyxxa races forward and starts firing arrows into the mana invaders that are snaking around the unconscious boy. A mana seeker tries to drift through Nyxxa, but she dodges out of the way. Another approaches her, and Nyxxa ducks beneath it and runs closer to the downed arcanist.

Arthak closes on the mana invader that is on Halno, drawing Champion’s Forge. He immediately eviscerates the creature, sending two halves to the ground--wriggling as it dissipates. He carries through to the closest mana seeker, destroying that one as well. He then action surges to continue running.

One of the wraith-like mageslayers spirals down and reaches out towards Arthak, but he deflects it away.

Another mageslayer reaches out and draws essence out of the unconscious elf.

Azgadaan reaches out his hands out to Levia and No’Rash, and he uses [Dimension Door]. They appears near the unconscious elf, but magic starts to unravel, and one of the mana seekers are now enclosed in a [Resilient Sphere]. Levia uses her held action to cast [Holy Light] on the unconscious arcanist. He immediately jerks away, and grabs his chest as he starts to cough.

He starts to try and backpedal from the orc and demon, but his left arm is completely straight and limp and covered in blackened veins--he tumbles down some stairs, unable to get away with any degree of elegance. However, a mana seeker immediately goes for him--but he is able to use [Shield] to deflect it away.

No’Rash looks down at the elf.

No'Rash says: Boy.

The elf doesn’t seem to have any idea what he’s saying and he starts to scream.

Levia Blackflight says [common]: We’re trying to save you, dumbass!

No’Rash grabs the elf and shoves him back to Azgadaan, and the orc doubles over for a moment as fel blood starts to ooze from his mouth. He seems to get larger, and his skin goes full red as his tusks lengthen as he rounds his club on one of the mana invaders--moving into the center of the group.

The arcanist backs up in a panic.

Battered Elven Arcanist says [common]: If you’re trying to help… those things eat magic! Your magic won’t work! You need to strike them down like he’s doing!

He points to the mana invaders.

The elf tries to raise his hand to cast, but his arm doesn’t respond. He curses and switches to his other hand as he casts [Scorching Ray] on one of the mana seekers, which lights the creature ablaze.

A mana seeker swings at Azgadaan, and he tries to [Shield], but the mana invader right nearby consumes the spell--preventing it from taking hold. Another mana seeker goes for the arcanist, but he is able to block it with a [Shield] of his own.

The mana invader that No’Rash had attacked latches onto him and starts to try and bite through his flesh. Another one swoops around--getting smacked by No’Rash as it tries to flank and latches onto Azgadaan.