[Horde] Chapter Four: Session Thirty-Six

Appearing Characters: Arthak Saurfang, Azgadaan, Azuka Stormbreaker, Go'el, Halno, Kalecgos, Levia Blackflight, No'Rash, Nyxxa, Rakeesh, Shaspira, Veena, Zaela

Outland Day 47

Azgadaan gets some sort of crystal that has some resource books on it and the group opts to try and get the rest of the unused credit Shaspira had given them into hard currency.

Meanwhile, Arthak had returned to wandering up and down the museum on the ground floor of the Archival Authority. While he was examining everything, he did not the approach of Shaspira as she returned from her various meetings.

Shaspira says: Are you enjoying your history lessons, Arthak? I hope the museum has been to your standards.
Arthak Saurfang says: More than. This is my first time being in a structure like this. Keeping history safe like this is not something my people usually do.
Shaspira says: Long before my own birth, it’s not something my people did either. But that was many many years ago, before any of this even started.
Arthak Saurfang says: I’ve always appreciated history.
Shaspira says: I’ve had my own fascination. It is only through remembering the past that one can endeavor not to repeat the mistakes that led to the destruction of so many other people.

Shaspira looks at an illusory image of a world.

Shaspira says: Take this world. The Legion came to it, and offered it a chance, but instead they chose to bicker. And in the desire to fight off what they saw as an invasion, their kingdoms destroyed one another before the Legion could touch hoof on its surface. But, you of all people would know the dangers of such things. Are you and your companions nearly complete with your business on Argus?
Arthak Saurfang says: Yes. They are collecting supplies. That is not in my interest so I opted to spent my time here instead. I noticed there are no records of Azeroth. At least, none I’ve been able to find.
Shaspira says: There are not. A wise observation, one I’m not surprised you made. After all, this is… a place for the knowledge of the Burning Crusade’s victories, and Azeroth is the one blemish on an otherwise flawless record.
Arthak Saurfang says: That’s part of why I wanted to study it. The first invasion. Especially if things go as planned in my next meeting with the Warchief, as you said, knowing what came before is how we avoid making the same mistakes.
Shaspira says: A fair and valid point, my friend. Knowledge of our previous attempt is carefully controlled. For good reason. It was not the first of worlds that the eredar were involved in, but it was recent enough after our ascension that it is a bit of an embarrassment for many of my peers. The former leader of the Archival Authority went into no small efforts to ensure it was closely controlled.
Arthak Saurfang says: I can understand that. A legacy of invincibility is a weapon in its own right.
Shaspira says: That it is. He had a bit of a fascination with Azeroth. One that proved to be his undoing.

Arthak raises an eyebrow.

Shaspira says: You see, that information, closely guarded as it was, would have been destroyed or kept quite secure. Imagine my surprise when I found it in my own home.
Arthak Saurfang says: Your own home? So you and this former head of the Authority…?
Shaspira says: We all learn from our mistakes, Arthak, and if we don’t, then we quickly find ourselves replaced.
Arthak Saurfang says: A hard lesson.
Shaspira says: Undoubtedly. I am curious, what events led you and your warband to cross paths with Rakeesh of all people?
Arthak Saurfang says: It’s good you found me before we left. It appears he has taken an interest in us.
Shaspira says: Is that so? I can’t say I blame him, though his presence was hardly comforting.
Arthak Saurfang says: Yes… we, uh… he sought us out not too long ago. Assaulted Azgadaan and spoke with me. He was looking for information about Remnii.
Shaspira says: Remnii?
Arthak Saurfang says: Yes.
Shaspira says: I presume this was after she made her flight with the aid of her companions after the Sacking of Silvermoon?
Arthak Saurfang says: Correct. I gave him what I could. And it seemed like he was testing Azgadaan. I’m not sure why yet.
Shaspira says: Undoubtedly, schemes of his own.
Arthak Saurfang says: No doubt. I ran into him again here in Outland as I was paying respects to Mannoroth. Again, he has taken an interest, and new help.
Shaspira says: I have no doubt that was not a coincidence.
Arthak Saurfang says: No, I don’t think those happen much with him.
Shaspira says: The Archival Authority deals with both the Defiler and the Deceiver, though if one were to place us on the line, we work more closely to Archimonde. Though he answers to few outside the Lord Deceiver. If he has taken such interest in you, undoubtedly he has spies amongst your people. Your clan, possibly even your warband. Operate with such assumption and you’ll be safer.
Arthak Saurfang says: Such things have not gone unconsidered. You noticed the new addition to our band.
Shaspira says: I did.
Arthak Saurfang says: A gift from Rakeesh.
Shaspira says: A man like he does not give gifts without reason.
Arthak Saurfang says: Nor does one go through what he did to bring Azgadaan back. If I’m being honest, I didn’t expect, when I called, for him to answer or help. Yet he did.
Shaspira says: That alone is concerning. What has he asked of you? Clearly he’s not taken interest for no reason. So far, he’s taken an interest in our lending aid to Lord Mannoroth. That was the explicit purpose of our new recruit. But I did not escape my notice that amongst his new help is the succubus Remnii and I both once traveled with.

Shaspira considers.

Shaspira says: Surely not a coincidence.
Arthak Saurfang says: No. I don’t know what his endgame is. I’ve played along hoping to find out. I have theories, but little else. He is good at being impenetrable.
Shaspira says: Of that, I am not surprised. What theories have you come up with? That he’s playing kingmaker on Outland is not surprising, though more than a bit concerning.
Arthak Saurfang says: He seems too straightforward. I expect that is likely part of what he’s doing, but… were I him, it’s better to move one piece and set in motion two plans or more. I assume he’s doing more than just playing kingmaker.
Shaspira says: Almost certainly.
Arthak Saurfang says: I have two ideas what his schemes might be. One is Azgadaan. He seems to like tests. And on their first encounter, the approach Azgadaan got was far different than the one I did. Here again, he went through this, all of this, to get Azgadaan back. So, I believe it’s possible he has an investment in mind for the prince. Perhaps something in relation to his father.
Shaspira says: Interesting. Your other theory?
Arthak Saurfang says: My other theory is Remnii.
Shaspira says: Why do you say that?
Arthak Saurfang says: She is why he first sought us out. Him collecting Spinyl and continuing to try and ingratiate himself to us… again, I’m not sure of the end goal, but there is a correlation there. A tie. Perhaps, he thinks she still lives, or perhaps he has some other reason to want to collect everyone she traveled with. He played it off well, but he seems obsessed.
Shaspira says: You say he’s collecting others?
Arthak Saurfang says: Might be.
Shaspira says: Interesting theories, Arthak. Though I think I’m more concerned about, if he was hunting after the ghost of Remnii, why he would come to you for all reasons? Spinyl I’m not surprised to hear got close to her before her departure.
Arthak Saurfang says: I made no secret of the fact Remnii and I were close.
Shaspira says: And now you saw what happened to her. Have you thought for a moment, Arthak, that he may be more invested in you? I know how much you dislike it, but you are still the son of Broxigar. The only orc--the only mortal--to ever stand against Sargeras. One of the only few to ever strike at him. Have you considered that you are the goal he is obsessed with?
Arthak Saurfang says: I had… though it’s not… as you say my father’s shadow is not something I’m comfortable with.
Shaspira says: Yet it gives you influence. I would lie if I said it was not what first attracted me to your name. Though I, and you, can see beyond that, I cannot say the same for Rakeesh. But then, few with any shred of wisdom would claim to know what he is thinking. He is enigmatic and untrustworthy by nature.
Arthak Saurfang says: And he has managed to get us in his debt.
Shaspira says: Yes. He has. And unfortunately there’s little I can do to spare you of that. Despite my own resources, he has much influence. Whatever he’s asked of you… you would be wise to use caution before being tricked into whatever schemes he’s pulling you into. When the time comes, you do not want to be caught in the spider’s web, and don’t think for a second that he will not burn you if it means succeeding in his own schemes.
Arthak Saurfang says: I have no illusions about that. Whatever his end goal is.

Shaspira puts a hand on Arthak’s shoulder.

Shaspira says: Remember what you’re fighting for, Arthak. What I’m fighting for. For your people to be on this side.

Shaspira looks at the illusion again.

Shaspira says: And not the ghost of a memory.
Arthak Saurfang says: That is one thing I don’t forget.
Shaspira says: I’ll be returning to Azeroth soon. My business here is concluded. I hope to see you and your warband back soon. I look forward to seeing the fruits of your labor, Arthak.
Arthak Saurfang says: Thank you, Shaspira.
Shaspira says: Of course. Full glad am I that you happened to be here on this chance encounter. Though I do wish it was under better circumstances. But I suppose all is well that ends well. But, you should retrieve your companions before they get themselves lost on Eredath. It is a large and winding city.
Arthak Saurfang says: Yes. I should. Though, Lady Shaspira, before we part ways… might I ask two favors of you?
Shaspira says: I suppose that depends on the favors, my friend.
Arthak Saurfang says: The orc Zaela traveling with us. I was hoping your daughter was going to bring her back to Azeroth, but Aracyra chose to leave early. Would you be able to help her get home?
Shaspira says: I can certainly aid, but you say Aracyra left on her own?
Arthak Saurfang says: Yes.
Shaspira says: Hm. I did not know her capable of such magics.
Arthak Saurfang says: She is actually… my second favor. She has taken what happened to Azgadaan poorly. Frankly she is in pain, and I hoped to help, but she left before I could
Shaspira says: I see. I suppose I can check in on her, if she wishes to see me, of course. Were I to wager a guess, I would assume Azgadaan did not wish to stay with her.
Arthak Saurfang says: No.
Shaspira says: I can’t imagine she would wish for him to travel with you after what happened.
Arthak Saurfang says: Understandably, she did not. But it was Azgadaan’s choice, and it was not an easy one for her to hear. Frankly, what happens between them is between them. My own romantic attachments are a sign I should be giving no advice to anyone. But I appreciate your daughter, and I hope she does well.
Shaspira says: As do I. It’s a hard lesson, but one that must be learned. Thank you for informing me. I’ll tend to that once I return. But yes, I should be able to aid in your companion returning. If I’m not mistaken, she was one of the warriors that returned from the unsuccessful retrieval of Frostmourne?
Arthak Saurfang says: Yes.
Shaspira says: It would be no issue. I can delay until the rest of your companions return.
Arthak Saurfang says: You have my thanks for both matters.
Shaspira says: I wager Azgadaan should prepare to speak to her as well once he returns, but there are plenty of things to be taken care of.
Arthak Saurfang says: A long, long list.
Shaspira says: Long indeed.
Arthak Saurfang says: I’ll not take up anymore of your time.
Shaspira says: If we’re waiting for your friends, we might as well find them together. If you don’t mind me taking some of your own time.
Arthak Saurfang says: I’ll be honored.

The rest of the group returns to the museum in order to meet up with Arthak, and they also see Shaspira waiting. Shaspira nods her head in their direction.

Shaspira says: You must be Zaela?
Zaela says: Oh, yes, that’s me.
Shaspira says: I hope that my suites were sufficiently stocked with refreshments for you?

Zaela nods.

Zaela says: Yeah, yeah, thanks.
Shaspira says: I believe I’m your ticket back home. Do you have your things prepared?
Zaela says: Uh yeah, I do.

Zaela looks to the rest.

Zaela says: I guess I’ll see you back on Azeroth.
Shaspira says: I wish all of you good fortune and good hunting on the rest of your journeys. I look forward to your safe returns. I would like to share words with you Azgadaan. Perhaps once you return the two of us can speak on some of your experiences here.
Azgadaan says: That sounds like a good plan.
Shaspira says: And do endeavor to protect yourself. Your father is still searching for you. Though I presume you already knew that.
Azgadaan says: I do. And, as for protecting myself, with your generous payment I was able to pick up a thing or two.
Shaspira says: Good to hear. Keep them close. And for the rest of you, take care as well.

Nyxxa bows, and No’Rash nods. He then looks at Zaela.

No'Rash says: Good to see you, chieftain. I’ll see you on the other side.
Zaela says: You as well, elder. It was good to spar with you.
No'Rash says: You as well.

No’Rash pounds on his chest, and Zaela goes to Shaspira’s side as she starts to weave her magic. The magic crackles, and the two disappear between collapsing magic circles.

Levia exhales.

Levia Blackflight says: Man. Being around her stresses me out.
No'Rash says: Oh. So it’s not just me.
Nyxxa says: We should go though. Unless we need to do anything else?
No'Rash says: We’ve spent too much time already.
Azgadaan says: Then shall we go?
No'Rash says: I’m ready to go when you are.
Halno says: Lets get out of here before I make more friends.

Azgadaan reaches into his bag of rocks and casts [Teleport] to head back to Outland. His magic is more red than it was before. They arrive at the abandoned, broken throne of Socrethar’s former seat. Go’el and Azuka exhale in relief.

Nyxxa says: That was… a lot.
Azgadaan says: That was… strange.

He holds a hand out and a bolt of crimson lightning bursts at a rock--the color definitely different from what his prior magics were.

Azgadaan says: Hm. Maybe I should send her and ask a few questions…
Nyxxa says: Is something different?

Azgadaan explains.

Nyxxa says: Hm. There might be some things I should tell you… privately. We should recollect ourselves and talk out our game plan now.

Nyxxa casts [See Invisibility] and doesn’t see anything notable.

Nyxxa says: We should be good to discuss. But that depends on if we’re willing to jump into it right away.
Halno says: I can set up a sanctum if you like?
Nyxxa says: We should be good.
No'Rash says: Now is as good a time as any. There’s no telling how much time we lost on Argus. Better we discuss our plans now than wait longer.
Arthak Saurfang says: At least where we’re heading.
Azgadaan says: Yes, where are we going?
Nyxxa says: As long as you think you’re in a state to continue… we can take travel slower...

Azgadaan says he’s fine, though expresses some frustration that his magic is seemingly changing again.

Nyxxa says: Well, as for now, I think we should prioritize reaching out to the nether dragons, especially given we’re in the area. They’re one of the allies we already put work into.
Azgadaan says: That makes sense to me. I don’t see why not, they seem to be strong allies.
No'Rash says: Nether dragons…? Like the dragons supposedly from Azeroth?
Nyxxa says: Similar.

She uses [Minor Illusion] to make an image of one.

Nyxxa says: They’re bigger than this though.
No'Rash says: Interesting. I’ve only heard of these dragons…
Arthak Saurfang says: Well there are some here now. And they are of a different breed.
No'Rash says: How do we know they’ll aid our cause?
Arthak Saurfang says: We don’t, but we already did leg work with them.
Nyxxa says: They are one of our best bets. The problem with this current plan is most of our potential allies are unwilling to help… and I assume the dragons will help us if we’re dealing with Sinestra. The convincing we’ll need to do is in regards to Mannoroth, but if the matriarch’s children are here, then it’s in her best interest to deal with Mannoroth.
Arthak Saurfang says: It shouldn’t be a hard sell.
Nyxxa says: As much as I would like to help our ethereal friends, until we know the current state of affairs in Hellfire, it’s best not to get involved in something that may take us away from our current course. I don’t want to get tied up in business until we have a better grasp on that.
Arthak Saurfang says: It makes sense. With someone’s help we could perhaps make inquiries with Velhari regarding the state of affairs, and after the nether dragons we can make another plan. If nothing else, the ethereals are proven mercenaries. If we help them, they may be able to lend a hand.
No'Rash says: There is another matter we need to address. The orcs’ ability to combat Mannoroth… I am still uncertain if this issue only applies to me or to all orcs. But it is still a concern. For when the battle comes, we need to be ready, and I, as I am now, will be no use against the pit lord.
Azgadaan says: When we have a quiet moment, perhaps we can talk, and we can narrow down what was going on.
Nyxxa says: And Levia, maybe your magic might be able to help?
Levia Blackflight says: Yeah, maybe. If we know what questions to ask…
No'Rash says: If all else fails, we can try contacting the spirits. I know not if they will respond to any calls I make, but perhaps with Go’el’s help it may be possible?
Go'el says: I can try to inquire. It might be beyond their knowledge, but if we are seeking information, I can always try.
No'Rash says: Thank you old friend.
Azgadaan says: Does anyone have a sending stone linked to Rakeesh?
Nyxxa says: Oh, yeah, I do. It might be good to touch base now that we’re back. It also might be good for you to message Sadras, Arthak, to let them know we’re back. If we want to use our stones strategically, at least tonight.

Arthak definitely didn’t tell the other squad anything about what happened.

Nyxxa says: So I guess we have a game plan? Also, Halno, you had that temporary sending stone to the others, correct?
Halno says: Yeah I’m sure it’s still in here somewhere.
Nyxxa says: Then we can use that to reconvene.
Halno says: Oh. Yeah. Yeah. Yup.
Nyxxa says: Is… something on your mind, Halno?
Halno says: When isn’t something on my mind?
Nyxxa says: I mean at the moment.
Halno says: Yeah. Anyways, Azgadaan, what do you know about eredar who are completely charcoal skinned? Like they got put through a furnace?

Azgadaan shrugs, having not known anything about it.

Azgadaan says: You could ask Rakeesh?
Halno says: Ahhhhh maybe not.
Nyxxa says: We should be careful what we ask given we're in debt now.
Halno says: Also I don’t know who I killed?
Nyxxa says: Wait, what?
Halno says: It was self-defense.
Arthak Saurfang says: Explain, full story.
Halno says: ...Okay.

Halno gives the entire detailed account of the situation, including the day of wandering around.

Halno says: And then instead of giving me directions back, she stabbed me.
Arthak Saurfang says: So… there’s a dead eredar of unknown affiliation on Argus that you murdered, and who committed a murder only you are a witness to?
Halno says: Self-defense.

Nyxxa muses the presence of a krokul was strange, and Azgadaan had not heard of anything about krokul on Argus.

Halno says: So, that happened.
Nyxxa says: I think I would prefer you don’t wander off on your own again.
No'Rash says: It appears the common sense left along with your body.
Halno says: Ah, yes, next time I will let her kill me. More dead.
Nyxxa says: That’s not the issue, Halno. Anyway…
Arthak Saurfang says: Next time tell me sooner.
Halno says: I told you the second we weren’t on that planet.
Arthak Saurfang says: Well. As for Rakeesh and our debt… we spoke, and there’s an easy way to pay it back. Comparatively easy. We do the job we’ve already been working towards, but we do not get any reward out of it.
No'Rash says: What was promised before this point?
Arthak Saurfang says: Many things for each of us.
Nyxxa says: I don’t mind calling it even there.
Arthak Saurfang says: Neither do I.
No'Rash says: I agree.
Halno says: Mm. Bummer. But oh well.
Nyxxa says: Personally, I prefer having those debts squared away. So.

She shrugs.

Arthak Saurfang says: I would have liked to have one in my debt, but this is fine.
Halno says: If he was able to get the information I wanted, I can get it myself.
Arthak Saurfang says: Azgadaan?
Azgadaan says: I’m fine with this.
Arthak Saurfang says: Good. Then we just continue on as before. Do the job and we’re done.
Nyxxa says: Well that settles that then.
Arthak Saurfang says: So tonight, we gather information, check in with Hellfire, rest, and tomorrow we got to meet with the nether drakes and their matriarch.

Nyxxa nods.

Nyxxa says: I would like to talk to you, Arthak, and you Azgadaan, at some point tonight.
Azgadaan says: Happily. I feel pretty great, other than a few things.

Nyxxa smiles, but there is a wariness behind the smile.

Arthak Saurfang says: When you wish to, I’m free. I just need to check in with Velhari.
Nyxxa says: Shall we make camp? Or do you want to move for a few hours?

The group opts to make camp for the night and work on some of their projects. During that process, Azgadaan tries to use the [Blessing of Kings] spell--which has also changed. The crown is a burning crown of deep, blackish red iron that glows with hellish colors. It still radiates light, but it seems to be darker.

Azgadaan says: Hm. Really weird.

They have to sleep outside for the night as Azgadaan is unable to cast [Magnificent Mansion] that night. Halno opts to cast [Private Sanctum] over the area.

No’Rash opts to approach Azgadaan as he sets himself up to do some enchanting for the evening.

No'Rash says: So. How should I begin to explain…
Azgadaan says: I imagine just like so.
No'Rash says: Okay. Well. Fighting other demons up to this point has been no issue. I faced many a number and a great variety during my time in Hellfire. But the pit lord confronting me directly was… unexpected. When he did, he taunted me. He gave me a free strike. I hoped I could take him out, or at least deliver a blow handedly enough that others would have a better chance. As I tried to bring my club down upon him, I could not do it. I tried to strike him, then just stopped.

No’Rash searches for a way to explain.

No'Rash says: My body seemed to work against me. Not in the same way as the fel takes hold. I still maintain a degree of control. This was not that. This was different. Like I just froze. Every muscle in my body was suspended in time, and I could do nothing but take the pit lord’s beating. From there, he took me captive.
Azgadaan says: That is… an issue. Did you feel any mental intrusion? Anything off in your mind?
No'Rash says: Not to my knowledge. I seemed to be lucid.

Azgadaan considers, and he draws some parallels to the sanctuary spell, but it is not the same as Mannoroth could seemingly fight back without any problem and without breaking the hold.

Azgadaan says: Mm. I can’t tell anything solidly unless we put some more research behind this… but we likely should pursue it as soon as we can, or half our fighting force will be doing nothing.
No'Rash says: Yes, especially so in my case.
Azgadaan says: Especially so. I could maybe turn you into an animal… but then again, a demon of his caliber would probably shrug of attacks without magic behind them.
No'Rash says: No offense, but I’ve had enough of people messing with my body.
Azgadaan says: Oh, I wasn’t going to do it, it’s just an option.
No'Rash says: Beasts should stay beasts. Orcs orcs. Well. I appreciate you taking the time to think with me on this.
Azgadaan says: Happily.
No'Rash says: Otherwise… you said you are feeling better?
Azgadaan says: Physically, very much so. I have some other issues to work out, but that’s not something you have to worry about.
No'Rash says: Perhaps not me, but the others that know you better, do they have to worry about it?
Azgadaan says: Perhaps. But I’ll talk when I need to, and they’ll approach me if they’re concerned.
No'Rash says: May I offer you some advice?
Azgadaan says: Sure.
No'Rash says: With war comes sacrifice, duty, honor, whatever you want to call it. At least that has been my experience. Many things will have to be given up, and I’ve always been of the notion that when one makes a sacrifice, they do their best to make sure the burden is their own to bear. Believe me when I say this, Azgadaan, I’ve sacrificed much in my years. I say this not to imply your issues are menial or do not matter. I saw how much you meant to this clan. In turn, because you mean so much to them, think carefully and perhaps, with some time, on what they have to deal with, and what you deal with. Perhaps that is not a comforting bit of wisdom, but it is what I have to give.
Azgadaan says: Thank you.

No’Rash nods.

No'Rash says: One other thing. When we first met, I was unkind. I wish to apologize for that not. I had not met demons such as you and Nyxxa and… Levia, if she is one. But you know what I mean.
Azgadaan says: I do.
No'Rash says: In any case, I will pursue this lead in the way I know how to. Please keep me updated, and think on what I said.
Azgadaan says: I will. And a heads up… 32 and 1 are wary of you.
No'Rash says: Should I meet them again, I will attempt to make amends.
Azgadaan says: I wish you luck.

No’Rash nods and leaves Azgadaan to his business.

Azgadaan says: Thank you and see you around. Have a good sleep.

Meanwhile, Nyxxa approaches Arthak.

Nyxxa says: Arthak, a moment.
Arthak Saurfang says: Of course.
Nyxxa says: How are you feeling in light of everything?
Arthak Saurfang says: Fine. He’s back. We got it done. We can move on. So, overall, good.
Nyxxa says: I actually wanted to revisit what we talked about while we were waiting for Rakeesh.
Arthak Saurfang says: What about it?
Nyxxa says: Seeing things have gone well, do you still intend to… are you still willing to meet with my friend? I don’t want to use what you were going through to manipulate you, so if you want to recant what you said, I understand.
Arthak Saurfang says: I changed my mind. I hold to that.
Nyxxa says: Understood.
Arthak Saurfang says: There will be… just the three of us, correct? That’s how he wanted it?
Nyxxa says: I think so. Though…

She considers for a moment.

Nyxxa says: I would potentially, especially given he can get us there swiftly and discretely, ask Go’el if he will join us as well.
Arthak Saurfang says: So I’m assuming you already spoke to him about this.
Nyxxa says: Separately. I think it’s best I keep what that is to a minimum. For your safety.

Arthak grunts.

Arthak Saurfang says: Of course. First orc says no, find the second orc that will say yes.
Nyxxa says: It’s something I wouldn’t dream of asking you right now--
Arthak Saurfang says: That was an attempt at humor.
Nyxxa says: Oh! I’m always caught off guard when you do that. But there was something I wanted to ask you. Or give you, rather. I know your portion of the payout goes to the clan, and you didn’t get to use any of this last bit, so I wanted to give you this.

She gives him a satchel of most of her gold.

Arthak Saurfang says: ...Oh. Um.
Nyxxa says: You need this more than I do, and I got plenty from Argus.
Arthak Saurfang says: Oh. Thank you. I won’t refuse this. I have… something I need it for, so thank you.
Nyxxa says: Of course! Happy to help!

Nyxxa cocks her head to the side.

Nyxxa says: What have you got in mind?
Arthak Saurfang says: Something I think I’m just sitting on for the time being. Something good, though.
Nyxxa says: I look forward to it then! You tend to have good ideas.

Arthak gives Nyxxa a skeptical look.

Nyxxa says: Good in a… at times could be terrifying, but… good? You know what I mean. But I wanted to make sure you were covered, and I got what I needed out of that. And if there’s anything I can do to help, let me know. I’ll keep you updated on what my contact says.
Arthak Saurfang says: I appreciate it. Might be… I’m assuming, well you already said as much, but Go’el and I should talk to him separately?
Nyxxa says: Likely.
Arthak Saurfang says: Those will be very different conversations.
Nyxxa says: It might be helpful for Go’el to be present for the part that involves the spell. That’s my impression, at least. I don’t know if you told him or not yet.
Arthak Saurfang says: He knows.
Nyxxa says: Ah. Then that’s one last thing to worry about-- wait, I knew that. Do you want me to still deliver that message to my friend, or do you want to tell him yourself?
Arthak Saurfang says: No, let him think on that.
Nyxxa says: Okay. Alright, well… the last thing I’ll say is I’m certain Argus was illuminating.
Arthak Saurfang says: I enjoyed the museum.
Nyxxa says: That was my first time. Though I think… what I would have learned from that place, I’m already well acquainted with. But anyway… I’m hoping Azuka is alright, but she tends to take to things better than I expect her to.
Arthak Saurfang says: She’s strong. And if she needs anything, she’ll tell me.

Nyxxa nods.

Nyxxa says: Talk to you later then, brother.

She smiles.

Arthak Saurfang says: Later then.

However, soon after, Halno approaches.

Halno says: Arthak, you busy?

Arthak looks at him.

Arthak Saurfang says: You wish to talk about something private I imagine?
Halno says: Yeah, generally speaking. We don’t have too many conversations otherwise.
Arthak Saurfang says: Fine. No alleyways.
Halno says: You kill someone one time…
Arthak Saurfang says: Yeah. You kill someone one time.
Halno says: Annnnnywayyyy…

He tugs at his collar.

Halno says: So, about the…

He points at his scepter.

Arthak Saurfang says: The contingency.
Halno says: Yeah, I’ve been thinking on that. If this other thing is having as much sway as you say, I’m not sure it’ll work as a reactionary measure.
Arthak Saurfang says: You’re saying if we do this as a reaction, Frostmourne may take me anyway?
Halno says: I don’t have anything solid, but if it has a claim on your soul… the sword was already powerful, and I don’t have the magical might to compete. I’m not saying it would fail outright, but the ritual wasn’t designed to be a reaction. Obviously, we can repurpose it, but I should warn you of the chance of failure.
Arthak Saurfang says: I assumed it wasn’t a sure thing. As you said.
Halno says: Now if we were to, say, preemptively do this, you may have better odds, but there would be unknown variables.
Arthak Saurfang says: Did you just suggest that we kill me?
Halno says: Not exactly what I said, but that was the gist. I’m just keeping you informed.
Arthak Saurfang says: No, I understand.

Arthak sighs.

Arthak Saurfang says: Ultimately it’s not a plan. If it gets that far… odds are against us to begin with. Frankly, there are many ways beyond mere failure it could go wrong.
Halno says: Oh yeah, you could end up like me.
Arthak Saurfang says: Or I could exchange the Shadowmaster’s chain for Lana’thel’s.
Halno says: I’m not sure which one is worse. There are other alternatives we could look into. There’s a spell we could use, but you would be chained at the hip to me, and even then there’s a gap in the security measure. But it would prevent you from dying.
Arthak Saurfang says: Well. At the moment… we can focus on finding alternatives. You were already researching your specific nature.
Halno says: Yeah, I kind of went on a tangent with that.
Arthak Saurfang says: I see. So what is this tangent?
Halno says: Mmm. I’m weighing the pros and cons of turning myself into a more advanced form of undead.
Arthak Saurfang says: Well… as is obvious, that is far outside my knowledge, but that does seem like something that may dovetail with this problem.
Halno says: The death knight program and this research project aren’t unrelated. It’s just on a far greater scale. But I could repurpose some of the knowledge I gain from this subject to our specific contingency plans.
Arthak Saurfang says: Exactly what I was thinking.
Halno says: Though I will warn you in advance--and I am looking into alternative means--but this is not a process that will be looked upon fondly. The one I’m looking into.
Arthak Saurfang says: Is there good reason for that?
Halno says: I mentioned before the cost of making these scepters.
Arthak Saurfang says: I see. So you’re looking into alternative means.
Halno says: Yes. It may not be viable, but I’m looking into it.
Arthak Saurfang says: Well. I’d say that’s a good tangent to follow. For both of us.
Halno says: Even so, most people won’t look fondly of it.
Arthak Saurfang says: At the end of this, Halno, when we’re done… very few are going to think fondly of us anyway.
Halno says: That is a painfully good point. Anyways, I was just keeping you apprised of my progress.
Arthak Saurfang says: I appreciate the report.

Halno turns to walk away but then stops.

Halno says: Oh, have you gestured to… uh… big guy?
Arthak Saurfang says: No’Rash. Yes, some, why?
Halno says: He was asking for ways to magically amplify his fel rage and blow himself up. Or have me put him down.
Arthak Saurfang says: ...I see. Good to know. Thank you Halno. I will consider that.
Halno says: It’s been a pleasure. I’ll talk to you in another two weeks or so.

As Halno leaves, Arthak opts to head over towards No’Rash--who was doing some sparring with Azuka. Arthak waits for them to wrap up.

Arthak Saurfang says: Might I interrupt?
No'Rash says: I think that would be fine. Young Fury, can we take a short break?

Azuka nods, panting quietly, and she glances at Arthak and then heads off to sharpen her blade and prepare some food.

Arthak Saurfang says: Good. You. Me. Away from the others.

No’Rash cocks an eyebrow.

No'Rash says: Very well.

The two orcs head off a small distance from the group.

Arthak Saurfang says: I’ve been meaning to talk to you. Waiting for the right moment. And… Halno told me what you asked him about. So that moment is now.
No'Rash says: Okay. This would be… concerning my inquiry to him? Which admittedly got me nowhere.
Arthak Saurfang says: Yes. You were looking into making it worse.

No’Rash looks down at his clawed hand.

No'Rash says: It’s been about as bad as it’s ever been. Worse is… how do I put it… I think I am beyond that threshold now.
Arthak Saurfang says: No. I can still talk to you. There is still a mind up there. Worse exists. Why?

No’Rash looks at Arthak.

No'Rash says: By now you’ve seen what happens to the orcs that succumb to the fel. I’ve seen this as well. I’ve fought against those very orcs. A people… or former people, depending on how you look at it. I do not wish to succumb to the same fate, but things have progressed beyond what I want. I want a great many things that I will not have. What matters now is that we bring down the one who continues to enslave our people. I am willing to pursue any end through which I can do that.
Arthak Saurfang says: Ancestors… another one… That’s very familiar. And to a degree, I would still say those same words. It’s one battle, No’Rash. One battle in a war. A major battle, yes, but it is a battle. You think your strength is the best weapon you have against Mannoroth. Your strength. That club. Your arm. Is that the best you have?
No'Rash says: Now it is all I have.
Arthak Saurfang says: No. Again, no. You have this.

He points to No’Rash’s head.

Arthak Saurfang says: And you have this.

He points at his chest.

Arthak Saurfang says: Your strength has done nothing for my daughter. Your strength has done little for Go’el. Those two things. Heart, mind. Those have done a lot. Those win the fucking war. Ancestors, you are… you have survived so much, fought so much. The battles you’ve seen, the history you lived, that is so much more useful than just a… a slightly stronger version of you. We have strength in abundance. Strength is not the thing our people lack. Being able to see past strength is our problem. That’s what got us here. You of all people I thought would understand that.

No’Rash frowns.

No'Rash says: You think I don’t? You think now to lecture me? Now? Now you know me now that I re-entered the fold? You speak of my mind and my heart as though those are things I still hold dear after what I have done? I have told you so little of the things I have done!

No’Rash swings his club into a boulder, breaking the stone. Everyone looks over at the commotion.

No'Rash says: For so long I believed I had a heart and a mind. That I had a soul. And I thought those things were things that distinguished me from the sins of our people, the sins I engaged in as well! But it was not to be, young Saurfang, because the time came where I saw I was no different from the fel orcs that roam the plains of Hellfire. I am no different. You have not seen how bad it gets. You have not seen the times in which I go after those I care about. You have not seen and were not there for…

No’Rash looks down.

No'Rash says: When I attacked your former mate. That is why I left the Frostwolves behind. Why Go’el looks at me with pity when he once looked at me with pride.

No’Rash’s voice cracks.

Arthak Saurfang says: So you want to die? You think you deserve that? Do you think that’s justice?
No'Rash says: It would take several lifetimes for me to begin to pay back what I owe. For all the wrongs I’ve done. For a long time, I thought being one of the clan was enough. Fulfilling my duties. Being there for my people. But it wasn’t. Not when I became a danger even to my own people. I didn’t even want to come into this company. It was only when I learned you were slated to face the pit lord that I agreed to Rakeesh’s proposal.
Arthak Saurfang says: You are an uncontrollable monster. Without honor. Not fit for honorable company. Here only to die fighting Mannoroth? Okay. Then why are you teaching my daughter? Why are you bonding with my daughter? Why is the thing that has no mind, no heart, no honor, spending any time with my Azuka?
No'Rash says: She will be there for the battle too, yes?
Arthak Saurfang says: Maybe.
No'Rash says: As such, I am doing my part to prepare that one. Not as bonding.
Arthak Saurfang says: And yet she’s bonding. To you. And you to her. You don’t get to form that relationship then pretend it’s war preparation.
No'Rash says: You’re right. I don’t. And I will not.
Arthak Saurfang says: You remind me of me. And I am sorry for that.
No'Rash says: I’m sorry you see any bit of yourself in me.
Arthak Saurfang says: I don’t know your sins. Not all of them, and I’m not going to waste our times by recounting mine so we can compare. So here’s what I have. You made those choices. And that includes, yes, the crimes, but that also means leaving your clan and not giving them the chance to try and help you. Maybe you’re right and they couldn’t, but you didn’t give them a chance to try. Go’el looks at you with pity, not because of what you did, but because you felt you had to leave. You don’t, neither of us get to decide how we atone. If you really want to make it right, No’Rash, find some semblance of justice for what you’ve done, it doesn’t take many lifetimes. Go to Sadras. Put yourself at her mercy and let her decide. Go to the draenei. Find out what they decide justice is. The blood on our hands isn’t ours, it’s theirs. They decide, not us. Death in battle is comforting only for us. Neither of us have honor. But we can at least respect what is just.
No'Rash says: And what I do, what I decide, how I let others choose how I attone, what does that matter to you? Why do you care what some old orc does to attone?
Arthak Saurfang says: Because I hate seeing waste, and because my daughter cares what happens to you, and because my best friend cares what happens to you, and because I know the woman I was mated with cares what happens to you. And because I choose to.

No’Rash takes of Drek’thar’s headband.

No'Rash says: I… need to think on what you said. Alone, if I may.
Arthak Saurfang says: Of course.
No'Rash says: Um…

No’Rash picks up his club.

No'Rash says: In case my temper should flare again.

He holds it out to Arthak.

Arthak Saurfang says: No. You take it.
No'Rash says: You don’t make it easy.
Arthak Saurfang says: Some things shouldn’t be. Take your time.

No’Rash takes his leave and goes to contemplate. A few moments later, Go’el starts to approach Arthak.

Go'el says: Do you think that will help him?
Arthak Saurfang says: I don’t know. He decides that.

Go’el nods and puts a hand on Arthak’s shoulder. He lingers for a moment, and then starts to turn away.

Arthak Saurfang says: Later on, we should talk.
Go'el says: Yeah, that might not be a bad idea.

No’Rash walks on his own, carrying the weight of the conversation. He looks at the stars in the sky and finds himself drawn into their pattern. He closes his eyes, almost dizzy as the weight of the guilt and shame comes heavy on his shoulders. Then all that fades away as he is taken back to his youth. He was fighting alongside brothers and sisters, and lovers of simpler times, when the only struggles that needed to be met were the harsh wilderness and the ogres. There were no demons. There was no Legion. It was a simpler time. He feels the recognizable feeling of cold steel on his neck, a large hand holding his arm--strong, though not strong enough that he feels like he couldn’t move.

A voice speaks out. It’s Azuka.

Azuka Stormbreaker says: Do you want to die?

Her voice is deeper.

Azuka Stormbreaker says: Is that what you really want, No’Rash?

There is the crackle of electricity in her voice. No’Rash tries to turn, but Azuka holds him in place.

Azuka Stormbreaker says: If you want to die, then don’t waste your time waiting for Mannoroth. Do you want to die?

No’Rash breathes heavily.

No'Rash says: Among other things. But yes.
Azuka Stormbreaker says: Then why shouldn’t I kill you right now and save you the trouble? Keep you from wasting my time and everyone else’s?
No'Rash says: Why indeed. Azuka. You’ve only known me for a short time, and I you. If it were me in Kirin’Var who was slain instead of Azgadaan, then what of it? I did not make the trip back from Argus, and what of it? You’re not beholden to me. You do not owe me anything. So, why should my fate concern you?

Azuka’s grip weakens as the magic of her giant form fades, but she shoves him back away from her. No’Rash starts to turn, but then he feels a sharp sting, and something hit his face. She had thrown her sword, and it cut his face.

She bares her teeth at him.

Azuka Stormbreaker says: Because I CHOOSE to.

She then turns and runs away, angrily. No’Rash touches the cut on his face. The blood is dark, and it steams on his fingers for a moment. He bends down and picks up the sword. It’s lighter than an average orcish blade. He looks at Drek’thar’s headband as well, removing it from his face.

No'Rash says: Were it not the millionth time I wish you were still here to guide me.

He hears something, and he glances over and sees the small, pink, fairy creature that follows Azuka peek their head out.

Veena says: Veena?

No’Rash looks at the creature, and Veena flutters over to No’Rash’s face. It holds out it’s tendril-like fingers and brushes them along his cut. There is a tingling, and it’s not bleeding like it was. The blood on her fingers dissolves, sinking into her skin.

Veena says: Veena!

She puts her hand on the side of No’Rash’s fel-corrupted face, and there is a tingling sensation on his skin. It’s unclear what she’s saying, but she glows with magic. She presses her forehead against No’Rash’s forehead. Then she lets go and flies off after Azuka

No’Rash looks quite bewildered and he takes a piece of cloth to clean off Azuka’s blade, but when he looks down, the blood is gone. Instead there was moss. He brushes the moss off and sees his face. The wound had been mostly closed.

No’Rash nods to himself, and then starts to head back to the group. However, Azuka is not there.

Arthak opts to go and talk to Go’el.

Arthak Saurfang says: So. Nyxxa’s contact.
Go'el says: Yeah. Did she tell you she asked if I wanted to meet with him?
Arthak Saurfang says: Yeah. she did. And I changed my mind about it.
Go'el says: Oh. Surprising. What made you change your mind?
Arthak Saurfang says: Azgadaan died.

Go’el nods.

Go'el says: Yeah. I guess that would do it. I suppose we’re meeting him together then.
Arthak Saurfang says: Maybe. If you think that’s wise. I’m not as sure.
Go'el says: To be quite frank, I’m not even sure what I’m going to talk to him about. But he should know that not everyone in the Horde agrees with everything. He should know there are people on this side of the war who want the same things he wants. Not his land or his kingdoms or castles, but peace.
Arthak Saurfang says: I think you are the perfect person to show him that.
Go'el says: I can show him what I can. And if you don’t think you need to be a part of that, then no one is going to force you.
Arthak Saurfang says: No. I… you can show him that there are good hearts on the other side. That’s something you can show him.

Go’el chuckles.

Go'el says: One of these days, Arthak. One of these days you and I will be able to fight the same battle. Of course we had that privilege in the Heart of the World and against Gruul, but I mean for our people.
Arthak Saurfang says: We already are. Different parts of the war. But same side. Same war.
Go'el says: I guess you’re right.
Arthak Saurfang says: And you can show him the part that is… clean. And I’m coming because I can show him the part that’s not. And he should see both.
Go'el says: I suppose it might be selfish for me to hope that someday this war will get less complicated. But I know that won’t happen. The challenges will only change. Where one battle might end, another will replace it.
Arthak Saurfang says: We fought ogres. We fought each other. We fought to avoid being enslaved and to avoid starving to death. Many look back on the old days with nostalgia, but there was a reason why the blood offered to us was tempting. No. It’ll just change. That’s what life is.
Go'el says: You might be right, Arthak. But, I still think I want to believe. We may never see it, but if the spirits are kind… maybe our children will see a day when there are no wars to fight. No battles to be won. No blood to be shed. I don’t know if that day will ever come. But I don’t know if I… I don’t know if I would have been able to think of such an alien hope if you hadn’t convinced me to come along.
Arthak Saurfang says: Had to bring my spare conscience. I lost the other one along the way.

Go’el chuckles.

Go'el says: The spirits work in mysterious ways. And if that’s what I can be for you right now, then there are definitely worse things. And who knows, if we’re lucky, maybe we’ll find that conscience along the path.
Arthak Saurfang says: In truth, my friend… I never lost it. Not really. Joking aside.
Go'el says: Is that so?

Go’el smiles.

Go'el says: Well look at that. We found it after all.
Arthak Saurfang says: Maybe six months ago I think I was almost exactly where No’Rash was tonight. Has been. Nothing I thought about myself then was wrong. But… how I approached it was indulgent. I think I finally figured it out. Sort of. The hammer and me.
Go'el says: How do you mean?
Arthak Saurfang says: How I could be worthy.
Go'el says: What did you discover?
Arthak Saurfang says: When this is done. When we win. When we’re free. I’m going to… take the consequences of what I’ve done. I don’t know what those will be. It’s not my business to know. I’ve known that for… a long time. Since Dranosh. One day I would have to pay. And that was good. And at some point I realized what that meant.
Go'el says: And who decides when we’re free? When all of this is truly over?
Arthak Saurfang says: No one really. I’m going to have to give it my best guess. It’s not exact. I think.. I hope, at least, I’ll have the wisdom when the time comes to know it. And the fact that I know that, and the fact I am comfortable with that, and what that might mean for me. It does make me different than Blackhand and Gul’dan. And even Shaspira.
Go'el says: There is a lot of wisdom in your words, Arthak, and a lot of thought. And when that time comes, if you believe that is what you need to do and where you need to go, I won’t stop you. Just remember… each and every one of us only has so much blood we can spill. It’s up to us to determine where we can spill it to do the most good and nurture the earth the most.
Arthak Saurfang says: It is. But it’s not up to us to determine how we pay for our sins.
Go'el says: Perhaps not.
Arthak Saurfang says: Not everything is going to work out neatly. Or, well… part of all of this… freedom will come with penance and recognition of what we’ve done, and who we’ve hurt. We’re going to have to walk a balance between satisfying redemption and moving forward as a people.
Go'el says: And yet… the sins of Blackhand, of Gul’dan, of every orc of the Horde, of every single one of us, of No’Rash, of Grom, of my father, of me, of Doomhammer… all of those sins are not the responsibility of one man to bear. So bury your own sins, Arthak, and do what you feel you need to do to live with that burden.
Arthak Saurfang says: I am, and I will.
Go'el says: And for the sins of the rest of our people… that is a burden you can share. A burden we’ll have to share.
Arthak Saurfang says: It is.
Go'el says: I’m proud of you, Arthak. None of us ever stop learning or growing. You’re a different orc than you were ten years ago. And a different orc than you were ten days ago. In spite of everything, in spite of all those sins… I’m glad to have known you. And until that day, when you’re called to atone, I’ll be here in one way or another.
Arthak Saurfang says: I know.

Arthak puts a hand on Go’el’s shoulder.

Go'el says: After all, I am your backup conscience, am I not?

Go’el chuckles.

Arthak Saurfang says: True. If you’re not around… I misplace the original… Shadow Council all over again. More heads getting cut off… and better names. So not all bad.

Azgadaan sends Rakeesh requesting updates on the Hellfire situation and if Mannoroth is immune to charming effects.

Rakeesh says [sending]: Welcome back to ground zero, everyone. Glad to have you back on the front. As far as things are going back home, things are progressing, and rather quickly. His armies are preparing to move, so you likely won’t have very much time left. I would wrap up what business you have and get ready, he will begin moving shortly. It will probably take them more than a few days to mobilize, and I believe they will be doing so via mass teleportation, but it will take time. So be ready, and finish up what business you have. You won’t have forever to do it. As far as any mind altering effects… none that I know of for annihilans at default, but Mannoroth could be a special exception.

Azgadaan relays the information to the group, and Arthak opts to update Rakeesh on how the Shaspira talk went.

Arthak Saurfang says [sending]: I can give a full report on the conversation with Shaspira.
Rakeesh says [sending]: There will be time for that later, I’m sure. But at least it’s done and over with for the time being. She never was a big fan of me for some reason.

Azgadaan sends a heads up to Tyri and Kalec through the temporary sending stone Tyri had given them to inform them that they were in the area and ready to meet with the nether dragon matriarch. However, they are also informed that the conflict with Sinestra is going to likely happen soon, and there is not much time to organize.

Kalecgos says [sending]: Oh, I’m glad you contacted us. I was going to reach out to you. We arrived some time ago and Noriyaku is ready whenever you are. We are located in the Celestial Ridge on the eastern most of the large earth motes in the Netherstorm. You’ll find it clustered along a massive range of crystals. It will be hard to miss, and it is teeming with clutches of netherdrakes. They know you’re coming, but use caution on your way. The earth motes surrounding this one are occupied by other denizens, including the strange travelers who have erected those large domes of force. It seems they are at war with one another. But I’ve kept a large berth. But something is unfolding, and creatures of shadow have poured out. I would give it a wide berth on your way. I look forward to seeing you soon.