[Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Twenty-Seven

Appearing Characters: Aramar Thorne, Arthas Menethil, Astalor Bloodsworn, Broll Bearmantle, Charnas, Ebru, Galvan, Gotri, Jarod Shadowsong, Kel'Thuzad, Kilnar Goldensword, Lazul, Makasa Flintwill, Monte Gazlowe, Naralex, Remnii, Riff, Samaara, Seria, Sprinkle, Tae'shara Sunwatcher, Tol'vas Moonshadow, Trenton Lighthammer, Uther Menethil, Velameestra Windrunner, Zen'tabra

June 18th

That night, as the majority of the group settles down to sleep, Remnii quietly begs Vel for a [Prestidigitation] to clean off--which the arcanist complies with.

Seria reaches out to Zen’tabra with dream in order to report on everything that had happened within the Wailing Caverns. She finds herself traveling through the Emerald Dream, appearing on a small island. Zen’tabra is bent over a small section of grass that appears to have similar corruption that Seria has since seen. Zen’tabra’s hands are glowing with druidic magic, and her ear twitches.

Zen'tabra says: Ah! Seria. To what do I owe the pleasure, girl? Don’t tell me ya missed me so much after just a few days.
Seria says: We found somethin’.

Zen’tabra stops and straightens.

Zen'tabra says: Ya got my attention. What did ya find?
Seria says: A circle of druids.
Zen'tabra says: Good! What did they say? They willin’ to meet with me and find out more of this Nightmare business?
Seria says: Dat’s the issue. Ya might want to come here.
Zen'tabra says: That can be arranged… but ya sound like there’s somethin’ you’re not tellin’ me.
Seria says: It seems some of them fell to the Nightmare.

Zen’tabra’s eyes widen.

Zen'tabra says: Oh… dat ain’t good to hear. I was kind of hoping that these elves knew a bit more about this, and knew how to fight it, but I guess we gotta start somewhere. Are any of them alive? Do they got their heads on straight enough to talk?

Seria nods.

Zen'tabra says: There any trees around there?

Seria nods again.

Zen'tabra says: Alright. I be finishin’ a few things, but when sunrise happens, make sure you be near one. I be scryin’ on ya. Don’t keep me out. I’ll see ya then.

Seria nods a third time.

Zen'tabra says: Good work Seria. Ya work fast, ya do. I knew you would come up with somethin’, but it ain’t even been a week. Good job.
Seria says: I just wish it was under better circumstances.

Zen’tabra smirks.

Zen'tabra says: Whatcha talkin’ about? This be good. This be the foot in the door we need, ya know. It be good, mon. People like you and me, we gotta make good circumstances out of bad ones. If I wanted good circumstances I’d settle with a husband in Zandalar or somethin’. If ya got a little bit of time, I don’t want to keep ya here, but if you want to tell me what you found, and what you seen of this Nightmare, I’d like to know. The more ya tell me, the less I gotta pry from the elves. You know how they be.

Seria nods and proceeds to explain everything she had seen.

Zen'tabra says: That be a lot… but it also be something to work with. I seen things similar to what ya be sayin’ you saw. If we can put our heads together with this Naralex boy, perhaps we can come up with a solution. Thank ya, Seria. Again.

Zen’tabra reaches out and musses up Seria’s hair with a smile. As the two sense the sun is starting to rise, Zen’tabra assures her that she will be there soon.

Vel did not sleep, and nor did Naralex. Some of the druids that had been incapacitated started to awaken, but Naralex seemed to be keeping them asleep with magic. He notes that Vel seems to also be awake.

Naralex says: Highborne. Velameestra, was it?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Correct, yes.
Naralex says: You are free to rest, if you wish. I’ll ensure nothing happens to any of you.
Velameestra Windrunner says: There are certain futilities I don’t bother to fight, and my insomnia is one of them.

Naralex nods.

Naralex says: Understandable. Well, try not to overtax yourself.

Vel observes him running around for the majority of the night, muttering angrily to himself in Darnassian at various points as he observes the rapidly growing greenery.

Velameestra Windrunner says: If there’s anything I can do, don’t hesitate to ask. Cataloguing, at the very least, is not something that is particularly strenuous.

Naralex pauses.

Naralex says: There may be some things I’ll ask of you in the future, but right now I just need to survey everything that happened. But… I must say I’m not extremely familiar with what the arcane can accomplish, and though I’m hesitant to rely on it, there may be some things your expertise would help with. But… I’ll have to do some meditation on that. I appreciate your offer, nonetheless.

Vel nods and turns back to her journal.

June 19th

The next morning, Riff’s eyes dart behind Seria.

Riff says: Mada! Look!

It’s likely Zen’tabra’s scrying censor. A moment later, the tree starts to glow, and Zen’tabra steps through the edge of the bark as if stepping from the Dream itself. She looks around.

Zen'tabra says: You weren’t kiddin’! This don’t look like no desert I ever seen.
Riff says: Grandmada!

Riff throws his arms around her.

Zen'tabra says: Now now, don’t throw that around. Auntie Z is fine! Now, where are the rest of these druids. We got work to be done.

Seria leads Zen’tabra to the rest, and the other troll waves gleefully to other members of the party.

Zen'tabra says: Ey, mon? Who is in charge around here!

Two of the druids had fully awakened, and they seem to be a bit out of it, but they seem to have regained their sanity. Naralex looks at the new troll.

Naralex says: You are?
Zen'tabra says: The name’s Zen’tabra. You might say I have a similar interest in the things I hear about. I be a friend of the folk that helped save ya skins. I think there are some things I can help with, if ya be willin’ to accept.

Naralex frowns for a moment.

Naralex says: Truth be told, I was unaware your people had anyone trained in druidic arts, yet two of you are here. In spite of everything, I’m not in any place to turn down help. If there’s anything you know about this, and the Nightmare that plagued me and the rest of my circle, then your help would be welcome. Where did you come from?
Zen'tabra says: Through the tree.
Naralex says: I see. Well. I suppose I can do what I can fill any gaps.
Zen'tabra says: That’s right. The name’s Zen’tabra.
Naralex says: Naralex… the pleasure is mine. Lets get each other caught up on what brought us to this curious moment, shall we.
Zen'tabra says: Ya got a date.

Zen’tabra winks, and Naralex flinches.

Naralex says: ...right.

The two go off and start to chat about everything that happened, filling in gaps as needed. Tol’vas also goes over to chime in and corroborate information where he can. Some of the other druids had also started to pick through rubble and uncover the bodies of those unable to be saved--including the Serpentlords.

June 19th

In the morning Vel chimes in to let the group know that the full moon is in a couple of days, being vague as the druids do not know of Tol’vas’ condition.

Velameestra Windrunner says: If I could hazard a suggestion, it may be wise if we would take some time before we head further north. Obviously there is things to be done here, and we could potentially drop some things off in Gadgetzan that we don’t want to be carrying up there.
Remnii says: Well, I believe I would not mind checking in on the Ati-kaso. And giving Jarod some time to get where we’re going. I believe he said he was backtracking? If everyone wants I can Dream him tonight?
Tae'shara Sunwatcher says: Well I think there is a lot we can get done with a week. And given certain challenges we’re going to deal with pretty soon…

Tae’shara glances at Tol’vas and Arthas.

Tae'shara Sunwatcher says: Might not be a bad idea! You think you can get us back there?

For the first time in awhile, Vel feels like her strength is starting to return and she can tap into her magic. She feels more rested mentally.

Velameestra Windrunner says: As long as I can take something from here, I can get us back. I finished finalizing some notes on higher level teleportation magics.
Tae'shara Sunwatcher says: Damn, girl.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I also have a solution to later problems as well, as long as we come back a day early.

Broll looks to Tol’vas.

Broll Bearmantle says: Some of us can stay here helping, while others go back to Gadgetzan.

Tol’vas looks at the brand new forest.

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: It may be prudent to help them for a bit.
Broll Bearmantle says: A lot can be accomplished. Before we need to worry about other issues, I’m sure we can reconvene. That sounds like a sound plan. And it gives us time to prepare. Returning home will be a trial in and of itself…
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Will all of you go to Gadgetzan?
Velameestra Windrunner says: I can take eight other people.
Arthas Menethil says: I’ll stay here with the druids. I can at least help with moving rubble and keeping my hands busy.

The group makes some plans to head back after a short bit, and Remnii heads over to speak with Naralex. She’s a bit timid as she approaches,

Remnii says: Archdruid--?
Naralex says: What? Sorry. How may I help you. Also. A brief question.

He looks her up and down.

Naralex says: Where are you from? I don’t think I’ve seen a being like you.

Palpable relief crosses Remnii’s face.

Remnii says: I am not of this world, but now it is my home.
Naralex says: I see. Welcome. It’s a bit of a mess right now, but… hopefully with time and help from unexpected places, we can get some thing sin order.

Remnii offers a smile.

Remnii says: Build something from wreckage takes time. I’m sure you’ll do great things.
Naralex says: I hope you’re right.
Remnii says: Actually… something you may not know given the…
Naralex says: I’ve been gone for a while.
Remnii says: Ah, yes, sorry. Since you have been asleep, my people and your people have come into an unfortunate altercation. They are still skirmishing up north. I wish to be up front with you. As you can see, there are other things at play… and there has been a grave misunderstanding. Some of which I do not know the full details of yet. In that regard, my people--the draenei--I… I should, if all goes well, have a meeting with the High Priestess Tyrande soon.
Naralex says: Oh. That saves me the trouble of being honor bound to deliver you to her directly.
Remnii says: We sent Jarod Shadowsong to arrange a meeting.
Naralex says: I was just joking, but wait. The Jarod Shadowsong. He’s alive?
Remnii says: He is. We saw him. This is a lot to dump on someone… so I apologize, but I know we will be leaving soon. Thus… I am looking to iron out this troubling series of events that have been happening. We should not be fighting. I was wondering if there might be some amount of testimony you’d be willing to give. I have little personal stake beyond the health of the world to… cave dive. But… we need help. To put a stop to this.
Naralex says: Well… only hearing one side of the story, I can make a few assumptions. Under normal circumstances I would want to learn what has transpired since I was entrapped… but you went out of your way to save not only myself but members of my circle that maintained their sanity. That’s evidence enouugh for me to give you the benefit of the doubt.
Remnii says: You can speak to Broll or Tol’vas if you need. I would not wish to pit you against your people. This is heavy…
Naralex says: It is, but you seem genuine. You would not say anything unless you thought it necessary, so I’ll help you.

He reaches into his satchel and pulls out a moss-covered stone.

Naralex says: It’s not much…

He puts a hand on the stone, and there is a gentle glow. He then holds it out. There’s a spiral on it which ends in a snake head.

Naralex says: This is the symbol of the Circle of the Fang. If you present this to another druid, they’ll recognize it. It won’t mean much, but it will mean you’ve been given this by a member of my circle. Now, keep in mind, this may mean nothing for the Sentinels or the Sisterhood. While the druids and the Sisterhood work in tandem, they are two arms, and neither has control over the other. So be cautious. They may not recognize its authority as a druid would. If you and your companions use this, you may be able to get the ear of the druids.

Remnii bows with gratitude.

Remnii says: I will… accountability is still a piece of this. Broll will be able to fill you in more… but with this is mind, I simply wish to show our people can work together for common good. This is a testament to that. So thank you.

Naralex nods as Remnii takes the stone.

Naralex says: I feel I owe you a lot more than just this. I’ll do what I can to see this peace become a reality. I can at least promise to try.
Remnii says: Focus on your home. Your people will need you.

Naralex nods in understanding, and Remnii gives another small bow.

Remnii says: Good day.

They have recovered some of the bodies of the Night elf druids unable to be saved, including the serpent lords. Learning Vel has experience with autopsies, as a Thanatologist, they give her leeway to look over the bodies. Remnii helps both with medical expertise and with a Greater Restoration to help Vel’s state.

As she’s getting ready to do that Tol’vas finds her. Vel turns around and suddenly there is Tol’vas.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Tol’vas. I didn’t hear you.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: It’s hard to actually make noise.
Velameestra Windrunner says: What can I do for you?
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I actually wanted to thank you.

Vel blinks.

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: You had absolutely no reason to help the druids here.
Velameestra Windrunner says: It was the right thing to do, at the end of the day. Besides you and Seria were traveling with us, we weren’t going to let you run into the caverns by yourselves.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Be that as it may, I still deeply appreciate it.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Well, you’re welcome then.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I…

He’s struggling for words.

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I need to understand why.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Why what, specifically?
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Why did you choose to become what you are?

Vel tilts her head. Her eyes flicker to the other druids far away.

Velameestra Windrunner says: There’s a stigma against undead. And it’s not one that’s undeserved. I recognize that. Death and undeath have been hallmarks of corruption and that is not lost on me. But that belief has the capacity to become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Answer me this, Tol’vas. If a wolf is cornered, what does it do?
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: It fights.
Velameestra Windrunner says: And what do you think would happen if everyone that became metaphorical wolves were left with no other option but to fight? I made my choice for those that didn’t have one. As far as I’m concerned there are two ways that this can play out. Either there is going to be a very long, very grueling fight before there is acceptance. Or they’re going to be forced to become monsters just to survive. But they’re still people, whether others see that or not. And if I can clear a path to that option in even a small way then it’s worth it.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I see. I suppose I owe you an apology.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Tensions were high. Moving forward I think we can let that be water under the bridge.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Not for the words I said, but for the thoughts I had. You have to understand, when I was younger than you are now this world was drawn into a war with the Legion. It was largely the fault of people very similar to you, but without the noble intentions. And it’s hard not to draw the comparison sometimes. But, also you are not them. And that’s something I’m struggling with.
Velameestra Windrunner says: It’s the actions that matter, not the thoughts. It’s easy to have thoughts, the hard part is not acting on them. And ultimately, Tol’vas, despite what I may have implied I am rooting for you. Even if it’s just a baseline that if you succeed where you’re at there’s a better chance for Arthas in the long term. I never revoked my offer to help.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: It’s coming along. The curse, if you’ve noticed, is fairly strong.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Which we have ways to at least… damage control where possible. If nothing else you and Arthas don’t have to worry about losing yourselves when it comes to the full moon. At least not quite to the same scope. Pocket dimensions are handy for that, it turns out.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Those tricks of the arcane.
Velameestra Windrunner says: They are useful.

Tol’vas shrugs.

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: It is a tool.
Velameestra Windrunner says: As is everything else. But your apology is appreciated.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I’ll leave you to it.

Tol’vas leaves, and Vel turns back to the bodies.

Throughout the course of the autopsies Vel is working, aided by Ebru, and is able to discover a few pieces of information. They are no longer humanoids. Their biology had been mutated so completely that they are now monstrosities--which alone is an interesting discovery. They also have an abundance of mutations that have resulted in their organs being shifted around and changed.

The process of doing this was traumatic enough that they show activity in the heart and cell tissue that would have implied they died before they died again. The process involved suicide via poisoning, as well as a special ritual to mutate them. It was a perversion of nature magic in some capacity, and it was possible that the mutations would have just continued to progress the longer they lived.

When the autopsies were complete, Vel opted to use [Recomposition] on the bodies so they could be returned to a more pristine condition for their internment.

Aramar sits next to Uther with a waterskin and stretches.

Aramar Thorne says: This is all tough work out here, but glad to help a bit more before we head back.
Uther Menethil says: Hard work for the benefit of others tends to be its own reward. How are you holding up?
Aramar Thorne says: Well, I don’t mind the distraction. Do you, uh… what was it like? When, you know.
Uther Menethil says: It was strange. It wasn’t anything to look at. Just, uh… strange sense of ah. It’s done.
Aramar Thorne says: Yeah. I… I’ve been trying to figure out how to even describe it, but it almost felt… nice.
Uther Menethil says: The memory gets blurry the further away from the event you get, but it was, if not nice, but peaceful.
Aramar Thorne says: Yeah, that’s a better word. I swear I saw a light, but maybe that was Remnii. I guess we both owe her our lives.
Uther Menethil says: That we do.
Aramar Thorne says: Well. If I can help it, I’m gonna make sure that doesn’t happen again.
Uther Menethil says: Wise plan. I’ve been endeavoring to do the same.
Aramar Thorne says: We’ll have to do our best then.
Uther Menethil says: it is comforting to at least know there’s nothing to be afraid of.
Aramar Thorne says: Yeah. Though… I can’t say that makes me feel too much better. Maybe…

He looks back in a random direction.

Aramar Thorne says: Makes me wonder if that’s what Vel experienced when, well… you know…
Uther Menethil says: I haven’t asked her. I imagine if there was anything particularly relevant, she’d tell me.
Aramar Thorne says: Maybe I’ll ask her sometime… now that I’m curious. But, we should get back to work.
Uther Menethil says: Agreed! Lets get about it.

The pair gets back to work.

Remnii goes to find Seria, who is with Zen’tabra trying to deal with some of the new flora. There seems to be some aggression still in the plants, as a vine had tried to attack and was promptly stopped.

Remnii says: Seria!

Some relief comes to Remnii’s face as she finds the druid.

Remnii says: Can I speak with you for a moment?

Seria wipes off her hands and stands up to turn to her. Remnii’s eyes flicker to Zen’tabra, though she doesn’t seem bothered by her being there.

Remnii says: I wanted your opinion. May I be candid with you?

Seria raises an eyebrow.

Seria says: Go on.
Remnii says: It’s not that bad, I promise. I… would like to just frankly ask you… you have been a great asset to us. You have a lot going for you.

She looks around at Riff, and Zen’tabra, and the other druids. Zen’tabra seems to be teaching Riff about a plant.

Remnii says: We have not communicated much in the time we spent together. I only have a little more time on you in this group. But, do you think it wise for you to continue into Ashenvale with us?

Zen’tabra is still talking to Riff, but she’s definitely listening.

Seria says: Given everything that’s happened so far, I don’t see why I wouldn’t.

Remnii gives a soft smile.

Remnii says: I do not doubt your intentions here or with us. We are all traveling together for companionship and safety, but also our own reasons. But I simply wanted to check with you, as in your time with us--and to a point my time with them--we have been involved in things that are far bigger than ourselves. I feel some amount of responsibility dragging most of everything into an altercation that mostly does not involve you. You could walk away tomorrow, or stay here and be safe--

Seria stops her.

Seria says: You didn’t have to go into that cave, but ya did.

Remnii settles back on her hoof, seeming satisfied at the response.

Remnii says: You are right. I did not much like the cave either, mind you. Nature is a wonderful thing, but I am ill equipped.

Zen’tabra snort-laughs.

Remnii says: But thank you for assuring me. I’ve seen many people die for causes they do not believe in, or holding things they could not swallow.

Remnii bites her lip for a moment.

Remnii says: But… I’m glad you are going with us. Thank you. I came here to talk to you, and I have. So now I have to find my way back!
Zen'tabra says: Riff, why don’t ya bring Remnii back so she don’t trip on a root or somethin’?
Riff says: Okay! It’s this way!

Riff grabs Remnii’s hand, and Remnii squeezes Seria’s shoulder in earnest thanks and lets herself get led away by Riff.

As they go, Zen’tabra finishes up picking whatever flowers she was working with, and she smiles. She looks over to Seria.

Zen'tabra says: Ya do like them, don’t you?
Seria says: Shut up. They’d be dead without me.
Zen'tabra says: Don’t worry, Seria. Ya secret be safe with me, mon. But I don’t think they’d think less of ya if you just said ya liked them. It’s good. I’m glad ya found some friends. Besides Rai of course. They’re good people. And so are you.

She waltzes over to Seria and throws her arm around her shoulders, ruffling her hair and laughing.

Zen'tabra says: But come on, we got some more work to be doing.

The group stays for most of the day, aiding the druids where they can, before the group that is returning to Gadgetzan opts to return that night.

Velameestra Windrunner says: For anyone that hasn’t teleported… it may be a bit rough. Hang on to someone if you need.

She throws her hand down, and there is a bright flash of magic as motes of misty, blue light materialize and spin around the group before they abruptly vanish. Instantaneously, the group finds themselves in the middle of the Marin’s teleportation circle in Gadgetzan.

Vel is completely poised with her hands behind her back as they appear, and she turns to look at the group.

Velameestra Windrunner says: …everyone is here, right?

She does a quick headcount and, fortunately, everyone is there. Tae’shara is practically bouncing.

Tae'shara Sunwatcher says: That was so cool! I’ve teleported, but not with magic like that before!

Remnii teeters and uses Samaara as a grounding force.

Remnii says: Woo! Exciting!
Velameestra Windrunner says: It should get better the more we do it. I suppose we should report to the Reliquary.

They start to head towards the headquarters of the fledgling organization, and Vel notes Marin’s wife, Sprinkle, poke her head out at the sudden activity at the teleportation circle. Recognizing the group, she waves with a smile.

Sprinkle says: Oh hey!

Vel waves back at her in acknowledgement as they continue on through the night streets of Gadgetzan.

The Reliquary seems to be virtually done with construction. There are goblins wrapping up work for the evening. Some are sharing drinks, and one has a huge bottle that he is chugging to the delight of his fellows.

The inside of the Reliquary is quite well-decorated. There are rugs, as well as some artifacts that have been found in the desert poised on secure displays. The group is led to Kilnar’s office, which is now very well decorated with plush rugs, a very soft-looking sofa, as well as a number of beautiful paintings of soaring birds. There are two goblins inside. One is quite well-dressed wearing a button-up shirt, and he has slicked back hair. He doesn’t have shoes on, however. Next to him is a goblin with deep-green skin who has a hardhat and is decked out with tools. His hair is pulled back in a ponytail, and he has eyes with a goggle-tan around them. He’s clearly a workman, and he is reasonably tall for a goblin--about 4 feet tall. The other one is a hair shorter.

Kilnar Goldensword says: Come in. It’s been a pleasure doing business with both of you, and I have to say, Gazlowe, your workers are very talented. We would have not had any of this expediency if we didn’t have your services.

The worker goblin speaks up.

Gazlowe says: Don’t mention it, Miss Goldensword. I should be thankin’ you! For the money you’re giving us, it’s gonna be enough to get my barony certificate and open up a project of my own! I’ll get the rest of the work finished up.

Kilnar grins as she sees Vel, Tae’shara, and the rest.

Sophisticated Goblin says: Miss Kilnar, if you’re free, we’re going out for drinks this evening. You’re free to come with us to celebrate Gazlowe’s impending big-break.
Kilnar Goldensword says: I may take you up on that, my friend.

The fancy goblin bows and plants a kiss on Kilnar’s head before leaving.

Sophisticated Goblin says: Pardon me.
Gazlowe says: Excuse me, pardon me. Oops! Sorry ma’am.

He bumps into Remnii accidentally, and Kilnar claps her hands together.

Kilnar Goldensword says: It’s wonderful to see you all again!

Kilnar gives Vel a hug and a kiss on the cheek, and then to Tae’shara, and Remnii.

Kilnar Goldensword says: I had no idea you would be here! It’s been some time since I’ve seen Charnas, you see, and who am I to turn down free alcohol!

Aramar seemed to be admiring the paintings, and Aramar’s head snaps over to Kilnar.

Aramar Thorne says: Miss Goldensword, did you say Charnas? Did he do these?!
Kilnar Goldensword says: Why yes. He and I are old friends. We knew each other through a mutual acquaintance. He and the former Grand Magister were very close. He’s an established illustrator of birds and the like--

Aramar is gone, immediately running after the goblins with a child-like twinkle of wonder and excitement in his eyes. Kilnar blinks.

Kilnar Goldensword says: Ah. I suppose he must be a fan.
Velameestra Windrunner says: So it would seem. Sorry for the short notice. We happened to find ourselves in a situation where we could come back briefly.
Kilnar Goldensword says: Well you know there is nothing to apologize for. You know you are all always welcome here. You are in fact working on our behalf. How long will you need to stay?
Velameestra Windrunner says: About five days or so.
Kilnar Goldensword says: Wonderful! I’ll make sure everything is in order for all of you. Including our excitable little friend. But please, come in! Make yourselves comfortable.

She then asks for updates on what’s been going on and Vel fills her in with Tae’shara.

As the rest of the group heads out, they see Aramar excitedly talking to the two goblins. Makasa had followed after him.

Aramar Thorne says: Hey! Sorry for leaving. Uh, I’m… This is Charnas. He’s a very famous artist. I sort of am almost a bit starstruck here.
Charnas says: No problem, kid. Really, I’m just glad I was able to inspire you to pick up some charcoal yourself. But in your excitement, you forgot to tell me your name.
Aramar Thorne says: Oh, right. Aramar Thorne! It’s great to meet you, sir.
Charnas says: Thorne? Are you related to Greydon Thorne, young man?

Aramar’s face falters.

Aramar Thorne says: Yeah. My dad.
Charnas says: Oh, really? I didn’t know he had a son! I haven’t seen him for some time. But it’s been like 20 years or so.
Aramar Thorne says: Ah. I see.
Charnas says: How’s he doing nowadays. He still feuding with his brother? I know they had some differences.
Aramar Thorne says: His, um… his brother?
Charnas says: Yeah. What’s his name. Silverlaine I think?

He looks to Makasa, who shrugs.

Makasa Flintwill says: First I’ve heard anything about it.
Charnas says: Oh. Well, guess that answers that. Well, young Master Thorne, if you’re interested, why don’t you come to my place. Me and my cousin are going to be celebrating his success over this beneficial relationship. You’re welcome to bring your girlfriend--

Makasa starts to cackle.

Makasa Flintwill says: Not in a million years! You can say I’m his babysitter.
Charnas says: I see.
Gazlowe says: What’s your name? You look damn familiar.
Makasa Flintwill says: Probably because you likely met my mother. Captain Flintwill?
Gazlowe says: That explains it. Damn, your mother is the captain of the Makemba. She’s a hardass!
Makasa Flintwill says: Oh I’m aware. But I believe we would love to take your offer, nonetheless. I’m always interested to trying new vintages.
Charnas says: You’re more than welcome. If any of your friends wish to come, you’re welcome. My wine cellar is not touched much when I’m off cataloguing avian species. I’d love to see your work, young Master Thorne.
Aramar Thorne says: Scribbles in comparison to yours! But could you tell me more about this uncle?
Charnas says: I only met him once. But I can tell you what I know.

Aramar nods and glances over to Remnii.

Aramar Thorne says: I guess I’ll catch up with the rest of you later, unless you all want to come with.
Remnii says: I would love to, but for now I prefer to be close to my people.

Aramar heads off with Makasa and the two goblins while the rest of the group disperses to handle their own business.

Inside Kilnar’s office, Tae’shara and Vel are giving her the updates on everything

Kilnar Goldensword says: Well, it seems the two of you have been quite busy. I’m quite impressed with both of you. But there is something else I would like to address, Miss Velameestra. And I believe you know what I want to talk about.

Vel’s ears slightly twitch. Kilnar looks over to Tae’shara.

Kilnar Goldensword says: I trust you’ve already been appraised of the situation.
Tae'shara Sunwatcher says: Yup, Vel already told all of us. So no worries there.
Kilnar Goldensword says: “All” of you? And how did that go might I ask?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Better than anticipated.
Kilnar Goldensword says: Well, I suppose that’s good. Don’t get complacent with that. I imagine there will be plenty of individuals that are less satisfied. I have a couple of ideas as to why you thought this was a good idea. And I would be remiss if I did not admit there was not some logic behind it. And. In light of certain “comparisons” that you made when last we spoke at length, you are right. I suppose now we’re even.

Vel can’t help the slight smirk.

Kilnar Goldensword says: But I would hope that on both of our accounts we can hopefully keep a few less secrets between the two of us.
Velameestra Windrunner says: At this point we’re both on even ground.
Kilnar Goldensword says: Yes I suppose we are. With all that said and done, come on, let me see them.

Vel rolls her eyes and opens her mouth. Kilnar’s brow raises. Tae’shara chuckles.

Tae'shara Sunwatcher says: You should see them in action! Well... I haven’t seen them in action but I’m sure it’s actually pretty impressive.

Kilnar all but grabs Vel chins to get a look at her fangs.

Kilnar Goldensword says: Those are quite prominent. Do take care to hide those from those who would be less inclined to be satisfied with your presence.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Yes, as it turns out I’m a rather closed lipped talker.
Kilnar Goldensword says: I suppose that’s a good thing, especially in this instance. And, do you feel alright?
Velameestra Windrunner says: That’s a loaded question.
Kilnar Goldensword says: I suppose I have little to work with besides what you’ve told me thus far and stories. So. How is it? How is the whole process of your hunger and the consequences of handling it? Do you require anything?
Velameestra Windrunner says: I’ve been largely taking care of myself in that regard. If you want to take a look at my notes I can give you copies that I had sent up to Northrend.
Kilnar Goldensword says: I would very much like that, yes. I’m not surprised your taking care of yourself. You’ve always been rather independent. But if you require anything… I don't know precisely what I could do to aid you. We are getting our feet on solid ground here, and you do work for us. So, if there is anything that we as an organization, as a people, as a representative of the government in exile can do… I want to help. After all I presume that you most likely chose to do this to aid our people. And after all, you’re aiding a group of people who would be undoubtedly disquieted by your existence as what I would assume they’d call an abomination. And you’ve learned well that it is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. Am I in the right vicinity of your reasoning?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Yes.
Kilnar Goldensword says: I see. Honestly sound logic. Just remember, Vel. Not everyone is logical. As us.

She looks at the three gathered in this room.

Velameestra Windrunner says: As I said, I’ve prepared for much worse.
Kilnar Goldensword says: I’m glad to hear it. Well, I suppose I can check this off the bucket list. I’ve always been curious about the undead, and this is one way to learn a great deal about them. I suppose I have you to thank for that.
Velameestra Windrunner says: That and circumstance.
Kilnar Goldensword says: That and circumstance. How is everyone up north?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Adapting best they can. I’m sure Arlethal has been keeping you and Tae'thelan appraised. I spoke with Astalor on their discoveries.
Kilnar Goldensword says: He has, yes. Though Tae'thelan is rather tight lips at times, he does share what is relevant. But yes, I do trust you’ve been giving him an equally hard time.

She looks to Tae’shara.

Tae'shara Sunwatcher says: Oh yes, most definitely. I’ve got lots of reports too. Honestly I don’t know if I can compare with Vel’s notes but I can get those to you before we head back too.
Kilnar Goldensword says: That would be much appreciated, Examiner.

Tae’shara beams.

Kilnar Goldensword says: There is one more thing I would ask of you Vel. You and I should share a drink sometime. I know you’re not one for drinking, but. Once this is all done, what do you say?
Velameestra Windrunner says: I suppose I owe you one.
Kilnar Goldensword says: That’s all I could ask for.

Mentally, Vel thinks it’s not going to affect her anyway. They chat. And after a bit Vel gets up.

Velameestra Windrunner says: But we shouldn't keep you from your date.
Kilnar Goldensword says: Ah, that’s right I should catch up with my old friend. But, thank you once again. It’s always wonderful to see both of you. I will catch up with you the rest of the week!

Kilnar bids farewell and heads over to Charnas. Later that week both Vel’s and Tae’shara’s reports are delivered to her.

That night, Remnii dreams Jarod and spends some time waiting for Jarod to actually fall asleep.

Jarod Shadowsong says: Long time no see, Remnii. I’m glad to see you’re well.
Remnii says: We’ve made it somehow!
Jarod Shadowsong says: If you’ve been half as busy as I have, I imagine you’ve been up to a whole lot. How have things been?
Remnii says: Goodness…

Remnii explains loosely what had happened.

Remnii says: A lot was lost to recover that circle…

Jarod nods.

Jarod Shadowsong says: That does sound serious. I don’t know much about the druids and their practices. They were just getting started when I bowed out, but I know they’re powerful. I’m glad that you and your friends could help them.
Remnii says: As I told a number of the druids, I am one to appreciate nature, but I am out of my depth. I’m glad we were able to recover what we could.
Jarod Shadowsong says: And hopefully they can help us as well.

Remnii informs him of the stone Naralex had given her.

Jarod Shadowsong says: That’s good. With a week, I should be able to make my way to where the Barrens shift into Ashenvale. There’s a grove there.

He gives a description of the grove of short trees with many fruits that should be blossoming.

Jarod Shadowsong says: There are patrols in the area, but if you play it safe, it should be alright. I may have found the perfect way in. I met someone. There’s a larger town near the entrance to Ashenvale. Not many of them recognized me. There are a few things you may want to know. For starters… there have been other deaths. Unexplained. I asked about it. I watched one of them as they breathed their last while I was there. The priestesses… though a small congregation was there, neither they nor the druids can help. By all rights, it seemed just like how Shalasyr passed.

Remnii is listening intently as the silence hangs.

Jarod Shadowsong says: Not many, but there have been others. Word of this… illness, for lack of a better term. A sickness. It’s… the cases are isolated. It doesn’t seem to be a contagion. It just…. They just die. That’s what led me to what I believe may be our key to reach Tyrande. And quickly. I met a man. I never met him before. An archdruid who is visiting. His daughter-in-law and his granddaughter come around this time every year. His name is Staghelm. Fandral Staghelm. He’s acting as the leader of the druids right now as Malfurion has been missing. I spoke with him and told him who I was, and asked him if he could help friends of mine. I didn’t tell him all the details, but he promised to hear me out. He gave us a week after the anniversary of his son’s death. We should have time to make it there. We’ll have to take some of the main roads, but we should be able to avoid attention from the Sentinels. Staghelm is… brisk, at the very least, but I believe he can help us. And if you bring that stone that this Naralex gave you, then that might be a good ticket to get him to listen.

Remnii is quiet for a moment.

Remnii says: You’ve gone far out of your way for us. For me. For this cause. I’m sure that you’ll be sick of me saying it by the end, but hopefully it will be a good end. But thank you.

Jarod offers a sad smile.

Jarod Shadowsong says: I believe you and your friends. And I believe that this misunderstanding… can be fixed if we work together.

Remnii nods.

Jarod Shadowsong says: Besides. If Shalasyr was still here, she would have probably been the first one to offer to help you. That I’m sure of.
Remnii says: Then let us do her proud.
Jarod Shadowsong says: I try to. Everyday, I try to.

Remnii stands up slowly.

Remnii says: Come. We don’t have to sit still.

She holds a hand out.

Remnii says: Shall we walk?

Jarod smiles and takes her hand to get to his feet.

Jarod Shadowsong says: That sounds like a good idea. After all… as much as it will be nice to show you our forests, we’ll have to do it with one eye open at all times.
Remnii says: That has been most of my life. Finding the beauty in small things… that’s why we have two eyes.
Jarod Shadowsong says: Can’t argue with that.

They spend some time walking and just speaking about small things. Jarod talks about Bard for a solid hour. Eventually, the spell starts to end

Remnii says: I believe it is time for me to wake up.
Jarod Shadowsong says: Yeah. It’s been nice to just be able to talk. I haven’t talked for so long since Shalasyr passed… I’m surprised I can do it.
Remnii says: You’re an excellent conversationalist. I’m happy I’ve been able to get to know you.
Jarod Shadowsong says: The feeling is mutual. I look forward to seeing you and your friends.
Remnii says: This is optional, but if you would like me to stop by again. Sometimes dreams can be dark.
Jarod Shadowsong says: You get used to them after a while.
Remnii says: That does not mean you have to experience them, even if you are used to them.

Jarod nods.

Jarod Shadowsong says: I suppose I am going to need to switch back to a diurnal schedule if I’m bringing you to Astranaar. It’ll be better for us to move during the day. But, don’t tax yourself. And it’ll take me a few days to adjust. Don’t tax yourself.
Remnii says: Well, I’ll bother you in a few days then. Thank you, Jarod.

The forest fades away, and Jarod nods.

June 20th

The day after the main group leaves, those with Naralex continue to work away. However, during a quiet moment, Naralex requests for Tol’vas to speak with him.

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Oh. Of course. I’ve been mentally preparing for this.
Naralex says: Don’t worry. You’re not on trial, but you are wielding the Scythe of Elune, and I’m curious how you ended up with it. I only know about it through stories. I wasn’t around during its creation, so I’m curious. What led to you having it?

Tol’vas sighs and then goes into the entire story, including the fact he’s a worgen.

Naralex says: I see… well. Looks like my circle is not the only one who has been through hell and back.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: With any luck, it’s the last one.
Naralex says: I’m not a lucky guy, as you might have noticed. But I suppose we can hope. And pray. But don’t worry, I’m not about to try and wrestle the scythe off of you or shove you in a tree. I’m not the one that should be deciding who is going to sleep. But… I don’t know if I can help you, and it’s obvious your intentions are good. Just be careful. I came very close to losing my circle. I came very close to losing myself. I think you’ve got better tools in your hands than I did. But… I’m sure there’s still some out there. Somewhere still trapped beyond that fog. Like you were. I can’t say much to the situation, but… that stick may not seem like much, but it may be the only way you can protect yourself.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Hopefully I won’t need to use it much.
Naralex says: I’m not so confident you’re that lucky of a guy either, Tol’vas.

He smirks.

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Can’t say that’s not one of my known attributes.
Naralex says: Do you mind if I see it?

Tol’vas hands it over, and Naralex looks it over with no small amount of awe. He runs his fingers along the blade.

Naralex says: This really belonged to an Ancient once… you don’t get to see them often, so this is pretty incredible.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: You used to see them more.

Tol’vas looks sad, and Naralex sighs.

Naralex says: The War of the Ancients cost us a lot… but they’re not gone. Not forever. They’re still over there, dreaming, and one day if they deem to, they may even come back. But until then… it falls to us to keep watch over everything they helped make. Everything they gave us. It’s funny…

He glances over to Zen’tabra and Seria.

Naralex says: I talked a lot to Zen’tabra. She, uh… the way she learned her magic wasn’t too much different from how Malfurion learned his. It’s… funny, how that can happen. It’s humbling. Sometimes it’s important for us to remember that nature belongs to all of us. It can be pretty easy for us to forget that. Myself included.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Zen'tabra seems like she’s the first to remind us.
Naralex says: it’ll be a miracle if I can still stand her once she leaves us and stops gracing us with her rather loud presence. But I can’t deny she’s powerful. And the fact she’s learned so much in such a small time… it makes you realize we can’t get comfortable with what we learned, can we?
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I think that charge, that gift that gave us a long life… I think it slowed us down a bit too.
Naralex says: Yeah. I never lived before, so I can’t say for certain. But I can definitely say that the thought of a year passing being measurable is… so strange. There’s a lot we can learn from them. And people like the rest of your friends. Yet another reason for me to thank you for pulling me from that dark place.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Well. I’ve been there too. I don’t want others to suffer through it.
Naralex says: Cheers to that. Well, I think I’ve been sitting still long enough, and if I keep talking I’ll get too introspective. You put in plenty of time for today. I guess now you tend to favor the more lupine elements of the world, but if you want a circle, the circle of the fang is seeking new membership.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I suppose if Lady Tyrande doesn’t murder me on sight, that may be an option.
Naralex says: Good luck with that.

Naralex takes his leave and continues to work. He has not been sleeping at all. Some of the waking druids also thank Tol’vas, and Seria, and Broll for aiding them out of their dark places. The waking Sentinels leave after some time to report back to Ashenvale, while the druids continue to rebuild their circle.

Remnii gets a late start the next morning, and Vel spends some time teaching Uther the enhance ability spell. It takes him a bit to learn it. As they are working at it, Aramar shows up and finds everyone--including Remnii who is toddling around, a bit sleepy following her altered schedule to reach Jarod.

Aramar has some bags under his eyes, like he didn’t sleep much.

Aramar Thorne says: Guys. Team meeting.
Remnii says: Are you okay? You look tired.
Aramar Thorne says: Yeah. Hm. We’re good. I learned some things.

He holds out a cup of coffee to Vel.

Aramar Thorne says: I don’t know if you had any, but you might need it.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I always need it.

She takes the mug.

Aramar Thorne says: So, you’re probably all wondering why I called you here this morning.

He stops his pacing for dramatic effect.

Aramar Thorne says: I think I figured out who this Malus guy is.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I’m listening.
Aramar Thorne says: So, long story short, Charnas, one of the goblins we saw. He’s a huge inspiration. He’s painted birds all across Azeroth. My father left one of his books behind. I got into art through that. But, apparently I have an uncle. I didn’t know it. Makasa didn’t know about this.

Makasa shakes her head.

Makasa Flintwill says: I didn’t, and I’m adding that to my list of reasons to slap Greydon next time I see him.
Aramar Thorne says: Might join you on that.

Aramar puts his hands back on the table.

Aramar Thorne says: But apparently, my father and my uncle came here over 20-some years ago before I was born. When this place was being established. Charnas was here because he was an investor and he’s the official illustrator for MEGA--an engineering guild of engineers across Azeroth. He was drawing some things, schematics and the like, and Gazlowe--his cousin--did some architectural work. They met my father and Silverlaine, my uncle. The second time Charnas met my father was several years later. And it was just him. Silverlaine was missing or was just gone. Apparently Greydon was dodgy about what happened to his brother, but they fought. I asked a bit more, and when I showed this sketch…

He opens his book to the sketch of Malus.

Aramar Thorne says: He said this kind of looks like him. Now, that’s not a 100 percent, but there’s a possibility.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Well, that’s probably an easy confirmation provided he’s not shielded from divination…

She looks at Remnii.

Remnii says: I do not have it prepared today, but tomorrow we can see.
Aramar Thorne says: You think we could try and find him?
Remnii says: Well…

Remnii looks back to Vel.

Remnii says: Pending on of we can scry upon him, if we can find a location for him it would be feasible. If it was done correctly, and if the factors were true.
Velameestra Windrunner says: There are ways we could potentially narrow it down anyway.
Aramar Thorne says: Okay! I was kind of up all night thinking about a lot of things. So, I don’t know… Look. I don’t know if they fought. But, this all seems… There’s something here, I’m not crazy right?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Many times coincidences aren’t actually coincidences, they’re more like patterns.
Remnii says: For such a big new world, I am quickly learning it is very small.
Velameestra Windrunner says: f they were feuding, and this Hidden has something out for your father, this does seem like it connects.
Aramar Thorne says: And those assassins got away. They know I’m here. But that’s about it… Uh. I got some autographs? Haha. But. Thanks, I guess I needed some ideas. We’ll try that. As long as you’re okay with that. I don’t want to bother. But if this can be some clue to find something about all this.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Ultimately, unless Kilnar has some sort of scrying apparatus, we may need to wait until we reconvene with Seria.
Aramar Thorne says: Right! Right.
Velameestra Windrunner says: But at least we can narrow some things down in the meanwhile.
Remnii says: I do need to find some more diamonds all and all. But I do not spend money on a lot of things, turns out. If there is something that we can use for that around, or if I can buy one, it may be good to have anyway.
Aramar Thorne says: I can help you look.

Remnii snaps her fingers.

Remnii says: Actually! Something I was able to finish up yesterday.

She produces the vial for Vel.

Remnii says: With this being done, I am free besides spending time with the Ati-kaso. So perhaps we can spend some time looking for that. Or finding the components at least. And being able to move forward with that. There are times I know I will not be in the vicinity of Seria. And thus, having a scrying mirror or something of my own might not be a bad idea.

Vel takes the vial.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Thank you Remnii, this is very nice. Ultimately there are also some things that can be offloaded that we don’t need to be carrying around. A trip to the market may not hurt. I believe the general consensus is that we will figure this out.
Aramar Thorne says: Okay. Honestly? That’s better than what I had.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Which if you feel you’re able to pass out, I suggest it. I don’t recommend staying up much. Not anymore anyway.

Vel sips her coffee.

Aramar Thorne says: Yeah, I’m going to likely crash at some point.
Remnii says: Please make sure you get some rest.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Alright, for the time being, as you call it, Team Meeting is adjourned.
Aramar Thorne says: Yeah, yeah. Team meeting adjourned. And to make this official, in the place of our friendly neighborhood Blood Serpent- Death Adders!
Uther Menethil says: Death Adders!

Vel goes to Aramar for a second.

Velameestra Windrunner says: For what it’s worth, I empathize with stressing over new information. If it’s any consolation, finding single thing to focus on is helpful. Or something mindless. Repeating words or hand gestures. Anything you can think of.
Aramar Thorne says: Training. That’s the first thing I can think of.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Do you want me to spar with you?
Uther Menethil calls, in the background: YEAH! THAT’S WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT

Remnii smiles.

Aramar Thorne says: Sure, I don’t want to take up too much of your time. I won’t use this…

He points to the diamond blade’s hilt.

Velameestra Windrunner says: That’s appreciated.
Remnii says: And this time I’m just going to watch!

And they spar.

June 20th - June 25th

Tol’vas spends much of his time mapping out a solid few miles of the Overgrowth. It is going on pretty indefinitely. When he went out with one of the druids that had been saved, however, the druid had gotten into trouble and got killed. Ebru was not happy and lashed out and blamed Tol’vas, and Tol’vas’s temper got the better of him. Naralex had to break them up, and nothing further acute happened--but Ebru had been avoiding Tol’vas since, their relationship rather strained.

Riff, Zen’tabra, and Seria, meanwhile, had been investigating the Nightmare and the effects of it. They were able to determine that the affliction that had struck the Wailing Caverns is, in fact, the Emerald Nightmare. Its source is from the Emerald Dream, but is not of the Emerald Dream originally. It has spread, and is very difficult to detect.

The effects in the Wailing Caverns have some similarities. They are confident the Nightmare corruption has been dissipated, but there is an abundance of life energy infusing the natural world of the Overgrowth, and there is some volatility--but at least there is no Nightmare.

However, the source of the Nightmare seems to be from Shadow, which is corrupting life magic.

Tol’vas also asks Naralex about the entities that he had summoned--creatures that Tol’vas himself was only vaguely familiar with.

Naralex says: I believe I’ve heard of such creatures. The Wild Hunt I know of, at least in concept. But they are a mystery to me, largely. The entities you described… they sound like a creature called a sylvar. A storied creature I learned when I was an apprentice. They are said to dwell in a place called the Moonlit Fields--one of many names. It’s true name is unknown to me. There are a lot of theories about them and other entities in the Wild Hunt. Some say the spirits of powerful druids become them, or they are satyrs risen above their corruption, or satyrs are corrupted sylvar spirits in night elf bodies. Others think there are no connections at all. What I can say is if they answered your call, I would say it’s an omen of good--others would say the opposite. Some would believe you would be destined for strife, and some would say that’s not a bad thing. If you are able to call upon them again sometime, you can ask them, though I doubt they’ll share much. Beings from beyond the veil tend to be cryptic on a good day.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Yeah, it seems like the longer something is alive, the more cryptic they get.
Naralex says: If I get that bad, give me a solid slap in the face.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I’ll consider it.
Naralex says: Thank you, my friend.

Vel sends several sendings to Locus-Walker. None of them reach him.

Vel updates Astalor that adaptations are happening and she can recover mana now without sleep. He says that’s wonderful news, but that she should not use that as an excuse for the times she can rest. She tells him that due to the exhaustion she’s experiencing he won’t have to worry.

Vel and Uther then try the enhance ability stunt to try to reach Victor. Uther casts the [Enhance Ability] spell for 8 hours. As she tries to push through, it’s weird. It seems harder this time. The sheer exhaustion that was pushing her onwards isn’t there this time. It’s getting easier, but there is still work to do. She comes out of her trance and looks at Uther.

Velameestra Windrunner says: I wasn’t able to get through.
Uther Menenthil says: We’ll get it Vel.

The second night after Vel managed to make her resting place, she does her morning routines and stretches, and she somehow feels her limberness fully returned. She does a few test swings with her sword, and the dexterity of her blade and her body is even better than it was… since before the hex had taken hold.

Kel'Thuzad says [telepathically]: You seem to be in good spirits, Vel
Velameestra Windrunner says [telepathically]: I think it’s hold is gone.
Kel'Thuzad says [telepathically]: Is that so? Well. That’s fantastic news. Doubly so because I feel the hex retaining it’s strength. I don’t believe it’ll be able to prey on you any longer. And it will take some time before it will be able to regain its full strength. If you were not able to regain your strength before it returned it likely would have been harder. So I suppose this is cause for celebration.
Velameestra Windrunner says [telepathically]: I suppose it is.

Vel examines her sword, and decides to treat herself by having her sword enchanted.

Vel sees the simple tent, the tauren that Remnii and Tol’vas had likely spoken with before, two dwarves, and a high elf. He is hammering into a blade he is tending to, and Vel notes a goblin near a table that seems to be taking care of some orders. Vel asks him about getting an enchantment transferred and goblin tells her to talk to the mithral kid.

Goblin Ordertaker says: Mr. Lighthammer, there’s someone here who wants your help. He’s the expert on enchantments

The elf holds up a finger before putting the sword aside to cool. Then he heads over, taking a long drink of water.

Trenton Lighthammer says: Greetings ma’am, what can I help you with?
Velameestra Windrunner says: I was hoping to get the enchantment transferred from this to this.

She shows the two blades.

Trenton Lighthammer says: That shouldn’t be too much trouble. Should take me a few days. Do you need this on an express or do you have a couple of days?

Vel recognizes the surname Lighthammer, as it is one of the most renowned families of smiths in elven history. Luminarian being the most famous one who forged the Crown of Silvermoon, Felo’malorn and the armor that Kael’thas now wore.

Velameestra Windrunner says: We’re leaving on the 25th.
Trenton Lighthammer says: Oh, I should be able to finish it by then.
Velameestra Windrunner says: It would be most appreciate. But, sorry. Curiosity, you’re not related to Luminarian, are you?

The elf gets bashful.

Trenton Lighthammer says: Yes, uh, technically. I’m not as good as he was or anything like that. But yeah. The family sort of declined, and eventually stopped smithing all together. I’m one of the first ones to pick up a hammer in a while believe it or not. But yeah, don’t worry I’m not going to charge you extra or something like that. All of our prices are fair for the work we do.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Don’t worry, that wasn’t a concern. I was just curious.

He’s bashful now that it’s been brought up.

Trenton Lighthammer says: Yeah… uh. I’m not even the most talented smith here. I just have a gift for magical enchantments. But could I get your name for the order?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Velameestra Windrunner.
Trenton Lighthammer says: What like those Windrunners?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Yes, like those Windrunners.
Trenton Lighthammer says: Oh! Well it’s a, uh, pleasure to meet you miss Windrunner. I will, uh, do everything I can to make sure that it is up to Windrunner standards of quality. I uh... Will warn you I’ve never made a blade for someone like a Windrunner before. I should be able to handle it.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I assure you it’s no different from making a blade for anyone else.

Still bashful, he chuckles.

Trenton Lighthammer says: Well, I can only hope it’ll be up to your standards. You can pick it up in a couple of days. I should warn you. Are you attached to this blade at all?

He points to the short sword.

Velameestra Windrunner says: No, if it needs to go in the trash then by all means.
Trenton Lighthammer says: Good. I should be able to preserve it. But there’s a chance the blade will not take to having the enchantment removed and in which case I’ll have to destroy it. 150 gold should be sufficient. But for the opportunity to make a blade for a Windrunner? 100 gold should cover it.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Understood, thank you.
Trenton Lighthammer says: You can pay now or later once you’ve recuperated your funds.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I can pay now, don’t worry.

Vel pays 150 gold plus tip.

Trenton Lighthammer says: Oh… thank you. You really didn’t have to give me this much. But I know better then to reject a tip. I’ll get this ready for you as soon as I can.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Appreciated, I’ll be back in a few days then.
Trenton Lighthammer says: Of course. Anu’belore.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Anu’belore.

She returns after a couple of days. He presents both of the blades, the long sword has a new scabbard. It’s adorned with bits of gold and other elements and colors, including simple small gemstones that match her outfit.

Trenton Lighthammer says: Here you are. I made a couple of adjustments to the scabbard as an added thank you for the opportunity and the generous tip.
Velameestra Windrunner says: You didn’t need to, but thank you.
Trenton Lighthammer says: True, but you didn’t need to give me such a generous tip either. So I suppose we’re even. But go on, give it a swing.

Vel uses a bladesong. The blade hums with magic, drawing the attention of some of the other smiths. She can feel the magic coming from it. As she holds it in her hand, it begins to glow a soft arcane blue.

Trenton Lighthammer says: So, what do you think?
Velameestra Windrunner says: I think you’re too modest. This is good work.
Galvan says: That’s what I told him!

A dirty looking white-haired dark-iron dwarf appears, smacking Trenton Lighthammer on the back

Galvan says: The boy’s far too modest for a man of his talents! After all, he learned from the best!
Trenton Lighthammer says: Thank you, master. You’re too kind. You too Miss Windrunner. Thank you again for this opportunity. I hope it can serve you well.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I have no doubt it will.
Trenton Lighthammer says: And if you need anything else, please, we’re always open. We at the Mithril Order are always seeking to push our talents and skills. And to craft items for those who would use them for good, as no doubt a woman from the Windrunner family would, is an honor. But thank you again. And I know I’ve said that far to many times now and I imagine it’s gotten awkward.

The dwarf laughs and leaves. Vel sheaths the sword, and smirks.

Velameestra Windrunner says: I’ll let you get back to your work. Thank you, Sir Lighthammer.

He smiles.

Uther approaches Kilnar, and she offers a warm smile.

Kilnar Goldensworn says: Your highness, what do I owe the pleasure.
Uther Menethil says: Uther here will be sufficient.
Kilnar Goldensworn says: I suppose so. What can I help you with?
Uther Menethil says: Well. You’re a knowledgeable woman, and one with an affinity for curiosities.
Kilnar Goldensworn says: Quite true! As the Reliquary, and the Seeker of Wisdom, it is my duty.
Uther Menethil says: Well, on our travels, I came across something that might interest you.

Uther produces the fragments of the glaive that had been uncovered. Kilnar looks curiously.

Kilnar Goldensworn says: My my. What do we have here.
Uther Menethil says: We believe this to have been a weapon used by the Burning Legion the first time they assaulted.
Kilnar Goldensworn says: Yet a decent condition beyond the battle damage…
Uther Menethil says: Well, thanks to myself and my comrades, we were able to do this to it. I can’t help but wonder if perhaps this material might be repurposed.
Kilnar Goldensworn says: It’s… possible. There could be some dangers to it, despite it’s dormant state, but… there are some things such metals can be used for. I suppose the question is this. Are you looking to sell it--or do you want to explore those options yourself in spite of any dangers?
Uther Menethil says: I would like to explore the options. Selling it bears the risk of it falling into the wrong hands again.
Kilnar Goldensworn says: Very wise, and very true.
Uther Menethil says: And of course, at this point, it may be rendered an exotic trinket… but if this could somehow aid us in fighting this enemy, I would know.

Kilnar smiles.

Kilnar Goldensworn says: Very well. An offer for you. If you leave this here, I will have our best examiners take a closer look at it. We’ll learn if there’s anything that could be done, but that information would be free for the Reliquary to use as deemed necessary--though you of course would be the one to decide how this item is used. Is that efficacious to you?
Uther Menethil says: Most agreeable. I don’t imagine anything ill would come from such information, and it would be unreasonable to expect you not to keep such knowledge.
Kilnar Goldensworn says: Of course. At least knowledge of these weapons may let us prepare.

Kilnar holds a hand out, and Uther shakes it.

Uther Menethil says: Even if that is all that is gained from this, it will be worthwhile. Thank you.
Kilnar Goldensworn says: Of course, Uther. And if you find anything else, you could always bring it back here. There is much to be learned of such curiosities.

Kilnar takes the glaive pieces.

Remnii had also managed to touch base with the Ati-kaso, checking in on Gotri and the others.

Gotri says: Remnii! It’s wonderful to see you back again!
Remnii says: Gotri, it’s good to see you. How are you? Is everything going well?
Gotri says: Nevermind us, you’re going around the countryside. Everything is fine. Some people have gotten jobs around the area.

Gotri explains a lot of people were just continuing with the Reliquary. Given the goblin workers, most had stopped doing construction work. One of the krokul women had started to generate some popularity in singing, and others had joined the Mithril Order smiths.

Gotri says: Livii is… doing better. Still a long way to recover. Losing your sister… there’s a lot. But between you and I, Deremos and she have been spending a good deal of time together, and I think it’s good for them. Not to spread gossip, but there are claims that they were holding hands. Whether or not there is truth to this is not for me to concern myself with. But if they can find companionship… it would be good for them.

Remnii is beaming, radiating joy.

Remnii says: This was a hard-won road to be here. But to see you all flourish.

Remnii sniffles.

Remnii says: I’m grateful. So thankful.

Gotri smiles.

Gotri says: You may have put us through much, Remnii, but I think we all put each other through just as much. We wouldn’t be here were it not for you, for all the good and bad. We learned a great deal. Our people are stronger now together than we ever were before you and Yrel and Samaara.
Remnii says: The feeling is always mutual. We are better with family.
Gotri says: I agree. If Ahonan was here, he would probably say something like “Not all who wander are lost” but I do not have all the witty one-liners he did.
Remnii says: I would not call them witty. Perhaps inspiring or things to take to heart.
Gotri says: Regardless.

Gotri sets his hands on either side of her face.

Gotri says: You are a gift, Remnii, and all those we have lost would say the same. And those who have yet to be found, I believe they would agree. And if not, then you will convince them otherwise.

Remnii grips Gotri’s hands and starts to cry, then wipes away the tears.

Remnii says: I never got to talk to you much when we first arrived. Before you were injured. But.. I think you have a way with words all yourself.
Gotri says: This is essentially just my best impression of Ahonan.
Remnii says: I think you have rubbed off on each other.
Gotri says: There is nothing to cry about. Who could say no to your face?

They hug, and Remnii cries for a bit as they embrace joyfully.

She also shares some news from things she has heard of. She also informs them of the news that she had received that Thelamis and Kaviir’s child had been born healthy, and was somewhere in a middle ground between krokul and draenei.

As the group shops around, their tour of Gadgetzan takes them to some of the back alleys through a combination of instinct and a few people’s suggestions. There is a small shop, unmarked and unnamed.

Tae'shara Sunwatcher says: Oh. You think that’s the place?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Likely as good a shot as any.

The group heads inside. There is no door--it’s just a simple beaded curtain. Inside is a small shop with all sorts of strange, magic curios. There are no windows inside. Everything is lit by candles.

Aramar Thorne says: Uh, hello?

Remnii hears a hiss next to her, and Remnii shrieks and jumps back. There is a reasonably long, bright green boa that is right next to her. Somehow, she hadn’t seen it.

There is laughter.

Amused Voice says: Nothin’ to be afraid of. He don’t bite! After all.

A curtain swoops aside, and a jungle troll steps out.

Jungle Troll Woman says: He be a constrictor.

She has a single stripe of violet paint down her face, and she has long, braided hair, and her mantle has skulls of birds and reptiles. He midriff shows with a draping skirt, and she has baubles and talismans hanging from her waist. She steeples her fingers.

Jungle Troll Woman says: Welcome. My name is Madame Lazul. Welcome to my humble little emporium here.

She makes a clicking sound, and the snake returns to the troll woman and drapes around her shoulders. The woman plops down on a chair, shoving things aside.

Madame Lazul says: What can I do for ya?
Remnii says: Sorry for the noise.
Madame Lazul says: Nothin’ to be sorry for.
Remnii says: Uh, well. I am in the market for a scrying mirror.
Madame Lazul says: Oh. Ya wish to see what your eyes can’t see? Do a little bit of spying… now you got me curious. What are dealing with here, mon? Sworn enemies? Distant lovers? Long lost twin sister?

Remni freezes for a second, as does Vel.

Remnii says: Well. Long lost family.
Madame Lazul says: How attached are you to the mirror, darlin’?
Remnii says: I guess that depends on what you have.
Madame Lazul says: That depends on what you have in that little purse of yours. We have all sorts of things here. Madame Lazul collects, ya know.

The troll swoops around and grabs something in a violet cloth, and she whispers to it, before revealing a glistening crystal ball.

Madame Lazul says: Ya look like a crystal ball may suit ya. Though I may be biased. There be all sorts of scrying orbs that let ya see things ya weren’t supposed to see. But this one… this one is a bit special. This was my first crystal ball. Madame Lazul did the first scrying on this one! Now, Madame Lazul has since upgraded.

She gestures to a purple crystal ball.

Madame Lazul says: But this one has served Madam Lazul well. Despite everythin’, she always be lookin’ for interesting things. Perhaps I can part with this. Ya look pretty skilled. I see the powers of the Light be radiating, and I’m sure you can handle things with a mirror. But this baby…

She taps the crystal ball.

Madame Lazul says: She handles the heavy lifting for ya. As long as you treat her nicely.

Remnii thinks for a moment, and she realizes the item is a true crystal ball--not just a scrying orb. However, while attuned, one can cast [Scrying] while touching it.

Madame Lazul says: I got regular ones too, I suppose, if this is not of interest…
Remnii says: You know I am interested.
Madame Lazul says: I be aware, darlin’. Somethin’ like this will cost ya.
Remnii says: I believe I can pay.
Madame Lazul says: Do ya? How ya be talkin’?

Remnii digs into her bag and produces a large mushroom. The troll looks at it with perplexity.

Madame Lazul says: What the hell be that?
Remnii says: I’m not sure if you noticed the presence of the draenei here in Gadgetzan, but we are not from Azeroth. This is something from our homeworld. It can do a myriad of things, including explode.

Madame Lazul’s eyes flash purple, and she casts [Identify].

Madame Lazul says: That’s very interestin’, mon. I think that be a good start…
Remnii says: I was going to suggest a dual payment of the seed spore and gemstones as well.
Madame Lazul says: That be an awful lot of gemstones unless ya be packing some cold hard coins… for just cash, I’d say about 35,000…. But… ya got my curiosity with this trinket of yours. I’d be willing to thank this off your hands and lower the price to 25,000… unless ya got something else interesting.
Velameestra Windrunner says: How do you feel about hydra parts?
Madame Lazul says: I can use that. How about this… we add all your gemstones, and these parts, and a game of chance. If you win, you get the ball regardless. But if I win, I get something of my own. We’ll call it a favor from the future. This trinket of yours, plus 10,000 of whatever else you can get. And one little game. I’ll even throw in the velvet cloth. Ya got to be careful ya don’t burn your house down.
Tae'shara Sunwatcher says: Hang on. What game we talking about here?
Madame Lazul says: What else?

Madame Lazul shows a deck of hearthstone cards.

Velameestra Windrunner says: ...She plays Hearthstone.
Madame Lazul says: Of course I do. It’s all the rage. Best two out of three. What do you think?
Tae'shara Sunwatcher says: Well, I can pitch in if ya want this.
Remnii says: I will not make you go out of your way.
Madame Lazul says: What do ya think?
Remnii says: As much as I would like to, I am also in need of other provisions--
Madame Lazul says: 8,000. 7,500.

Remnii bows respectfully.

Remnii says: Thank you for your time--
Madame Lazul says: 7,000? Ah, you’re no fun.

She mutters in another language at the ball, and covers it.

Madame Lazul says: I understand. I suppose if you want something more run of the mill… I can see to it. I got other things, if you need them?

The group opts to sell the monster parts to the troll regardless. Remnii also gets a mundane scrying orb.